boy of science

Chapter 135 "Life is too short, hurry up and fall in love, girl."

Chapter 135 "Life is too short, hurry up and fall in love, girl."

To be or not to be, this is a question worth pondering.

Black silk or white silk, this is also a question worth thinking about.

While Tekjori and Yomikawa Aiho were patrolling hard in the heat, Byakuya was admiring Hatsune Miku's black silk and Shokuhou Misaki's white silk.

Having nothing to do, he disrupted the original physical examination plan and ran over to check the body of the Hatsune Miku he made.

It turned out that Shokuhou Misaki was here to play with Dory.

It's summer now, and the temperature has been quite high recently, and the two of them have relatively weak physiques, which are not suitable for running around outside, so they hide at home and blow on the air conditioner.

I don't know what game they were playing, but when Bai Ye opened the door and came in, the three girls were disheveled, allowing him to feast his eyes.

Shokuhou Misaki probably likes lace very much.

White knee socks with lace, white gloves with lace, white panties with lace.

Underwear was not able to see.

The sudden benefits made Bai Ye feel very good, but he still wanted to complain: the girl will give you the benefits when you open the door. Isn't this the scene routine of animation and comics many years ago?
Of course, the complaints belong to the complaints, and the eyes will still be aimed at Shokuhou Misaki.

Why only watch Shokuhou Misaki?

Because she is the only normal human girl in the whole room.

Faced with such a situation, Hatsune Miku, who is a puppet, has a calm face, while Dolly feels a little pleasantly surprised by his arrival.

Shokuhou Misaki was different, she straightened her clothes quickly, her face was flushed, she was a little bit ashamed and embarrassed, but she couldn't say anything.

But Bai Ye gave her a thumbs up to show her appreciation: "It's great when Lace is fat."


The girl didn't respond, but her eyes flickered a few times, maybe she was considering whether to use the ability to erase the memories related to Bai Ye.

Of course it didn't work out in the end.

Here, Bai Ye chatted with Dolly a few words to explain the purpose of coming, and then took Hatsune Miku to the bedroom to do whatever he wanted.

After the physical examination and adjustments were done for the doll girls, Bai Ye came out to chat and play with them, while thinking about the question: Which one is more worth licking, black silk or white silk?
The first answer I got was: no matter black or white, only good silk can be licked by him.

Soon I got another standard answer: all of them.


The temperature drops after nightfall.

It's a pity that the drop is not much, only a little.

After finally finishing his work, Tekkanori followed Koizumikawa Aiho to the public bath for a comfortable bath as usual.

But there was one thing that was different from usual: Huang Quanchuan Aiho was having a heart-to-heart talk with her.

"You've been a little out of order for the past two days, especially today. You were late, you were taken hostage, and you were almost fooled by the students into playing games."


"Although he wasn't a very good guard before, but this is too lax, right?"


Tie Zhuanli, who was in a low mood, admitted his mistake honestly and did not defend himself.

After taking a bath, I went to a supper stand to eat, but Koizumikawa Aiho's preaching continued.

"Listen well, Tiezhuang, your weakness is too cowardly, stand up for me, you have to cheer up to win!"

"That's right, cheer up."

Yueyong Xiaomeng, who was beside her, also chimed in and poured wine for her with a wine bottle.

Huang Quanchuan Aiho took aim at her colleague and friend.

"I said, iron suit."


"If you have any troubles, you can talk to me."



It seems to be there and it seems not to be, and the iron decoration itself can't tell clearly.

Anyway, the last few days I have been unable to cheer up.

Yueyong Xiaomeng, who was gnawing on a pig's elbow, looked at Tie Zhuangli again: "Are you troubled by love?"

"...No, I can't say I have any troubles."

Tie Fuli shook his head lightly.

After drinking half a glass of wine, Huang Quanchuan Aiho continued to ask: "Then why do you keep making mistakes?"

Hearing this, Iron Decoration admitted his mistake again: "I'm sorry."

Yueyong Xiaomeng continued the topic: "That's right, life is short, hurry up and fall in love, girl."

Tie Zhuang, who has never been in love, can indeed be regarded as a "girl".

"in love……"

Tie Zhuang, who is busy with work, does not have the leisure time to fall in love.

But maybe there is still something to look forward to?
Huang Quanchuan Aiho didn't talk about continuing to be in love, and asked instead: "By the way, Iron Suit, what are you interested in?"


"Even if it's not a hobby, it's fine, do something you like, anything is fine, let go of the restraint, enjoy yourself, relax and change your mood."

"Let go of the shackles, enjoy yourself..."

Tie Zhuo muttered a few words softly, and couldn't help but let out a sigh.

How could it be so easy to let go of the bondage?


People always need to bear all kinds of constraints.

From law to morality, from parents to spouses to children, from physical bondage to spiritual bondage.

But Bai Ye seems to be very free, because he doesn't care about those constraints.

That boy didn't take this kind of thing seriously at all.

No parents, no spouse, and no children.

After all, he was born as an abandoned child, and he was still a child.

Although Tie Zhuang felt that Bai Ye sometimes behaved very maturely, but sometimes he was very childish.

The boy was full of contradictions.

He obviously always tells dirty jokes, and even behaves like a pervert, but his eyes look very innocent and pure.

Every meeting will take advantage of her, but it can make her feel at ease.

That boy seems to have a special "magic power".

It's a pity that I haven't seen Bai Ye in the past few days.

Back home, I stayed outside on the balcony drinking canned beer and watching the night view of Academy City.

After a long time, he sighed again.


Life is really...


What a mess.


The naturally dull Chunshang Jinyi basically doesn't think about it, and lives her simple daily life very simply.

It's just that I've been a little busy recently: I have to prepare for the transfer of schools.

Every day, I would go to the seventh school district, visit those schools that are sure to be admitted, and ask a very important question by the way.

"Is there a student here called 'White Night'?"

The answer, of course, is: no.

Because she didn't find the right school.

She didn't give up for the time being, but planned to transfer all the selected schools.

Today's school is...

"Zachuan Middle School."

It was just an ordinary middle school, and it didn't seem to have any characteristics.

Chun Shangjinyi wrote down the address, took the necessary items, left the dormitory and took the tram to the seventh school district.

Sit in your car and open your own pendant to see a picture of your best friend.


I can often hear Tsunari Edasaki's voice recently, but the other party just asks for help and doesn't give the exact address.

Maybe Edemi didn't even know himself?


The seventh school district, Zhachuan Middle School.

Teacher Dayu was in charge of receiving Chunshang Jinyi, and he happened to be on duty today.

Just as I was about to introduce the situation of the school, I heard a question from a student: "I would like to ask, is there a student named Bai Ye here?"

"...There is indeed a student named Bai Ye, do you know him?"

"Is he not receptive to ability development?"


"Then I've decided, teacher."

The girl was very serious: "I want to transfer to this school."

(End of this chapter)

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