boy of science

Chapter 137 "Don't play with food."

Chapter 137 "Don't play with food."

"Necklace? Are there any characteristics?"

"The one with the photos in it."

"Oh, it's a pendant."


"That's the name of the necklace that can hold photos."

Speaking in this way, Tie Zhuang found that the girl was just looking at her quietly, and the expression on her face suddenly changed from a smile to shock.

"No way, don't children call it like that now?!"


"...well, the necklace."

The iron suit chooses to surrender.

I just couldn't help sighing and doubting: Have I lost touch with the times?
In any case, as a teacher and security officer, you can't just leave troubled students alone.

"Did it fall near here?"


"Then let me help you find it together."

He patted himself on the chest in the iron suit, and then began to search everywhere.

Under benches, under cars, under vending machines, etc.

But did not see the existence of the necklace.


As soon as I said this, I suddenly found that the ground seemed to be shaking.


Noticing the abnormality, he didn't think much of it, and huddled under the bench directly.

Although earthquakes occur frequently, although they are basically small earthquakes that will not cause damage, what if?
There is an old saying next door: Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

Chunshang Jinyi didn't seem to notice the "earthquake" problem, but searched around, because he heard the voice of his friend again.

The friend couldn't find it, but saw the necklace he dropped.

"Is there an earthquake just now?"

"Is there? Illusion."


The conversation of the students passing by made Tie Zhuangli sober.

Climbing out from under the bench, looking around suspiciously, Chun Shang Jinyi walked in front of her again, stretching out his hand to reveal his necklace.

"I found it, now."

"Eh? Really? That's good."

It is a good thing that the dropped necklace can be found.

Just looking at the girl in front of him, Tie Zhuang suddenly felt suspicious.

"By the way, which school are you from..."

Just when she wanted to ask clearly, the girl turned and left without saying a word.


Tie Zhuang yelled twice, but the other party didn't intend to stop at all.

Looking at the girl's back, she finally chose to give up.

"never mind."

It doesn't matter anyway.


It was rare to have enough food, so Index kept eating without any intention of stopping.

She really doesn't understand "polite".

Ji Shen Qiusha used "don't disturb her to eat, let her eat as much as she wants" as an excuse, got up and sat down beside Bai Ye.

It seems like this can get closer to the boy.

Seeing the little nun's eating appearance, Jigami Qiusha also praised: "Her eating appearance is really cute."

"It's alright, just so-so."

Bai Ye, who propped his head with one hand and played with the straw with the other, expressed that he wasn't good enough.

"If you want to say it's cute, it's even cuter in the skirt. When you see her eating, you can't help but feed her."

"……Who is that?"

"A little girl."

Bai Ye used a straw to stir the drink in the glass, but he didn't mind explaining a few words.

"I spent a few months in the nursing facility of the No.19 school district before, where she was brought up, a naturally dull, cute little girl in every way."

Looking at Bai Ye's expression that seemed to be nostalgic for the past, Ji Shen Qiusha couldn't help asking: "Do you like her?"

"Huh? Well, I really like it."

Bai Ye nodded in acknowledgment.

Suddenly the subject changed, and he said with a smile: "What's so strange about this, I like you a lot too."

Isn't it normal to like beautiful and cute girls?

Of course, this is just "appreciation" liking, and does not involve those feelings between men and women.

But Hime Kami Akisa couldn't help his heart beating faster when he heard these words, and his fair cheeks flushed.


"excuse me."

Just about to say something, the waiter suddenly came here with food, put down the food and took away the empty plate.

"Please enjoy."

Ji Kami Qiusha watched the waiter leave, and waited for her to walk away before looking at the boy beside him.

Bai Ye picked up the cylindrical fried food on the dinner plate, studied it for a while, and then showed a slightly strange smile.

Then, he stuffed the fried food into Index's mouth.

"Come on, eat this."


Index's mouth was already stuffed with food, and the fried food blocked her mouth, making her unable to speak at all.

The meaning of "umm" probably means: it's already full, can't eat anymore?
But Bai Ye insisted on stuffing it into her mouth.

So amidst the little nun's voice of refusal, the stick of fried food suddenly exploded from the middle, and the cream wrapped in it sprayed her face directly.


Jigami Qiusha was expressionless, but only reminded: "Don't play with food."

Shameful waste.


The little nun, who rarely had a full meal, expressed her gratitude to Bai Ye, and then she left home contentedly with the dinner that Bai Ye had packed for her.

But before leaving, at Bai Ye's request, he signed his name on the invoice.

Bai Ye put away the invoice.

Ji Shen Qiusha, who was on the sidelines, expressed doubts: "What do you want this for? Can you ask someone to reimburse you?"

"Of course."

Bai Ye didn't hide anything, and directly expressed his thoughts: "When the time comes, I will take this to Kanzaki Kaori. With such a large amount, it is unreasonable for the girl not to take off the original fat one on the spot and give it to me as a collection."

" want a girl's fat times?"


Hearing the question, Bai Ye thought seriously: "That's it, it's really hard to answer if you ask me if I want it or not."

So far he's just talking, and he hasn't done too many strange things.

Except up skirts.

Moreover, Misaka Mikoto was the one who got offended the most by him, Uiharu played Lisa Tenruiko and they didn't add up a few times.

In a way, he is the king of strong mouth, talking but not practicing.

He didn't think too much, but looked at Ji Shen Qiusha with an ambiguous smile: "Why are you asking this, do you want to give me your original fat times?"

Ji Kami Qiusha didn't answer, and her expression was as calm as ever, making it hard to see what she was thinking.

Bai Ye didn't delve into it, but just took her for a stroll and chatted about some serious or strange topics.

Walking and walking, I suddenly came across the iron decoration that was patrolling.

"Hey, Zhuli, why are you patrolling alone today?"

"Classmate Bai Ye."

Seeing Bai Ye in the iron decoration with complicated mood and depressed mood, his spirit seemed to cheer up immediately.

But when he saw Miss Miko next to Bai Ye, he couldn't help being puzzled: "This is..."

Could it be a girlfriend?

It is not uncommon for middle school students to fall in love. After all, youth is just young, and there are no parents around.

Although there are teachers, how much can they manage?

What's more, in this country, it is not a problem for middle school students to fall in love.

But Bai Ye fell in love with a girl...

In Iron Decoration, I feel that my mood seems to be a little more complicated.

(End of this chapter)

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