boy of science

Chapter 138 "What chapter are you talking about?"

Chapter 138 "...What are you talking about?"

The length of life (span) is an issue that cannot be ignored.

White nights have a long lifespan, while ordinary human girls have a short lifespan.

Dozens of hundreds of years are nothing more than a flick of a finger to a Qi refiner who is in a perfect state.

That's why Bai Ye taught Prison Cai Haimei and Mai Ye Shenli to refine Qi, because he didn't want to change a group of subordinates in a few years, ten years, or at most decades.

Of course, in addition to longevity and ability, only the maid who is also a Qi refiner can help him do more things.

In terms of life expectancy, Hime Kami Akisa is just an ordinary human being, who will start to age after a dozen years, and will die in a few decades.

How can we fall in love like this?

Unless she also becomes a Qi Refiner.

Or become other long-lived existences, such as vampires, or demon gods in this world.

In short, the introduction to Iron Decoration is "Himigami Akisa, my friend".


Tie Zhuli nodded slightly, his expression a little dazed.

Of course it is good not to be in a relationship, but it seems to be good to have a relationship, which can make him not so lonely.

Why do you feel that Bai Ye is lonely?
Because they are "abandoned children".

This is an objective description, and to some extent it is a good statement.

In Academy City, there is actually another bad term: discarding objects.

Not even considered a "human being".

In the eyes of some researchers, these abandoned children are indeed similar to guinea pigs.

Even the students in the entire Academy City are "experimental mice" in their eyes.

Let's not talk about these for now.

Tie Zhuangli doesn't object to Bai Ye's falling in love, but his mood will be a little complicated, as if he suddenly finds out that his child has grown up.

Although Bai Ye is not her child.

Because I understood it in my heart, I didn't say much, just chatted a few words and invited Bai Ye by the way.

"It's been a long time since you went to take a bath with us for supper, how about it, do you want to be together tonight?"

"Okay, I'll go find you after dark. Should I take a bath or eat first tonight?"

"Probably eat first."


After such an agreement was made, Bai Ye took Jishen Qiusha to leave.

Looking at his back in the iron costume, his mood became complicated again because he realized one thing.

"He didn't take advantage of me this time...he didn't even give me a hug."

In the past, when meeting Bai Ye, he would throw himself into her arms, and even bury his face in her chest.

That was taking advantage of her, she had a clear enough understanding of this, Huang Quanchuan Aiho had also reminded her many times.

But she didn't care.

On the one hand, it may be because of being inspired by "maternal brilliance".

On the other hand, it is because it feels very relaxed when being held by Bai Ye, and there is even a feeling of "physical and mental pleasure".

In the past few days, I have been very tired and have not been able to relax at all.

He raised his hand to touch his face, and then looked at the girl who was following Bai Ye.

Then I couldn't help expressing emotion.

"Am I old after all?"

Of course she is not old, just in her 20s.

But Bai Ye was only a teenager.


Sigh lightly.

Without saying any more, he turned around and continued his patrol mission.


The river of time never stops.

The vast majority of people have no way to stop or reverse time, and can only be dragged towards a future doomed to death.

The sun and the moon rotate, and night falls.

After parting from Hime Kami Akisa, Bai Ye came to the supper stall, chatted with the shop manager while eating and drinking, and it took a long time for the three of Aiho Huang Quanchuan to come here.

"It's you kid again."

Tie Zhuang probably didn't tell them in advance, so Ai Sui Huang Quanchuan and Xiao Meng Yue Yong felt quite surprised.

But they didn't say much, because they were already used to it.

Bai Ye, who is shameless and shameless, often comes here to eat and drink.

It is mainly in the iron decoration.

It is actually not accurate to say "crack", because there are many times when iron decorations take the initiative to treat guests.

That's it for tonight.

And the reason why she wanted to treat her was because when she first met, Bai Ye was completely reduced to the point where she "had no money to eat".

He who refused to accept ability development received very little living allowance, and he had no support from relatives and friends.

Parents will not have it.

Tie Zhuang is full of love, so he is often invited to dinner.

By the way, I can get some peace of mind and some physical and mental pleasure from him.

But tonight was completely out of reach.

Because Bai Ye still didn't throw herself into her arms, and didn't even sit with her, but sat between Huang Quanchuan Aisui and Yueyong Xiaomeng.

Tonight's Bai Ye behaved quite honestly, and Huang Quanchuan Aiho didn't preach to him.


"Uncle, here's an elbow."


The scene looked very lively.

But Iron Decoration didn't feel happy at all, instead he felt a little disappointed.

Fortunately, Huang Quanchuan Aiho soon hooked up with her and chatted.

"What's the matter, Tie Zhuang, are you still worried?"

"...Not at all."

"You've always been like this in the past few days. Don't think so much at this time. Come and drink. Didn't the ancient sages next door say that if you have wine today, you will be drunk today."

Although she is a physical education teacher, Aiho Huangquanchuan can still quote classics.

Maybe I heard someone else say it?
Bai Ye, who was talking to Yueyong Xiaomeng, turned her head to look at this side: "Did you encounter something unpleasant in Zhuli? Why don't you tell us to let us have fun."

"...What are you talking about, kid?"

"As the saying goes, other people's misfortune is my happiness..."


Huang Quanchuan Aiho, who was too lazy to complain, punched him directly, and then continued to talk with Tie Zhuo.

Bai Ye rubbed his beaten head and didn't say anything more.


Tonight's Huang Quanchuan Aiho is not drunk, so she doesn't need to be carried home in iron suits.

Yueyong Xiaomeng also went back to the apartment by herself.

Walking back to his residence in the iron suit, he was still thinking wildly along the way, not paying attention to the surrounding situation at all.

When I got back to the house, I found that there was still a young man by my side.

"Student Bai Ye, when did you follow me?!"

"...followed from the beginning."

Bai Ye replied.

Then he looked at her and expressed doubts: "What's the matter with you, you are absent-minded, did you break up in love?"

"...I'm not in love."

Iron Man shook his head.

After taking a few glances at Bai Ye, he didn't drive him back to the dormitory, but opened the door to let Bai Ye in as a guest.

"Actually, I don't have any troubles. It's just that it happens occasionally. Sudden depression and the like are probably because the weather is too hot and work is too busy."


I don't know if I can understand it, anyway, Bai Ye just nodded slightly, and followed her into the room.

While changing shoes in the iron decoration, he opened his hands to her.

"Then how about a hug? It can heal your soul."

(End of this chapter)

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