boy of science

Chapter 139 "Habit" Is Actually a Scary Thing

Chapter 139 "Habit" Is Actually a Scary Thing
Hugging him can make you feel refreshed and even happy physically and mentally. This is the benefit that Bai Ye specially gave to Iron Decoration.

After all, this girl took good care of him, and often invited him to take a bath for supper.

Tie Zhuoli really needed to relax, so he didn't refuse his embrace.

She buried her head in Bai Ye's arms.

In terms of height, it should be so.

The iron costume is quite short, about the same as little girls like Misaka Mikoto and Saten Ruiko.

Girls are in their teens and will continue to grow.

But there is no future in terms of "height" in iron decoration.


Holding the boy in the iron decoration feels like taking a panacea. The fatigue of the body quickly subsides, the dullness of the mind is soothed, and everything is comfortable from the inside out.

The inexplicable troubles disappeared, and I felt peaceful and peaceful in my heart.

It would be great if I could keep this state and sleep comfortably.

But the prerequisite for maintaining this state is Bai Ye's embrace.

Sleeping with Bai Ye...

No no no, this won't work.

She is a teacher, Bai Ye is a student, and men and women are different, how can they share the same bed?
If someone else finds out...

Maybe no one will know?

Speaking of it, it seems that it's okay to know, because that girl Yueyong Xiaomeng often picks up girls who run away from home...

Well, normal people wouldn't suspect anything about female teachers and female students.

Female teachers are different from male students.

Speaking of this, Tie Zhuoli suddenly remembered: "Student Jishen is the student who borrowed at Teacher Xiaomeng's house some time ago?"

She had never met Jigami Ayusa, and no one had mentioned the name recently, and she was troubled and tired, so she couldn't remember it all at once.

Thanks to Bai Ye's embrace, his thoughts are much clearer now.

"Well, it's her."

Speaking of the past, Bai Ye remembered: that alchemist Oreos had been hidden by that fellow Aleister.

If it hadn't been for his previous intervention, in a few days it would be a scene of the hedgehog and the bad priest fighting the alchemist.

After that is the chapter of sister Misaka.

However, both events are now gone.

The "Angel Fall" event will wait until the end of the month, and Academy City should be relatively peaceful before that...

Not really.

There are so many events happening in this city that there is basically no quiet time.

Even if there is nothing on Hedgehog Head's side, there will be on Misaka Mikoto's side, such as the previous "Fantasy Royal Hand" incident, such as the next "Chaotic Opening" incident.

Speaking of which, Chunshang Jinyi was one of the protagonists in the "chaotic opening" incident.

I don't know if the little girl transferred to another school or not.

Bai Ye thought about Chunshang Jinyi, but his thoughts quickly returned to the alchemist.

If I remember correctly, Aleister in the original work deliberately used that alchemist to train Touma Kamijou (Fantasy Killer).

Oreos was recovered by him. If he didn't dispose of it, there is a high probability that he will prepare a new script to hone his "hero" Touma Kamijou?
"...Forget it, just leave him alone."

That gentleman once said: He hit his atomic bomb, I hit mine.

If Aleister wants to play the hero card, just play it well, there is no need for Bai Ye to meddle in it.

No one will follow the rhythm of the enemy.

Even if you want to talk to that, it's only on the surface. In fact, it's fishing in troubled waters, adding fuel to the flames, and changing positions.

"That Jishen-san is very beautiful and cute, Bai Ye-san, do you want to date her?"

Just as he was thinking, the iron suit in his arms suddenly asked such a question.

Bai Ye didn't answer, just smiled and patted her head: "It's almost time to go to bed and rest."

"...don't touch my head, I'm the teacher."

"What's wrong with the teacher, isn't he squatting in my arms like a little girl now?"


There is no way to refute it in the iron decoration.

Just sighed and left this embrace that could make her feel at ease.

"I'm fine now, classmate Bai Ye, you should go back quickly."

"...It's already this time, shouldn't I be allowed to stay overnight?"

"If you stay and let others know, maybe there will be some gossip. Teacher, I can't bear the consequences, so you should go back."

"What consequences can this have? I stayed at Xiaomeng's place overnight and I didn't see anyone chewing their tongues."

"Teacher Xiaomeng..."

Speaking of it, although Bai Ye often took advantage of her, Yueyong Xiaomeng seemed to be closer.

Of course, you don't need to pay much attention to this.

Just when he was about to continue persuading, Bai Ye had already turned around and opened the door.

"It's really time for me to go back, you should go to bed early, don't think about anything, have a good night's sleep, there is no need to trouble yourself."

After speaking, he waved to her, closed the door and disappeared from her sight.

There was a little silence in the iron decoration.

Then he sighed, and stretched.

"Go to bed early."


On the way home, the boy raised his head to look at the moon passing through the white lotus-like clouds.

It's almost fifteen, so the moon looks rounder and brighter.

"Talking about love..."

Regardless of mental age, from the perspective of biological age, he is also a teenager in adolescence.

And something like "youth" seems to be unable to get around "love".

There are those who are directly in love, and there are unrequited loves that are either open or secret.

Speaking of "unrequited love", there are generally two situations, one is liking others, and the other is being liked by others.

There are many girls Bai Ye likes, basically as long as they are beautiful and cute, he will like them.

But the liking of appreciation is different from the liking of admiration.

"in love……"

Withdrawing his eyes from looking at the moon, he hurried back to the dormitory while muttering something.


Although she has started refining Qi, Flander still lives here, and Fremea naturally did not move away.

Every day when I go back to the dormitory, I can see the blonde sister Hua, Bai Ye thinks this is very good.

Play around with Fremea, and soon drive her to sleep under the covers.

Frenda slept with her sister.

When Fremea was not here, Bai Ye would share the bed with her, but after Fremea came, she never slept with her.

After all, the bed is not too big, and it will be crowded if three of them sleep together.

Or just trying to reassure her?
Frenda looked at Bai Ye who was sitting cross-legged on the ground after turning off the lights.

Qi refining does not require specific postures, after all, it is not as ritualistic as Taoist priests.

It's just that at the beginning, sitting cross-legged is really good for concentrating and calming down.

The latter is purely because of habit.

"Habits" are actually quite scary things, and they will gradually make people solidify their thinking and behavior.

Then gradually decays in this unchanged state until death.

"Master, it turns out that you can come up and sleep together. It's probably no problem for the three of you to squeeze together."

"No, go to bed early, I still have things to do."

At night, it was class time, so I had to go to Misaka Mikoto's dream to teach her spells.

(End of this chapter)

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