boy of science

Chapter 140 "I didn't expect such a development."

Chapter 140 "I didn't expect such a development."

Teacher Dayu is very young. He has just become a teacher and head teacher, and he has not yet learned how to deal with students with different personalities and ideas.

Of course, most of the students are quite ordinary, as long as they are treated equally and kindly, there will be no problem.

But White Night is an exception.

Bai Ye, who was born as an "abandoned child", is the strangest student in the class.

In the past, he basically didn't talk to his classmates, but now it has changed a bit, and he gets along very well with Chuchun Shili and Saten Ruizi.

But it still seemed lonely.

Although get out of class is on time, but basically just sitting there in a daze, not listening carefully at all, and even ignoring the teacher's questions.

However, his grades in every exam are excellent, and as time goes by, other teachers don't care about him, as long as he doesn't do anything.

But Teacher Dayu, who is the class teacher, can't ignore it.

But every time the chat was not going well, Bai Ye couldn't even remember what he said.

In order to better deal with Bai Ye and complete his educational tasks, Teacher Dayu specially came to Luo Hanbai Garden located in the No.13 school district as a volunteer.

Child Care Facility, Lohan Park.

The children here are abandoned children.

The purpose of Teacher Dayu's volunteer work is to learn how to deal with abandoned children.

By the way, I also asked the staff, including the director, about this aspect.

The principal is a woman named "Shigeno Mori Katsuko".

For many years, in order to take care of her children, Shigeno Mori Katsuko delayed her love and marriage, and she is still single until now.

She is older than Teacher Daquan.

She has a kind face, always smiling, and is a very gentle and considerate person.

And it fits Teacher Dayu's ideal type: he cares more about other people's affairs than his own.

Simply put: the director is a good man.

Teacher Da Yu, who always finds time to come here as a volunteer, is gradually attracted to her.

But the question of age made him hesitate,

There is another person who works as a volunteer here: Miss Dorm Supervisor of Tokiwadai Student Dormitory.

I got acquainted with Teacher Dayu because I came to do volunteer work, and I was attracted by Teacher Dayu because I got along with him for a long time.

But being a woman requires modesty.

And also hesitated because of age.

Miss Dorm Supervisor is older than Mr. Dayu.


One night, in the dream world.

In addition to learning spells, Misaka Mikoto will also chat with Bai Ye and share with him what she has seen and heard.

This time, we will talk about Teacher Dayu and Miss Dorm Supervisor.

She and Shirai Heizi had nothing to do, and secretly followed the scary lady housekeeper to see what the other party would do when he was resting.

It turned out that the other person was volunteering at a childcare facility.

Of course, this is not the key.

The key is that they also found that the dormitory supervisor was interested in Teacher Dayu.

As for why he knew that the other party was "Teacher Dayu", it was because there he met Saten Ruiko and Uiharu Shiri who were arrested as coolies.

"Heizi just said that he wanted to help the dormitory supervisor achieve his wish."

"...then wish her luck."

Bai Ye knew the ending a long time ago, but he didn't say much, it wasn't an important matter anyway.

Just looking at the girl in front of him, he seemed to be in hesitation.


The question Mr. Dayu was struggling with was the answer that Miss Dorm Supervisor helped him find.

One night after that, they met for dinner in a certain restaurant.

In fact, Teacher Dayu wanted to ask this question.

"Teacher, what do you think about marrying someone younger than yourself?"

"Ki, who to marry?!"

"Yes, like me."

"...I don't think age is a problem at all, as long as you love each other."

This is what the hostess lady answered.

She thought this "marriage partner" was talking about herself.


A little later, Misaka Mikoto told Bai Ye about this again, because the four of them were hiding around and peeping.

"The results will probably come out tomorrow."

Misaka Mikoto who said this was a little bit confident, probably because she felt that she also had a part to play in bringing those two people together.

Because at Shirai Kuroko's suggestion, they did create opportunities for those two people.

Bai Ye just shook his head with emotion.

"Things are unpredictable."


On the second day, the dormitory supervisor asked Shirai Heizi to help her dress up, and then went to Luo Hanbai Garden to meet Teacher Dayu.

Teacher Dayu noticed that her dress was different from the past, but he didn't say anything.

Just sat and chatted and pulled out a box that presumably held a ring.

The dormitory teacher was nervous for a while.I am looking forward to it again.

Misaka Mikoto, Shirai Kuroko, Saten Reiko, and Uiharu Shiri who were hiding behind to observe the development of things all opened their eyes wide.

"Thanks to the teacher, I finally made up my mind to propose marriage to her."



Teacher Dayu nodded affirmatively, then stood up and walked towards the principal, Shigeno Mori Katsuko.

The dorm supervisor stared blankly at his back.

The four girls hiding behind and watching were also dumbfounded.

"how so?!"

Unexpected, unbelievable.

Of course not against it.

It is not their turn to object to this kind of thing, and there is no need to object. It is time for the director who always takes care of others to pursue his own happiness.

If you miss Teacher Dayu, you will become an old girl completely, and it will be even more difficult to marry.

After all, not everyone likes the type of principal who "cars more about others than himself" like Teacher Dayu.

It's just a pity, Miss Dorm Supervisor.

The girls turned their attention to Miss Dorm Supervisor, only to find that she had regained her composure and got up to walk towards the children.

"So, kids, what are we going to play today?"


That night, in a dream.

Misaka Mikoto, who was talking about these things, felt a little complicated.

"I didn't expect it to develop like this."

"Carrots and vegetables, everyone has their own love."


This statement is used here...

It seems that there is a problem and it seems that there is no problem.

Misaka Mikoto didn't think much about it, but looked at Bai Ye suspiciously, as if she wanted to ask a question, but she was too embarrassed to say it.

What happened today taught her a truth: her perception may be different from the actual situation.

They felt that Miss Dorm Supervisor was a good match for Teacher Dayu, and she seemed to be a concubine who wanted to be a concubine.

The result is really just "like".

In fact, Mr. Da Yu has always admired Miss Dorm Supervisor.

But needless to say over there, the problem lies in Bai Ye.

Bai Ye often teased her, and even went to her dream to teach her spells, so that she could handle Misaka sister's affairs, and asked the question "Can I kiss you" before.

It looks like he likes her.

But actually?
Misaka Mikoto didn't know.

Bai Ye never seriously discussed this issue with her.

And if you think about it carefully, Bai Ye is not only molesting her, but also other girls.

The relationship with Saten Reiko and Uiharu Shiri seems to be very close.

Besides, she couldn't tell if there were any other girls.

So want to ask.

But I was very embarrassed in my heart, because asking was almost like confessing.

But Bai Ye suddenly said: "If you want to find a boyfriend in the future, you have to find a good person like Teacher Dayu, who treats you wholeheartedly. Don't look for someone like me. I can't treat any girl wholeheartedly. .”

(End of this chapter)

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