boy of science

Chapter 141 "Actually, Saenko is pretty good, neither big nor small just right."

Chapter 141 "Actually, Saenko is pretty good, neither big nor small just right."

In the morning, Tokiwadai Student Dormitory, Room No. 208.

Misaka Mikoto, who escaped from the dream world, sat on the bed, her eyebrows slightly frowned, because she was still thinking about what Bai Ye said.

"There's no way to be single-minded..."

Means that guy likes many girls at the same time?
It's quite possible.

The most obvious ones are Saten Reniko and Uiharu Shiri, and Bai Ye is very close to those two little girls.

That's all she knows, and the ghost knows how many people she doesn't know.

Thinking about it this way, I feel very uncomfortable.

"Good morning, my elder sister."

Shirai Heizi, who had woken up early, had already washed and changed her clothes.

Get out of the bathroom.Say hello to Misaka Mikoto while walking towards the dressing table.

Sitting down and combing his hair, he talked about other topics: "The midsummer festival is coming soon. I don't know how to arrange it. It's the first time for me to do this kind of event, Heizi."

After all, she just entered school this year, so she doesn't know much about it.

Midsummer Festival is actually the open day of the Tokiwadai student dormitory, and many teachers and students from off-campus will be invited to visit.

This activity can only be held in this dormitory building outside, not in the dormitory building inside the Garden of Schools.

The Garden of Schools is jointly managed by five aristocratic girls' schools. Male guests are usually not allowed to enter, and Tokiwadai can't hold an open-door event alone.

"Summer Festival..."

Misaka Mikoto muttered a few times, but she was not in the mood to think too much, she turned over and got out of bed to brush her teeth and wash her face.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and the dormitory supervisor, who just suffered the blow of a broken relationship yesterday and devoted herself to work today, appeared in front of them.


"Ah? Yes."

"According to the research decision of our 'Midsummer Festival Executive Committee', you are in charge of the violin performance project of this Midsummer Festival."



I thought that Teacher Dayu and the dormitory supervisor were in love with each other, but I didn't expect that Teacher Dayu fell in love with Ms. Katsuko Shigeno, the principal of the school.

Misaka Mikoto has doubts because of this discrepancy between the surface and the reality.

The same goes for Saten Ruiko.

She was thinking about what kind of feelings Bai Ye had for her, and she tossed and turned until very late before falling asleep. The lack of sleep time caused her to be a little out of spirits today.

I wanted to stay in the dormitory and take a good rest, but suddenly I received a call from Takitsubo Rigo.

"I have work tonight, do you want to come?"

Without any nonsense, directly explain the reason for the call.

Saten Ruiko who heard "work" immediately remembered what happened last time.

Thinking of Mugino Shimori and Takitsubo Rihou who killed several people in the blink of an eye.


This is often seen in novels, animations, movies, TV series and other works, but those are all fake.

It's true that Mugino Shirley and Kinuhata love to kill people the most.

Life is so fragile.

The key point is that Takitsubo Rigo and Kinuhata's favorite are calm and don't care.

Mugino Shirley would even laugh.

Laugh cruelly.

Now that Takitsubo Riko invited her to "work", she subconsciously wanted to refuse.

Out of sight out of mind.

But thinking of what he had said, and thinking that this was Bai Ye's arrangement, he finally gritted his teeth and agreed.

"Well, I'll go."

"We'll pick you up then."



Prison Cai Haimi has completely separated from the Anbu organization, and does not need to perform the work assigned by the high-level officials of Academy City.

But she has a long-term mission arranged by White Night: to take care of the last work.

This task is currently not scheduled.

What Misaka Mikoto said is "temporarily helping to take care of it", and when a more suitable candidate is found, the last work will be taken away.

Unfortunately, no suitable candidate has been found until now.

Although Bushu Texin can help take care of her, but she is only Level 0, unable to face possible dangers.

The same goes for Hoshikawa Kikyo.

And Misaka Mikoto can't completely trust Yoshikawa Kikyo, even though she helped save the last game.

Misaka Mikoto doesn't know Prison Saimi, but because she is Bai Ye's subordinate, she entrusts her with the last work.

In essence, it is not to trust Prison Cai Haimei, but to believe in Bai Ye.

As a maid, Prison Cai Haimei devoted herself to the tasks assigned by Bai Ye without complaining.

Relatively speaking, the girl Bai Ye trusts and is closest to is actually her.

I called her out again today, and I don't know if it's a "date" or something.

Because they are not lovers, but master and servant.

Ayami Goku, Flander, Rigo Takitsubo, and Kinuhata's favorite have all accepted their new identities thoroughly.

Mai Ye Shenli has actually accepted it, but she occasionally forgets each other's positions.

After all, the country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change.

Because Frenda was going to find Mugino Shirley and the others, Fremea was in charge of taking care of Bai Ye again today.

So this is how Fremea and the last work met.

They looked about the same age, and they were all pure and innocent elementary school students, but the topics they discussed were not very serious.

Because they were actually talking about boobs and underwear.

In the beginning, they were actually talking about who was older, probably because they wanted to tell who was the older sister and who was the younger sister.

In the last work, I can't tell my age clearly, and I can't tell from various aspects such as height and length.

So Fremea held her head high.

"I've started wearing bras, and I'm bigger than you, so you probably have to call me sister meow~."


The last work seems to be full of bewilderment.

Aiming at Fremea's chest, looking down at her own chest, and then thinking about her bare body Misaka Mikoto's chest...

As far as the flat chest of the body is concerned, there is probably no future to speak of.

Bai Ye came over and touched her head, and gave her a thumbs up again: "No problem, no matter what is small, it is cuter."


"Really, and poor breasts are a scarce resource."


I probably don't understand the last work, but anyway, Bai Ye is praising her, so I don't think about it anymore.

Fremea, who was originally holding her head high, looked at Bai Ye pitifully.

"It turns out that Oni-chan probably prefers small cats~?"

"How is it possible, I'm just pure lust, it has nothing to do with the size of the chest."

Bai Ye who said these words suddenly thought of Saten Ruiko.

"Actually, Saten is pretty good, neither big nor small is just right."

"Sister Leizi..."

Fremea thought of Saten Ruiko, and nodded in agreement.

That sister tear child is really good.


Working hours are mostly at night.

Saten Ruiko is only a temporary member and will not participate in specific actions, but hides aside to watch the progress of things.

This is Bai Ye's order, Mugino Shirley and the others can only follow it.

This time there was still no Frenda.

But the three of them can take care of general work, and it doesn't make much difference whether Frenda is there or not.

Witnessing the murder of several girls again, Saten Saten found herself much calmer than last time, although she still felt a little uncomfortable.

After the matter is over, come out of the hiding place and watch them deal with the aftermath.

In fact, it is to see if you can search for loot.

Takitsubo Rigo did not participate, but stood next to Saten Ruiko.

"How does it feel?"


Saten Ruiko could only give this answer.

Probably because he didn't want to look at the corpse, he turned to look at Takitsubo Rihou beside him.

After thinking about it, he changed the subject: "Well, what is the relationship between you and Bai Ye?"

 I heard people say that the forbidden rice circle
  I also think it's over exaggerated
  since writing this book

  It feels almost

(End of this chapter)

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