boy of science

Chapter 152 Killing the sky and darkness, killing the blood into a river

Chapter 152 Killing the sky and darkness, killing the blood into a river

Level 6, a person with absolute ability.

Also known as "SYSTEM": a person who understands God's will with a non-God body.

This is the long-cherished wish of the Kihara clan, and it is also the goal pursued by the entire Academy City Research Institute.

Most of the experiments in Academy City revolve around this goal.

Kihara Gensei has led many experimental projects, including the "Ability Body Crystallization" experiment.

The original subject of this experiment was none other than his granddaughter: Teristina Kihara Liverain.

Teristina inherited Kihara Gensei's research theories and achievements.

But not completely inherited, because she also has her own ideas.

In order to cultivate Level 6, she continued to conduct research, and now she has seen a hope: Chunshang Jinyi.

She already knew the reason for the "chaotic opening" incident, but she just pretended that the investigation did not make any progress, and was actually waiting for an opportunity.

Waiting for the opportunity to take Chunshang Jinyi and those unconscious students away.

The "Detonation Experiment for Analyzing the Law of Runaway Ability" that those students participated in has a strong correlation with the "Ability Body Crystallization" experiment she participated in.

And Chunshang Jinyi got involved with those unconscious students.

To be precise, her "psychopathy" has the potential to interfere with the AIM's diffusion field.

The key lies in the fact that she can receive information from comatose students to trigger the "messy openness" feature.

Teristina felt that: Under the action of a large dose of high-purity ability body crystallization, Chunshang Jinyi's ability to run wild can give birth to an absolute ability user (Level 6).

To complete this experiment, Chunshang Jinyi and those unconscious students are needed.

Spring jackets are easy to find.

The problem is those students who are unconscious, and Teristina doesn't know where they are hidden by Haruno Kiyama.

During this period of time, there were also searches, but no valuable clues were obtained.

Therefore, no obvious action has been taken for the time being.

He even pretended to do his best to keep the students safe: leading the MAR team to stand by at all times.

Eating chocolate beans at the food stall overlooking the river.

I seem to be very lucky recently, and I actually saw my goal: Chunshang Jinyi.

Beside the little girl seemed to be the discipline committee member and the third person.

Disciplinary committee members are nothing to worry about.

The latest third person is quite strange, it is said that he defeated the first one, and there is still some purple current.

But Teristina didn't take it very seriously.

Electric current is electric current, even if the color is different, what effect can it have?

And it's only Level 5.

Since Academy City can cultivate Level 5, it can naturally destroy Level 5.

There are even many alternatives.

"It's nothing more than some experimental mice. As long as they can produce Level 6, it doesn't matter if they are all destroyed."

Teristina thought so.

But she had to pretend to be kind until she had all the mice she needed, and by the way, she had to use Misaka Mikoto.

Because the third person seems to be deeply involved with Haruno Mushan, maybe she knows the whereabouts of those unconscious students.


What Teristina didn't know was that the security guards and disciplinary committee members had already launched a secret investigation on her.

In fact, this is a joint investigation by the three major organizations against her.

Theoretically speaking, Anbu is also an organization that maintains the order and peace of Academy City, but they are responsible for shady work.

Moreover, the Anbu is not united, and there are all kinds of open and secret fights on weekdays.

Recently, Item has stopped participating in those things, and only occasionally picks a few commissions to earn some pocket money.

This time it was not entrusted by the high-level or other people, but by their master's mission: to assist the security guards and discipline committee members to deal with the advanced situation rescue team.

"Why do you have to help them? It's obviously super easy to deal with."

Kinuhata's favorite is a bit puzzled.

The main reason is that Anbu's work is relatively straightforward: determine the target, and then kill, kill, kill, kill until the sky is dark, and the blood will flow into rivers.

But this time she must be asked to assist the Disciplinary Commissioner in the investigation...

"I don't know how to investigate."

Bai Ye didn't give any more instructions, but just assigned tasks to them, and then became the hands-off shopkeeper.

In Bai Ye's words: I have to do this kind of trivial matter myself, so what do I need you maids to do?Is it simply used as RBQ?

Although he is relatively young, Kinuhata knows the meaning of "RBQ" very well.

Now is not the time to talk about this.

In order for the Disciplinary Commissioner to investigate MAR, there is actually a very good breakthrough: the "capacity decline" device.

That device was developed by Teristina and handed over to bad organizations for the purpose of collecting data for subsequent adjustments.

Gufa Meiwei also wanted to find out the origin of the "capacity drop" device before, but he just let it go because there were no clues.

Investigating this suspiciously, he glanced at the little girl next to him.

"Who are you? Who is your master?"


In this country, this title is actually nothing, and the frequency of daily use is actually very high.

So Gufa Meiwei didn't think too much, but was curious about their identities.

But Kinuhata prefers to keep silent, ignoring her questions directly.

Gufa Meiwei had no choice but to turn his attention back to the computer.

We must first confirm whether Teristina has anything to do with the "power reduction" device.


Huang Quanchuan Aiho was forced to work overtime, and investigated Teristina in an iron suit.

Compared with Gufa Meiwei's temporary solitary struggle, her side is much easier: she can directly send people to conduct on-site inspections.

According to the information provided by the blond girl, MAR's main research institute has a "capacity drop" device.

Although the blond girl didn't approve of her sending someone directly to investigate.

"It's actually very simple to confirm whether there is a problem with the MAR, just use those unconscious students to fish."

As long as the locations of those unconscious students are exposed, Teristina will definitely take action, and then tear off the disguise because she is eager to do experiments.

But this statement made Huang Quanchuan Aiho feel very unhappy: "Your words..."

"Don't worry, the master ordered you not to do this."

Prison Cai Haimei interrupted her, and then made a suggestion: "But as long as you can fish, what is the difference between real bait and fake bait?"

Huang Quanchuan Aiho shut up and fell into deep thought.


After these days of trying, Kiyama Haruno already had an idea of ​​how to wake up his students, and sister Misaka's words only made her find the answer faster.

"If I can get the initial 'Ability Body Crystallization', I will be able to complete the 'Vaccine Procedure' to treat them, and I am sure that it will not cause 'chaotic opening' again."

The recent phenomenon of "messy opening" is caused by their attempts to wake up comatose students.

On the point of "rescuing the students", Mushan Haruno was a little dazed. If it weren't for the ghost of Nether Earth chasing the soul watching, she might risk triggering the super "messy opening" phenomenon and forcibly wake up those unconscious students .

But now we have to find a more secure method.

She looked at Sister Misaka who came here following Netherland Chasing Soul with burning eyes.

"Do you know where the original ability body crystallized?"

(End of this chapter)

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