boy of science

Chapter 153 "You don't even have to wear safety pants when you wear a bathrobe, do you?&qu

Chapter 153 "You don't even have to wear safety pants when you wear a bathrobe, do you?"

Many girls put on yukata, or in groups of three or four, or couples, talking and laughing, enjoying the rare fireworks display.

Mugino Shimori and Takitsubo Rigo couldn't enjoy it, because they needed to lock on the mission target: Teristina Kihara Liverain, the leader of the Advanced Situation Rescue Team.

Teristina was on the scene directing her subordinates to carry out security work.

With long orange wavy hair, double ponytails, glasses, a dark coat and a pencil skirt, he looks friendly on the surface.

Based on such characteristics, Mugino Shirley and the others quickly confirmed the mission target.

By the way, I also saw the driven armor equipped by MAR.

"That's the HsPS-15 drive armor. It looks like it should be an export version, and its performance is relatively backward."

Takitsubo Rigo could easily identify the models of those powered suits.

Because this is a very common thing, the protection and combat capabilities are very strong, and the weapons and ammunition it is equipped with can easily penetrate tanks.

It is said that a member of the General Council who is afraid of accidents such as assassination often wears this type of powered armor.

Mai Ye Shenli said that it doesn't matter, because there are very few things that can block the "atom collapse", and a ray can easily cut the opponent in half.

Takitsubo Rihou turned to look at Mugino Shitoshi who habitually underestimated the enemy.

But he quickly withdrew his gaze and didn't say a word to remind him, because it was useless to say it.

After collecting MAR's staffing, equipment configuration, and Teristina's personal information, the two girls did not continue to observe, so as not to arouse the other's suspicion.

Turning around, she prepared to wander casually like an ordinary girl, but found that Saten Renko and others had already come here.

"Muino-senpai, Takitsubo-senpai, you guys are watching the fireworks too, didn't Kinuhata-san come with you?"

Seeing them, Saten Ruiko immediately came over to say hello.

Misaka Mikoto and the others did not follow, but just looked at it curiously, and then continued to feed Harukami.

After talking about Sunshine's positive thoughts, Saten Ruiko suddenly felt that something was wrong: Mugino Shirley and Takitsubo Rigo didn't seem to be here to play.

Restraining his energetic smile, he looked left and right and found that there was no one around him, so he asked in a low voice, "Is there a job?"

Mugino Shimori did not answer, but aimed at Misaka Mikoto over there.

Could this tea-haired girl be...

She didn't speak, Takitsubo Rihou explained: "It's the master's task, you don't need to participate, I won't tell you the details."


Saten Ruiko nodded, but did not ask about the specific task content.

He also didn't say much to them, so as not to disturb them in carrying out their tasks, and after chatting casually for a few words, he left and went back to his friends.

Mugino Shimori and Takitsubo Riku left directly.

Misaka Mikoto looked at their backs, then looked back at Saten Renko: "Who are they?"

"It's just the seniors I know."

It's not easy for Saten Saten to talk to her friends about the specific situation, so she simply changed the subject after explaining: "The fireworks are about to start, I know there is a good place, why don't we just go there."


The girls knew that she didn't want to talk, so they all cooperated to change the subject.

In addition to Chunshang Jinyi.

But she didn't speak, and didn't pay attention to those things, but concentrated on eating.

Cotton candy, apple candy, grilled squid, octopus balls...

There are so many delicious things.

I followed a few girls towards the place to watch the fireworks, and happened to meet Bai Ye with a blonde sister on the way.

Hatsune Miku and Dolly did not follow.

"white night."

Chun Shang Jinyi, who was concentrating on eating, immediately ran towards her.

When he got there, he stopped and tilted his head to look at Fremea.

The blonde loli also holds a lot of snacks.

Misaka Mikoto and the others followed.

"Why didn't you come to find us when you came here?"

"I'm getting ready to look for it."

Bai Ye replied, and then looked at them carefully.

Girls wear different yukatas.

The background color is different, and the pattern is also different.

In other respects, it was the same as usual, only Saten Ruiko changed her hairstyle, and she tied up her long black hair.

Saten Ruiko greeted him, then turned to look at the blond sisters.

Mainly looking at Frenda.

This blond girl is really cute.

Frenda looked at her for a few times, and then quickly looked away, probably thinking that she didn't need to pay attention.

But soon remembered something, and looked at Saten Ruiko with doubts.

I learned from my friends that the most important thing is to bring a girl with long black and straight hair to see the darkness of Academy City. This is the task assigned to them by Shiraiya.

Black long straight hair, met Bai Ye...

Could it be this girl?

"Speaking of which, Mikoto-chan, you don't even have to wear safety pants while wearing a yukata, do you?"

"What, do you have an opinion?"

"... Alas~."

Bai Ye shook his head and sighed, but didn't speak.

This time, even Heizi Shirai couldn't help agreeing with Bai Ye: "So Heizi has already said, my lord, you should..."

Before she could finish her sentence, her cell phone rang suddenly.

So I said sorry, took out my phone, turned around, and stayed by the side to answer the call.

"Senior Law Enforcement... What did you say? The 'power drop' device is related to Teristina... The simultaneous outbreak of the RSPK syndrome may be artificial interference against AIM's diffusion force field?!"

"That's right, the occurrence of this series of 'messy and open' incidents is not accidental, and it is likely that someone deliberately caused the incident."

"If this is the case, it needs to be investigated."

Shirai Heizi murmured to himself, then turned to look at Chuchun Shili.

Suddenly, Bai Ye nodded towards the blond girl, and then the blond girl left directly.

Although it was strange, Shirai Kuroko didn't think much about it.

He just asked, "Senior Gufa, do you need Heizi and Chuchun to go back and help with the investigation?"

"That's right, it's urgent action."


Shirai Kuroko felt very helpless.

But since it involves "declining ability" and "disorderly opening", and the suspect is Teristina from MAR, you can't watch the fireworks here leisurely.

Put away the phone and look at Chuchun Shili.

"Chuchun, I have to work overtime."

Chuchun Shili didn't speak, just nodded to express his understanding, and then explained a few words to Chunshang Jinyi.

Saten Ruiko, who was talking to Fremea, was also asked to take care of this new classmate.

Bai Ye scratched his head.

It's just a Teristina, there's no need for Shirai Kuroko and the others to...

Well, who made the 177th Branch only have so few members.

Shirai Kuroko wasn't even from the 177th branch, but belonged to the third branch.

"Let's take our leave first."

After Shirai Kuroko finished speaking, he took Chuchun Shili and left.

It's late and the situation is urgent, it's faster to use space movement to hurry.

There are three girls left, Bai Ye and Fremea.

Harukami Jinyi got close to Bai Ye, and Fremea was also very close to Saten Ruiko, which made Misaka Mikoto feel a little redundant.

"Let's go, let's watch the fireworks."

Byakuya held Harukami's hand, and Saten Saten held Fremea's hand.

Misaka Mikoto felt redundant again.

But before she could think about it, the blonde loli suddenly reached out to her.

Knowing that this brown-haired girl is probably very close to Bai Ye, Fremea also wants to have a good relationship with her.

Misaka Mikoto grabbed the little girl's hand without thinking too much.

That way it won't look redundant.


  was criticized again

(End of this chapter)

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