boy of science

Chapter 154 There is no way to reject the cute little girl

Chapter 154 There is no way to reject the cute little girl
Bai Ye didn't know Esakibanri.

Before he was transferred to that childcare facility, the little girl had already been picked up by the Advanced Education Bureau.

That's because Tsunari Edari needs to participate in the detonation experiment for the analysis of the law of rampage ability.

This experiment is a cooperative project between the Advanced Education Bureau and Kihara Gensei. The participating children are all selected from various facilities, and Tsubasa Edari is just one of them.

Although Bai Ye didn't know her, she was Chun Shang Jin Yi's friend.

And Chunshang Jinyi is Bai Ye's pet...

In short, this is roughly the reason why he intervened in this matter.

Anyway, he was just talking about it, and everything was left to Cai Haimi, Mugino Shirley and the others to do it.

Of course, the primary goal is to assist Mushan Chunsheng and Mingtu Zhuishun to wake up those unconscious students.

The secondary goal is to throw Teristina in jail, or simply kill her.

Let Mai Ye Shenli and the others decide how to do it according to the actual situation.

Turning to look at Chunshang Jinyi beside her, Bai Ye showed her a bright smile: "Don't worry, we will see you soon."


Chun Shang Jin Yi didn't seem to understand.

But she didn't press, because she was busy eating.


Teristina brought her subordinates to stand by here to guard against possible "disorderly opening" phenomenon.

With so many students gathered here, if something went wrong, it might be a major incident with heavy casualties.

Although Teristina didn't care about the lives of these students at all.

Not only her, other members of MAR also have the same idea.

I don't know whether to say that they are like-minded or that Teristina's brainwashing is very successful.

But no matter how distorted the psychology is, at least the superficial skills are well done, and he can gain the trust of the security guards and discipline committee members.

The next step is to find those students who are unconscious, abduct or directly capture Haruka Jinyi back for experiments, and cultivate the Level 6 that the entire Academy City dreams of.

Looking at the crystallization of the initial ability body in the small glass bottle, Teristina recalled the past.

When she was still young, she was tricked by her grandfather into conducting human experiments.


Clenching his fists and blinking his eyes, he put away the bottle containing the crystal of the ability body, and connected to the communication request from his subordinates.

"what's up?"

"The guards seem to be investigating us."


Teristina frowned slightly.

The police are investigating the MAR?Why is this happening all of a sudden?

"Don't act rashly, figure out the situation before talking."



Not only the security guards but also the disciplinary committee are investigating MAR.

If you have to say it, there is even Anbe.

Back to the 177th branch, Shirai Kuroko and Uiharu Shili saw Anbe's member: Kinuhata's favorite.

But Kinuhata's favorite did not reveal his Anbu's identity.

He just told them briefly what Teristina was going to do according to Bai Ye's instructions.

Several disciplinary committee members launched an investigation based on the statement she provided.


The security guards are here to scare the snake away.

Fortunately, it wasn't a big problem, and it didn't arouse Teristina's vigilance enough.

It's just that someone called Huang Quanchuan Aiho and asked her to suspend the investigation of MAR.

"It's against the rules for you to do this..."


Huang Quanchuan Aiho directly put the microphone back on the landline.

If there is no evidence, she has to follow the rules when she receives the call.

But now that she has certain clues and evidence, the next thing she needs to do is to clarify the matter thoroughly.

"There are also interest groups behind MAR, and I'm afraid there will be pressure from all sides. Although I'm not afraid, it's better to settle this matter quickly, what do you think?"

Aiho Koizumikawa looked at Kai Saimi, who was playing with her phone with her head down.

The blond girl is actually in contact with Kinuhata's favorite and others, to inform each other of their work progress, and to adjust the combat plan according to the actual situation.

"If you want a quick solution, we have a proposal here."

Prison Cai Haimei shook her mobile phone: "What do you think about knocking them down first and then collecting evidence?"

"...I'm worried that I won't find evidence like this."

"Don't worry, I'll let them talk."

She is a psychic, a Level 4 psychological rule, and she is best at getting information from others.

Huang Quanchuan Aiho hesitated for a moment, but quickly made up her mind.

"I see."

First he agreed, and then he directly ordered: "Iron suit, let everyone gather and prepare for action."



Youth is easy to pass, and fireworks are easy to be cold.

After the splendor, there is only a bleak place left.

The students returned to the dormitory one after another, the owners of the food stalls were packing up, and the mood of the MAR members also relaxed.

Nothing happened tonight.

Although they hope that something will happen, because they want to find those students who are unconscious as soon as possible.

Teristina felt a little uneasy in her heart.

Habitually use the color of chocolate beans to predict fortune, the result is neither good nor bad.

Throwing the chocolate bean into his mouth, he looked at the gradually dispersed crowd.

Suddenly his eyes narrowed.

Because I saw the person I was looking for in the crowd: Mushan Chunsheng.

Kiyama Haruno, who knew the whereabouts of those comatose students.

She also came to watch the fireworks?

Teristina felt strange, but she didn't hesitate: "Confirm her identity and find her hiding place."


Immediately a subordinate led the way.


This is actually a fishing operation.

Mu Shanchunsheng came here on purpose to let Teristina see it, so as to lure her to take action on those students.

In the end, I suddenly received a message: "Changed the plan? Stop fishing?"

"Stop fishing, fry fish instead."

"……All right."

It doesn't matter to Kiyama Haruno, as long as he can save the students.

The key lies in the crystallization of the ability body held by Terestina.

That was the first crystallization of the ability body, which is not the same as the current one.

"You retreat first, and leave the rest to us."


Kiyama Haruki didn't say much, ended the call, put away his phone and prepared to leave the scene.


The flowering period is very short, and the life is also very short.

In the blink of an eye, the fireworks have disappeared; in the blink of an eye, half of life is over.

Of course, the lives of the girls are not halfway through.

Fremea's life has just begun, and Misaka Mikoto and the others are not far behind.

If you use a flower as a metaphor, it is probably in the stage of budding.

Of course, Fremea was somewhat ripened.

Because she is very cute, and she took the initiative to get close to Misaka Mikoto, so the relationship between the two of them became very good just during the time of watching the fireworks.

The main Misaka Mikoto actually couldn't refuse the cute little girl.

Then she discovered that the young Fremea was wearing a bra.


Misaka Mikoto seemed to have been hit, she raised her head and looked at the sky speechlessly: "The children are developing really well now."


Saten Ruiko found it strange to express emotion suddenly without beginning or end.

Looking at Fremea, then at Misaka Mikoto, his eyes swept across their chests.

So suddenly realized.

Bai Ye glanced at Misaka Mikoto's chest, thinking of her mother Misaka Misuzu, and by the way, thinking of the extras.

Although I haven't seen it yet, but judging from the "setting", they seem to be quite big?

Maybe Misaka Mikoto really has potential.

(End of this chapter)

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