boy of science

Chapter 155 "Are They Light? Hmph!"

Chapter 155 "Are they light? Hmph~!"

The crowd dispersed, leaving nothing but desolation on the ground.

The students have all left, the food stalls have been cleaned up, and the bustling river has become deserted.

MAR, who is in charge of security work, needs to wait until the end before leaving.

They have other things to do tonight: go get those unconscious students.

But Teristina has not yet received the information from the subordinates following Kishan Haruno.

Haven't found a place yet?
Or what happened?
Teristina frowned slightly, feeling uneasy again in her heart, and simply took out her mobile phone to contact the other party.

Meanwhile, the Security Guards, Disciplinary Officers, and Item are already in action.

Constables are in charge of storming the MAR headquarters.

The Disciplinary Committee and Item are responsible for encircling and suppressing the team led by Teristina.

This was originally the job of the security guards, but if you want to treat those students who are unconscious, you must first snatch the crystals of the ability body.

According to intelligence, it seemed to be carried by Teristina.

The guard was not sure that he could snatch the crystal of the ability body from the woman intact.

So this task falls to the disciplinary committee.

Mainly Shirai Kuroko.

She has the ability to move in space, and she can quickly take away the crystal of the ability body as long as she has the opportunity.

Along with her is Gufa Meiwei, a Level 3 clairvoyant whose main task is to determine the location of the crystallization of the ability body.

Cooperating with them is the Item team.

The Disciplinary Committee is responsible for snatching the ability body crystals, and the Item team is responsible for killing the armed forces of MAR.

Mai Ye Shenli felt uncomfortable.

"Finally, there was a mission, but it turned out that we were asked to cooperate in action, and we couldn't kill him."

It means not to kill.

This is not what Bai Ye said, but the request of the guards and discipline committee members.

Takitsubo Rigo expressed his understanding.

"After all, they are different from us, we are Anbu, they..."

"Are they light? Hmph~!"

Mugino Shenli was very annoyed, but after all, he didn't say much, but was ready to take action.


Shirai Kuroko used space movement to quietly approach Teristina with Gufa Meiwei.

After entering a certain range, Gufa Meiwei used the perspective ability to check whether Teristina was carrying the crystal of the ability body with her.

Because he has never seen the crystallization of the ability body, Gufa Meiwei cannot be 100% sure, but he has indeed gained something.

"There is a glass bottle in her bag, and there is a crystal in it, which seems to be the crystal of the ability body we are looking for."


Shirai Heizi responded softly, saying that he had already written it down.

Gufa Meiwei began to look at other locations.

But things have changed.

Teristina was unable to contact the subordinate who followed Mushan Haruno, but the assistant next to him received the news from the headquarters.

"Defenders have broken into our headquarters, armed to the teeth."


Teristina raised her eyebrows and quickly realized the seriousness of the problem.

No nonsense, quickly ordered: "Quickly put on the driven armor and prepare to fight."



Before the assistant finished speaking, the vehicle equipped with the driven armor suddenly exploded.

The MAR members who were closer were overturned by the violent airflow, and those who were far away stared blankly at the destroyed vehicles.

what's the situation?
Why did it explode suddenly?

Enemy attack?

I didn't see any enemies either.

There are several driven armors in the vehicle, and it is definitely impossible to use it in this situation.


Teristina cursed, and hurriedly asked her subordinates to drive the remaining drive suits.

But they have no chance.

Although it was not a well-planned combat operation, at least it was a sneak attack with mental calculations or unintentional operations. The first task was of course to destroy their combat weapon: the driven armor.

The drive suits had been active before, and Frenda didn't find a chance to install a bomb, so she could only blow up the standby power in the transport vehicle.

But Mugino Shirley, Level 5, also participated in the battle.

The bluish-white light beam pierced the darkness and accurately irradiated the driven suits parked by the roadside.

Under normal circumstances, nothing can stop the "atom collapse".

In front of the ray with super destructive power, the armor of the powered suit is like paper, easily penetrated, and the internal parts are damaged, making it useless.

Shirai Kuroko also seized the opportunity, instantly appeared next to Teristina, tore off her bag and disappeared.

Gufa Meiwei quickly opened the distance, and stood a little far away to watch the progress of the battle.

Although this is not a battle, but just one-sided abuse, those girls can easily wipe out the MAR regiment.

That's why Mugino Shirley was upset.

They clearly have the ability to easily tear apart the enemy, but Bai Ye wants them to help the disciplinary committee...

If they had been given full responsibility, the matter would have ended long ago.

So in name it was assistance, but in fact they didn't give the disciplinary committee a chance to take action, and they killed MAR's armor force in threes and fives.

Heavy weapons are destroyed, but MAR is also low equipped with some light weapons.

Unfortunately, it still didn't work.

Because it was impossible to break through Kinuhata's favorite "nitrogen armor", the girl beat them down one by one like a tiger among wolves.

Shirai Heizi, who got the crystal of the ability body, wanted to help, but found that he didn't need to do it himself.

Gufa Meiwei gave her a new task: "Take this to Mushan Chunsheng, and see if it is the crystallization of the ability body she needs."


Rescuing those unconscious students is the most important thing.

Shirai Heizi didn't think much, just nodded and left directly.

In a flash, he appeared tens of meters away.

As a result, I saw a blond girl who was muttering, "It wasn't fried enough".

Taking a closer look, I found that it was the girl who followed Bai Ye not long ago.

So these girls are with that classmate Bai Ye?


The blond girl turned her head and exchanged glances with her.

They didn't speak in a tacit understanding, and went to do their own things.


Prison Cai Haimei followed the guards into the MAR headquarters, using her "psychological determination" ability to draw closer the spiritual distance with the arrested members of MAR, and easily obtained the desired information from them.

The "capacity drop" device was indeed developed by them.

In addition, research and data collection and analysis of the phenomenon of ability rampage are still being carried out secretly.

There are even illegal activities such as abducting and kidnapping students, and instigating others to attack those with abilities.

Huang Quanchuan Aiho stood by and asked his subordinates to collect and record evidence.

Unexpectedly, MAR, which was supposed to be a "partner", turned out to be a criminal organization...


This city is really cruel.


Shirai Kuroko quickly rushed to Kishan Haruno's side with the ability body crystal.

Miss Misaka had already evacuated first, so they didn't meet her.

Mushan Chunsheng and Netherland Zhuihun are ready and waiting for the "capacity body crystallization" to analyze the data.

"Are you sure it's this?"

Kuroko Shirai asked after taking out a glass bottle from her bag and handing it to her.

Mushan Chunsheng took a closer look, then nodded: "Probably."


"There will be results soon, just wait a moment."

After Mushan Chunsheng finished speaking, he started to get busy, and Mingtu Zhuhun helped her.

Shirai Heizi looked at the unconscious students.

"Hope everything goes well."

(End of this chapter)

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