boy of science

Chapter 156 "Can You Stop Playing With Saten-san"

Chapter 156 "Can you stop playing Saten-san..."

Bai Ye didn't pay attention to the progress of the matter, because there was no need to care about it, MAR couldn't afford to make big waves at all.

After all, in the animation, it was the stuff that was taken away by Misaka Mikoto's foursome.

Misaka Mikoto did not participate this time, but Mugino Shimori is also Level 5, and he is still a qi refiner who has already started.

In addition, there were guards involved, and it was a sudden attack.

If this can't directly crush MAR, then Bai Ye has to consider changing a few girls to be his maids.

After the fireworks display, he left the scene with a few girls.

Teristina didn't stop her, because she didn't expect that there would be news of a comatose student tonight.

It's a pity that it was useless to get the news, and was directly taken away by a wave.

Shirai Kuroko was not there, Misaka Mikoto couldn't go back to the dormitory, so she simply went to Uiharu Shiri and waited.

Because first of all, Chunshang Jinyi had to be sent back to the dormitory.

No one would feel at ease to let this girl walk outside by herself at night.

Bai Ye followed suit.

By the way, I bought a lot of snacks and snacks, and then chilled the whole big watermelon, and stayed in the girl's dormitory to eat and wait.

Chunshang Jinyi may have felt something in her heart, she no longer concentrated on eating, but took out her pendant and looked at the photos inside.

Misaka Mikoto glanced curiously, feeling familiar: "This girl..."

It seems to be a student of Haruno Kiyama?

Because I read the memories of Haruki Kiyama, I was able to recognize him.

"She is my best friend. I transferred here because I wanted to find her. She has lost contact with me for a long time, nah."

"best friend……"

Misaka Mikoto nodded, wondering if she should tell her what she knew.

Chun Shang Jin Yi seemed to realize something suddenly, and turned to look at Bai Ye beside him.

"Not only do I want to find Kizuna, but I also really want to find you, nah."

"Ok, I know."

Bai Ye didn't care, just pinched Saten Ruiko's coiled hair.

The girl's face was red, she looked very embarrassed, but she didn't express any resistance.

Misaka Mikoto glanced at Shiroya.

This guy……

"And I'll see you soon, that Tsunori Edae, well, I'll see you when you wake up tomorrow."

Hearing this sentence, Chunshang Jinyi slightly opened his eyes wide: "Really, nah?"

"Really, I promise."

"...Then good night, nah."

Chunshang Jinyi trusted Bai Ye very much, so without further ado, he climbed into bed and got ready to sleep.

In order to meet her best friend as soon as possible, she didn't even bother to eat.

But soon got up again.

"I'm going to wash up first."

After speaking, I went to the bathroom.

Misaka Mikoto looked at her back, feeling both emotional and complaining.

"I always think this girl is a bit strange."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Bai Ye who was still pinching Saten Reiko's hair: "By the way, how do you know that she will be able to meet her friends tomorrow?"

Bai Ye smiled at her without giving any explanation.

Misaka Mikoto was a little unhappy, and said directly: "Can you stop playing with Saten-san's hair, it's almost falling off by you."

"No, because it feels good in the hand."

"You will cause trouble for Saten-san..."

Misaka Mikoto looked at Saten Renko, and then couldn't continue.

Because the girl didn't show the slightest resistance at all.

She really did the same to Bai Ye...


MAR was suddenly devastated.

Headquarters was breached by security guards.

The people led by Teristina were wiped out by Item.

After the dust settled, Gufa Meiwei, who hadn't participated much, came from a distance and looked at the four girls with puzzled eyes.

Finally, I set my sights on the familiar Kinuhata favorite.

"How many of you are..."

"It's not important, please don't pay too much attention to it."

Silk flag likes to stop her from asking.

Mugino Shenli looked at the disciplinary committee member, snorted as if he was very unhappy, then turned and left.

"Mission accomplished, let's go."


As long as the MAR is done, they don't need to be responsible for the aftermath.

It is because the aftermath work is more troublesome, so Bai Ye let them cooperate with the security guards and the disciplinary committee, and these two organizations are still leading.

After all, there are so many comatose students, Bai Ye is too lazy to take care of them, and Item has no ability to take care of them, so it is better to leave them to the security guards and discipline committee members.

Gufa Meiwei looked at their backs, and then at the MAR members who were all incapacitated.

Fortunately, no one died.

Those girls were obviously merciful, otherwise they would probably be bleeding tonight.

So who are they?
Who is their "master"?

Gufa Meiwei frowned and thought.

Chuchun Zhuli didn't think too much about it, she just called the security guards and asked them to arrange personnel to deal with the aftermath.


Prison Cai Haimei has also completed her task.

Leave the follow-up work to Huang Quanchuan Aiho, and she will go home to rest with the last work.

Because there is a sister Misaka who is relatively close to the soul of the underworld, so she was also arranged to do some things. Now that sister Misaka has returned to the hospital safely.

The last work told the prison Cai Haimei the news.

"I see, I will report to the master."


After receiving the help of the ability body crystallization, Mushan Chunsheng and Mingtu Zhuishun quickly completed the "vaccine software" to treat the comatose students.

Not long after using it, the unconscious students woke up one after another.

It's just that the body has become weak because of being in a coma for too long; there is no problem mentally.

Knowing the details, Shirai Heizi breathed a sigh of relief.

Look at Haruno Kiyama, who was supposed to be in the detention center or prison, but didn't say anything, just turned around and called Gufa Meiwei to report the situation.

Start thinking after the report is over.

That blond girl is the person next to Bai Ye...

Could it be that Bai Ye is the real mastermind of this rescue operation tonight?


Chunshang Jinyi had already fallen asleep.

Bai Ye received calls from Prison Cai Haimei and Flanda respectively, indicating that the mission had been successfully completed.

Just take Chunshang Jinyi to the hospital to visit Zhi Xianbanli tomorrow.

"Okay, the matter is over, let's go back to our respective homes."

Byakuya who put away the phone hugged the drowsy Fremea.

The little girl curled up in his arms and closed her eyes, perhaps she would fall asleep soon.

Saten Renko looked at the backs of them leaving, and then said to Misaka Mikoto with a smile: "Misaka-senpai, you should go back too, it would be bad if Miss Dormmaster knew about it after you have been out for such a long time."

"Aren't you going back to the dormitory?"

"I'll wait until Chuchun comes back. I don't think it will take long. If it's too late, I can stay here."

"……OK then."

Misaka Mikoto nodded, did not say any more, but got up to leave.

On the way back to the dormitory, he called Shirai Heizi by the way.

There must be "space movement" to enter and exit the dormitory more conveniently.

(End of this chapter)

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