boy of science

Chapter 157 "Are you coming to my dormitory, or am I going to your dormitory?"

Chapter 157 "Are you coming to my dormitory, or am I going to your dormitory?"

Among the students in a coma is a girl named "Esaki Tanri", who is Harukami's friend.

Shirai Kuroko and Chuchun Shili didn't know about it until the next day.

Because there are still many problems to be clarified, they followed Gufa Meiwei to the hospital to find out the situation of those students, and they happened to meet Bai Ye and the others.

Misaka Mikoto and Saten Renko also followed.

Haruka Jinyi was talking to Edasaki Tanri in the ward, while the three of them were waiting outside the door.

"I see."

After understanding the situation, the two girls nodded to express their understanding.

Chuchun Rishi looked curiously at the two young girls who had reunited in the ward after a long absence.

Shirai Heizi aimed at Bai Ye.

Chunshang Jinyi knew Esakidenri, the blond girl who met Bai Ye last night, and those other girls...

So Bai Ye was the "behind the scenes" who acted last night?

Perhaps sensing her gaze, Bai Ye suddenly turned to look at her, and then showed her a bright smile.

But he didn't say anything.

Misaka Mikoto used "to see a friend" as an excuse to leave.

This is the Mizuho Institution Hospital, there are a few Misaka sisters here, they are all here, of course I have to meet them.

She basically meets these younger sisters, mainly because the other younger sisters are far away and it is inconvenient to meet.

Gufa Meiwei, who had talked with the doctor for a long time, came here.

"Shirai, Chuchun, why are you all staying at the door, didn't you ask the students to find out about the situation?"

"Senior Gufa, let's start now."

Shirai Heizi was a little embarrassed, and hurriedly pushed Chuchun Shili into the ward.

"I'm sorry, Harukami-san, and Edasaki Banri-san, we need to ask a few questions."

"Yes, please say."

"First of all, this..."


They were doing routine work inside, while Bai Ye was aiming at Gufa Meiwei's chest.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, Chairman, has your bust increased again?"


"Really? I don't believe it, unless I measure it with my hands."


Gufa Meiwei didn't say anything, but just launched "Sanctions from Disciplinary Committee" against Bai Ye.

When dealing with people like Bai Ye, don't talk nonsense if you can do it.


The Disciplinary Committee still has work, Harukami Jinyi wanted to accompany Tsunari Edesaki, Misaka Mikoto left and never came back, probably because she had a lot to say to those Misaka sisters.

So Bai Ye took Saten Reniko and left.

Near noon, find a restaurant to have lunch at random, and ask the girl what she has seen and thought during this time.

She had seen the darkness of Academy City. Although she didn't see much, it was enough for her to understand the cruelty of this world.

By the way, she also learned that Bai Ye was different from what she had imagined.

But so what?

The world is always cruel and beautiful, things always have pros and cons, and the darkness of society cannot change her mind.

After this topic was over, Bai Ye asked about his studies again.

In the past, he had asked this girl to learn the characters and knowledge of the neighbors, and the girl often asked him for advice before the summer vacation.

Are you still studying after the holiday?

"of course."

Saten Ruiko said that she has not left behind her homework in this area.

In order to check her study progress, Bai Ye asked many questions, and the girl could basically answer them fluently.

The main questions are not difficult, they are all very basic knowledge.

The end result is that Bai Ye is very satisfied.

Saten Reiko is different from Ayami Goku, Shitoshi Mugino, and Misaka Mikoto. She is just an ordinary incapable person, and she doesn't have such a strong learning ability.

She has learned to such a level in just one or two months, one can imagine how much effort she has put in.

Bai Ye has made her own decision, so if she is called like this now, she will naturally not continue to procrastinate.

"Do you want to really have power?"

"...Really, have the ability?"


Bai Ye nodded slightly.

Although it was a public place where people came and went, he didn't have the slightest scruples and directly talked about the qi refining.

No one would hear it anyway.

Ordinary people can't hear it, and Aleister and others can't hear it either.

The Demon God might hear it.

But how could those superior beings eavesdrop on the conversation between two "ants"?
"Refining Qi, this is the source of my ability."

Qi refining is the foundation, the starting point, followed by concentration.

But no matter what realm they have behind them, they are all self-proclaimed "Qi Refiners".

Because this is a habit, and it is also a reminder to not forget the original intention.

"Becoming a fairy" is the goal, so I don't need to say more about it for the time being.

Qi is the five Qi, gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

But this does not simply refer to metal, wood, water, flames, and soil.

The five elements are concepts, and all the substances that make up the world are in the five elements.

Chaos is the origin, and the five elements evolved from chaos.

Bai Ye, who has perfected the five qi and turned toward the Yuan, is placed in the Taoist place, probably the kind of existence that is "not in the five elements".

After all, it has returned to its origin and turned into "chaos".

Saten Saten was also very smart, and could easily understand what Bai Ye was saying.

"Student Bai Ye, are you going to teach me this 'qi refining'?"

"As long as you want to learn, but before that, I have to make things clear to you."

What is qi refining, what will happen after qi refining, and various other issues must be clarified.

There is also a very critical issue: without permission, it is not allowed to spread it outside without permission.

Parents can't do it, siblings can't do it, and everyone else can't.

If it was in the original world, Bai Ye certainly wouldn't say that.

But who made this a "different world".

Originally, apart from a few maids, Bai Ye didn't intend to teach anyone how to refine Qi.

The result is still taught.

Before it was Misaka Mikoto, now it is Saten Renko, and from now on...

Who can say what will happen next.

Although he taught these girls how to refine Qi, Bai Ye didn't expect them to achieve much.

After all, most qi refiners spend their entire lives wandering in the entry level, and only a few can achieve success in qi refinement.

Moreover, "Successful in Qi Refining" also scored major successes and minor successes.

Whether it will be consummated after Dacheng is still unknown.

Bai Ye felt that these girls probably died after living for three to five hundred years.

Even so, it is already very good. How many ordinary people can live to be a hundred years old?
Most of them are seventy or eighty.

And have to endure the pain of aging and gradual decay of the body.

"So? Do you want to learn?"

After explaining clearly, Bai Ye asked again.

Saten Ruiko made a quick decision, biting her lip and nodding heavily.

"to learn!"

This answer was expected, so Bai Ye didn't say much, but continued to ask: "Is that you coming to my dormitory, or am I going to your dormitory?"


"You can't just find a place outside and start teaching. Of course, you have to go back to the dormitory to teach and learn slowly."


Saten Saten thought for a while, and soon made a decision: "If your dormitory is inconvenient, go to my dormitory."

"Okay, it's your dormitory."

After all, Sister Flander was still living in his dormitory.

(End of this chapter)

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