boy of science

Chapter 158 "What if he really did it?"

Chapter 158 "What if he really did it?"

Fulanda has already started refining Qi, so she doesn't need Bai Ye's guidance in a short time.

Fremea is still young, and she has their protection, so she doesn't need to rush to get started with Qi refining, she can learn more basic knowledge.

But the two sisters still have to live in Bai Ye's dormitory recently.

Although this does not prevent Saten Reniko from learning knowledge in the past, it is not good for Bai Ye's dormitory to live in another person.

Study time is evening.

You can't let the girl go back to the dormitory after class, right?
As for taking classes during the day...

Bai Ye is not in that mood, it is better to use it for fun during the day.

Teaching in dreams...

This is unnecessary.

In view of various reasons, a decision was finally made: Bai Ye went to Saten Ruiko's dormitory to teach her after sunset.

"By the way, I'm also asking you for my dinner."

Bai Ye made his own small request.

Saten Saten didn't have any objection, she just nodded and agreed.

Then ask: "Do you want to start teaching tonight?"


Time is precious.

Although Bai Ye had a lot of time to squander, Saten Saten Ruiko didn't.

She is an ordinary girl after all.


In the afternoon, Branch 177.

Gufa Meiwei, Chuchun Shili and Shirai Kuroko sorted out the information and shared information, and soon discussed Bai Ye's role in this incident.

The key is that Shirai Kuroko discovered that a certain blond girl had a relationship with Bai Ye.

Judging from the cooperation last night, the four girls had a tacit understanding, obviously they had known each other for a long time.

So those four girls are all related to Bai Ye.

As for what is the relationship...

"Bai Jing, you mean that the 'master' they are talking about is that Bai Ye classmate?"

Gufa Meiwei frowned slightly.

It was because of this "Master" that they discussed it.

Although in this country, "Master" is actually a very common title.

When facing outsiders, the wife will use "master" to address her husband, which means "the master of this family".

Some housekeepers, maids, and servants who work in the homes of rich and powerful people also use "master" to refer to their employers.

It is also often heard in places like maid cafes.

Some employees will call their boss "master", which actually means "master".

So under normal circumstances, there is no need to make a fuss when you hear this name.

The problem is that Gufa Meiwei and the others feel that the "master" in Kinuhata's favorite mouth is not quite normal.

Although they have no evidence, just "intuition".

Of course, this does not include Uiharu Shiri.

"I don't think it's a problem, after all, it's Bai Ye's classmate."


Hearing this, Shirai Heizi felt very speechless.

In the end, he couldn't help but said: "Chuchun, I think there is something wrong with your attitude towards classmate Bai Ye."

"No? It's normal. I just believe that my friends will not do bad things."

"And what if he did?"


Facing Shirai Kuroko's questioning, Uiharu Shiri seems to be at a loss as to how to answer.

Shirai Heizi recounted Bai Ye's crimes in detail: "In the end, Bai Ye didn't behave very well in the first place. He is a delinquent boy who can lift girls' skirts on the street."

Speaking of this, Shirai Heizi remembered: the first time he met Bai Ye, he was lifting up the girl's skirt, and it seemed to be the blonde girl from last night.

Chuchun Shili also recalled her own experience of being lifted up by Shirai Ye.

She blushed a little, but still helped to argue: "Student Bai Ye is because... because..."

It's really hard to find a reason.

Seeing that Chuchun Shili was speechless, Gufa Meiwei hurriedly smoothed things over: "Okay, this itself is not something to be concerned about, maybe we are thinking too much? Let's deal with the aftermath first."


Shirai Heizi responded and said no more.

After all, talking about someone behind their back is not good behavior in itself.

If those girls were really arranged by Bai Ye, then he did a good deed.

There is no reason to be suspicious of doing good deeds.

Just looking at Uiharu Shiri who was processing the documents, and thinking about the boy whose head was full of pornographic trash, I felt very strange in my heart.

Why is Chuchun Shili's trust and affection for Bai Ye so high?

It is not only Chuchun Shili who has a high affection for Bai Ye, but also young girls such as Fanfeng Junzi and married Guangzi.

Even Baofu Wanbin who hadn't met a few times and hadn't said a few words.

Of course, this girl is more curious about Bai Ye.

She felt that she had seen Bai Ye, but she couldn't remember where she saw it, because she didn't have any impression at all.

He wanted to say hello to Bai Ye and ask about the specific situation, but he didn't find a chance.

I didn't see Bai Ye again until today.

After marriage, Guangzi has been very unlucky recently. She was attacked by unscrupulous teenagers, and was "disorderly and open".

He was forced to stay in the research institute of the MAR headquarters for inspection, but MAR was attacked by the guards again.

Of course, this has nothing to do with her. Instead, she was "rescued" and was transferred to a nearby hospital that night. After an examination today, she was found to have no problems and was allowed to leave the hospital.

The Wannei Juan Bao and Pao Wan Bin who came to visit her happened to pick her up and leave the hospital.

Talking, laughing and walking on the way back to the garden of the school house, I met Bai Ye who was wandering alone in the street.

Although Saten Reniko was going to be taught how to refine qi, that was after dark, and now they are temporarily separated.

"Student Bai Ye, I didn't expect to meet you here. This is really fate."

Immediately after the marriage, Photon came over to say hello.

Wannei Juanbao and Paofu Wanbin also saluted and said hello to him.

Very standard aristocratic etiquette.

Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko don't pay much attention to this as the eldest lady.

"Oh, how are you all?"

Bai Ye stopped and faced them, and handed over the popsicle in his hand.

"Do you want to eat it? It's not easy to divide one. Why don't we take turns to lick it?"


This kind of question made the three young ladies not know how to respond.

Fortunately, Bai Ye didn't really want to do this, so he quickly retracted his hand and continued to bite the popsicle.

His eyes were sizing them up, and by the way, he took a few more glances at Wannai Kinuho.

Then Juanbao in Wannei hid directly behind Paofu Wanbin.

Bai Ye quickly remembered relevant information: This girl is a little afraid of men.

Yes, it is fear.

Bai Ye didn't know exactly what was going on, and he didn't even know the truth of this statement.

Anyway, he thought the girl was cute.

Wannai Kinuho is about the same height as Misaka Mikoto, and she also has short brown hair, but she has a bit of natural curly hair.

By the way, the chest is bigger than Misaka Mikoto.

If she is cute, then Paofu Wanbin is beautiful.

When watching anime before, Bai Ye liked her double braided look at the Daha Star Festival.

By the way, her breasts are bigger than Misaka Mikoto's.

It's not that Bai Ye has to pay attention to the chest problem, it's just that it's so interesting to persecute the flat-chested cannon in this respect.

It's a pity that Misaka Mikoto is not here, so she can't persecute her.

"Where is Bai Ye going?"

After the marriage, Guangzi changed the subject and tried to chat with Bai Ye.

Bai Ye withdrew his gaze from aiming at their chests.

"There is no place to go, just hanging out, do you want to go together?"

(End of this chapter)

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