boy of science

Chapter 159 Because Bai Ye is a Bad Boy

Chapter 159 Because Bai Ye is a Bad Boy
Wannei Juanbao and Paofu Wanbin are shy and easily shy, and are not good at dealing with the opposite sex, so it is basically Guangzi talking to Baiye after marriage.

They were planning to go back to the dormitory because they met by chance and wandered with Bai Ye.

I went to a lot of places I wouldn't go to before, ate a lot of things I wouldn't buy before, and saw a lot of things I wouldn't see before.

After all, she is the eldest lady, and there is something separated from the world of common people.

Although he didn't talk to Bai Ye very much, Paofu Wanbin often put his gaze on Bai Ye, and when Bai Ye turned his head to look at her, he quickly retracted his gaze.

His face was flushed, and his heart was beating very fast.

Paofu Wanbin's personality is far more shy than that of Wannei Juanbao, but Wannei Juanbao seems to really have "male phobia", and she is the one who is farthest from Bai Ye.

Whenever Bai Ye looked at her, she would subconsciously hide behind Paofu Wanbin or Guangzi after marriage.

Maybe it was because he felt that this was too rude, and there was a bit of apology on his face.

After marriage, Guangzi didn't think so much, and talked very happily with Bai Ye, obviously willing to get close to the boy.

After all, Bai Ye is her benefactor.

This benefactor once said such words as "promise with one's body".

At that time, the post-marriage photon didn't respond, but ignored the question.

But after that, she asked someone to collect information about Bai Ye.

The boy was one year younger than her, was born as an abandoned child, and had excellent academic performance.

It's a pity that Academy City pays more attention to ability development here, but Bai Ye doesn't accept ability development, so few people will notice the "excellent grades" at all.

Judging from these materials alone, it is absolutely possible for her to agree with her body.

But she didn't marry into Bai Ye's family, but Bai Ye married into her married family.

After all, she is an only child, and there are still so many properties to inherit. In the end, she must be recruiting a husband instead of letting her marry out.

It's just that the information behind it makes people feel that it is not suitable.

Because Bai Ye is a bad boy.

Everyone in Shachuan Middle School basically said so, although no one seemed to be able to provide evidence.

After marriage, Guangzi felt that this was a slander. Compared with those rumors, she believed in her own experience: Bai Ye stepped forward to save her in a critical moment.

But Bai Ye does have some bad behaviors, such as lifting a girl's skirt.

They even talked about topics like "Original Fat Times" in broad daylight and under the watchful eyes of everyone.

The topic of "one million yuan to buy original fat times" is still very popular in the garden of the school house.

It was just because it happened so suddenly that no one took pictures or videotaped it, so few people knew who the protagonist who said those words was.

In fact, if you want to take pictures, you can't take pictures, unless you get Bai Ye's consent in advance.

In any case, they are only middle school students now, and it is still too early to talk about marriage.

So after marriage, Guangzi would not say much, but quietly regarded Bai Ye as the No. 1 choice for future marriage partner.

It is currently the only option.

Bai Ye didn't "dump" his yellow waste to them, so it was quite pleasant to get along with them.

It's just that Paofu Wanbin didn't ask the question "have we met somewhere?" in the end.

Too shy to ask questions.

Around evening, the three girls bid farewell to Bai Ye and returned to the school garden.


Bai Ye probably had a good relationship with the students of Tokiwadai. He had just sent away the three of them, Mitsuko and the others, and not long after, he met another student of Tokiwadai: Junko Fanfeng.

She just came out of the garden of the school dormitory and was going back to the dormitory.

As the No. [-] figure in the "Shokuhoku faction", Junko Fanfeng has a lot to do, especially the girl Shokuhou Misaki hasn't been doing much recently.

Fanfeng Junzi didn't know what her "Mr. Queen" was busy with. Anyway, she seemed to be happy every day, so they didn't care too much.

Ever since one day I discovered that this girl didn't even know what a "crazy man" was, Bai Ye would do all kinds of crazy behaviors towards her when I met her occasionally, and gave a reason full of slots: Let you know what a "crazy man" is. What kind of thing.

In fact, idiots are nothing.

Facing Bai Ye's various idiotic behaviors, Fanfeng Runzi felt a little troubled, but she wasn't really angry.

And he still regards Bai Ye as a very close friend.

Or not just friends?

After all, normal people don't do any idiotic behavior to their friends.

Friends of the opposite sex need to avoid suspicion even more.

But Bai Ye didn't do anything strange today.

Fanfeng Runzi didn't think too much, but talked to Bai Ye about his ability.

Recently, she often talked with Bai Ye about this, because she could get a lot of advice, and the follow-up practice proved that those suggestions were very useful.

Bai Ye was actually helping her optimize the use of her abilities, and by the way, giving her various martial arts skills.

This girl is really practicing martial arts next door.

Although they are all learned from books, there is no teacher to point them out.

Because her ability "Dress in Heavenly Clothes" is mainly used to strengthen her physical fitness, close combat is more suitable for her, so she asked her father to help buy a lot of books on this topic.

The type and level of abilities are actually secrets, and normally they will not be made public, nor will they be casually told to others.

Of course, there are also some that are considered public, mainly those more obvious abilities, such as Misaka Mikoto's "Electric Shocker" and Shirai Kuroko's "Space Movement".

But only the type of ability is an open secret, and the specific data will still be kept secret.

Chuchun Shili didn't tell others about her abilities, not even Saten Renko and the others.

Fanfeng Runzi told Bai Ye about her abilities, which showed that she trusted Bai Ye very much.

Although Bai Ye didn't have the ability to accept ability development, such a long time of research and study was not for nothing. Since he could help Bai Jing Heizi optimize the use of his abilities, he could naturally help Fanfeng Junzi optimize the use of his abilities.

"The method you mentioned last time is very effective, and my head doesn't hurt so much when I use the ability."

When using the ability, it will cause headaches, burden the body, and it is very serious, so I will subconsciously limit my ability.

This is one of the reasons why she can't reach Level 5.

Her literacy is judged to be Level 5. If this problem can be solved and enough resources can be cultivated, maybe Academy City can have another Level 5.

"As long as it works, practice hard, and strive to minimize the burden on the body when using the ability."

"It's natural."

Junzi Fanfeng nodded to him, and then asked about "martial arts".

The teenager seemed to know a lot about the martial arts next door, and some of the techniques he occasionally said were very helpful to her.

She even wanted to study with Bai Ye for a while.

It's a pity that they are not available recently.

When concentrating on studying, time seems to pass quickly, and I have already returned to the door of the dormitory before I know it.

"Thank you for your advice today, I'm sorry."

Although she has become very familiar and close, Fanfeng Junzi still seems very polite when speaking.

Bai Ye didn't bother to care, smiled and waved goodbye to her, then turned and left.

Fanfeng Junzi watched his friend go away.

On the second floor of the dormitory building, Misaka Mikoto stood at the window and watched her.

There are so many girls who get close to Bai Ye.

 According to the information I have seen

  Dandong, so Fanfeng Junzi is indeed learning Chinese martial arts

  This is an "original setting"


  now some people

  Seeing some Chinese elements appearing in Japanese comics, it jumps up and down like a cat whose tail has been stepped on

  So let me explain here

(End of this chapter)

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