boy of science

Chapter 160 "In this case, let's get married, so we can"

Chapter 160 "In this case, let's get married, so that we can..."

A certain poet once said: After Dongli drank the wine at dusk, there was a dark fragrance filling his sleeves.

Bai Ye and Saten Ruiko didn't drink alcohol, but the room was indeed filled with fragrance.

There is the aroma of food, and there is an inexplicable aroma.

Is it the scent of a girl?

However, such things as "body fragrance" do not exist normally. The fragrance smelled from the opposite sex is usually the smell emitted by shampoo, shower gel, perfume and cosmetics.

Saten Ruiko did not use perfume.

Although Shachuan Middle School is not as strict as Tokiwadai Middle School, overly obvious make-up behaviors are not allowed.

Perfume is such a thing.

In terms of cosmetics, Saten Ruiko, Uiharu Shiri and other girls seem to be useless.

Because of his own personality, hobbies, and school regulations, few girls Bai Ye knew knew how to wear makeup.

Misaka Mikoto did secretly put on makeup, but it was only to the extent that it was hard to see.

After all, the school's regulations are there.

If she really dared to violate it blatantly, the school would have to mobilize the dormitory lady to reason with her and teach her how to abide by the rules.

Needless to say this.

Bai Ye carefully observed the girl's room, trying to search for the source of the fragrance.

Saten Ruiko's culinary skills are very good, and the food she cooks is full of color, flavor and taste, much better than Kisami and Fulanda.

The meals made by those two blond girls are basically edible.

However, Mugino Shirley didn't know how to cook at all.

There are also many young ladies in Tokiwadai, or in the garden of the school house, who don't understand at all.

While eating dinner and talking about the basics of qi refining, Bai Ye suddenly had a feeling: it seemed that an "old friend" had reappeared.

The answer was quickly obtained: it was the alchemist Oreos.

Originally, Bai Ye wanted to obtain the knowledge related to magic in his mind, but Aleister suddenly wanted to curse Misaka Mikoto and successfully lured him away from Oreos.

By the time he solved the problem Misaka Mikoto encountered and wanted to continue, Oreos had disappeared.

Now reappearing is obviously waste utilization.

Aleister needs to temper Kamijou Touma so that this "hero" card will become more mature and powerful.

As for how he got Oreos to find Kamijou Touma...

Such details are not important.

The important thing is that Bai Ye has some minor grudges with Aleister, so what Aleister wanted to do, he just couldn't let the other party complete it smoothly.

Except for the plan to deal with those demon gods.

Bai Ye naturally hopes to get rid of those demon gods, otherwise he will feel very insecure.

Although he was ready to run away at any time, he didn't want to do that unless it was absolutely necessary.

Because he is still very happy to stay in this world.

Does tempering that hedgehog head have anything to do with dealing with those demon gods?
Bai Ye thought about it carefully, and then gave up the urge to sabotage.


After dinner the real study time begins.

Saten Ruiko, who was in contact with these for the first time, inevitably related qi refining to the Shintoism here and the Taoism next door.

Because Shintoism has a saying of "spiritual power", the Taoism next door even directly "refines Qi".

There are also yin and yang and five elements.

Bai Ye had no choice but to give her the difference between a popular science qi refiner and a Taoist first.

Almost every girl who learns to refine qi will ask this question.

Except for the Flanders, they are Westerners after all, and they won't associate so much because of "refining Qi".

"To put it simply, Taoists are religious believers, but Qi refiners are not."

Finally, use this sentence as the end of popular science.

It's best if Saten Saten can figure out the difference, and it doesn't matter if she can't, anyway, she will understand sooner or later.

After the popularization of science, continue to teach the basics of qi refining.


Bai Ye left after class without doing anything to tease her, which surprised Saten Ruiko.

But she didn't think too much, but was reviewing and consolidating the knowledge she had just learned.

Hard work doesn't necessarily work.

But she only worked hard.


Anyway, there is no talent in ability development, otherwise it would not be Level 0 now.

As for refining gas...

Who knows if there will be.

Try hard first.

If she couldn't even go this way, then she could only be content with being ordinary.

But she doesn't want to be ordinary.

She wants to have the ability and succeed in refining Qi, only in this way can she stand beside her friends more confidently.

Only by successfully refining Qi can one be qualified to stand by Bai Ye's side.


On the way home, Bai Ye ran into Huang Quanchuan Aisui and Tie Zhuangli again.

Then it was towed away.

First take a bath, and then go to the supper stand to eat.

Huang Quanchuan Aiho asked Bai Ye a few questions by the way: "Does what happened last night have anything to do with you kid?"

"what's up?"

"It's about MAR, don't play dumb."

"Oh, that one."

Bai Ye didn't want to hide this kind of thing, so he admitted it straightforwardly.

"That's right, I asked them to help rescue those unconscious students. What, is there a problem?"

"...There is no problem."

Huang Quanchuan Aiho shook her head.

I didn't expect this guy to admit it so easily, and she doesn't need to show clues and evidence.

But this is also good, save time and effort.

"You kid..."

Huang Quanchuan Aiho originally prepared a lot of speeches, but it seemed that she didn't know where to start.

In the end, I just sighed softly: "You can do it yourself, I hope you don't do something wrong and go the wrong way, lest I have to personally arrest you and put you in prison."

She had been in Anbe before, and although she had quit long ago, it was still easy to see that the blond girl (Kai Cai Haimi) was probably a member of Anbe.

There are also those girls who assisted the discipline committee to destroy the MAR regiment.

The report of the Disciplinary Committee explained the situation at that time in detail, so the identities of those girls can be inferred from the aspect of ability.

Mainly the maiden who released the light.

If I didn't guess wrong, it's probably the fourth in Level 5: Atomic Collapse.

It is said that she is the leader of the dark organization Item.

Bai Ye gets involved with Anbu...

To be honest, Huang Quanchuan Aiho felt very bad, because she knew very well what kind of existence Anbu really was.

But Bai Ye didn't care at all.

"Don't worry, you can't catch me."

"...The key is whether you can catch it or not? The key is not to let me catch you, brat."

"In this case, let's get married, so that you can control me..."


Huang Quanchuan Aiho punched him and was too lazy to discuss this topic with him.

Bai Ye didn't pay attention, but stuffed food into his mouth, and his eyes were fixed on the iron armor that was a distance away from him.

Because I suddenly remembered: In a few months, it seems that Tie Zhuangli will be thrown into prison by Huang Quanchuan Aiho.

What's going on?

Have to think about it.

After all, Tie Zhuangli took good care of him, so I still have to help this girl.

But after thinking about it carefully, I feel that this matter can wait until then.

Now it's still important to eat.

Koizumikawa Aiho raised a glass full of beer.

"Xiaomeng, Iron suit, let's toast!"

(End of this chapter)

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