boy of science

Chapter 161 "The Essence of Life Is"

Chapter 161 "The essence of life is..."

"Taoists are religious believers, but Qi refiners are not."

"If you really want to say it, a gas refiner is like a scientist, exploring the truth of the world and pursuing the origin of matter."

"The world is made up of five elements. When you complete the cultivation of the five elements, it is equivalent to having thoroughly studied the world and starting to explore the deeper origin: chaos."

"The completion of Qi refining is to return to the original source."

"Wait until the stage of Dacheng and Consummation, most spells can be comprehended without learning, including the existing abilities of Academy City."

"At this time, even if you want to destroy the world, you can do it."

"But that's just superficial destruction."

"There is a saying next door: Matter is not destroyed, but smashed."

"After the demon god destroys the world, that is, destroys all phases, the world will become a pitch-black flat land without ups and downs."

"Since there are still things, it means that matter still exists."

"True total annihilation is nothingness, nothing exists anymore."

"The five elements evolved from chaos, so where did the chaos come from?"

"The theory of Qi refiners is to be born from nothingness."

"'Nothingness' is a concept, referring to the non-existence of everything, including the world, including matter, including chaos."

"So you need to return to the void."

"Of course there is a state of concentration between qi refining and returning to the void."

"Concentrating the mind can also be said to be refining the mind. This 'spirit' refers to the consciousness corresponding to matter."

"Although matter determines consciousness."

"But something like 'consciousness' does have the meaning of 'born from nothing'."

"From birth to death, consciousness is like going from nothing to being, and then from being to nothing."

"I'm only consummating Qi, and I can't teach you too much about these aspects, so let's talk about refining 'Qi' first."


What Bai Ye taught the other girls was the basic knowledge of the introduction to qi refining, and he talked a lot with Misaka Mikoto, even the subsequent division of realms.

But Misaka Mikoto didn't know the difference between what he taught others and what he taught herself, so she didn't care and just studied hard.

Academy City has been relatively quiet recently, and nothing special has happened.

Therefore, she mainly focused on "refining Qi".

Qi refining does not pay attention to posture, you can do whatever you want, Bai Ye is used to sitting cross-legged, other girls just follow suit.

With Shirai Kuroko as a roommate, Misaka Mikoto couldn't act too strangely, so she lay on the bed honestly, looking like a normal sleep and rest.


Shirai Heizi has recently been curious about Bai Ye.

Or "doubt"?
After all, the girls who killed the MAR called him the "Master".

And there are too many unreasonable things about Bai Ye.

Of course, she doesn't think Bai Ye is a bad person, because to be honest, Bai Ye has actually done a lot of good things.

Like treating her before.

For example, this time to rescue those comatose students.

Bai Ye's biggest problem is that he always says strange things and lifts his skirts.

But after putting aside these superficial phenomena, what kind of person is that boy?

Shirai Kuroko didn't know.

It seems that no one can make it clear.

Chuchun Shili's words seem to be able to point directly to the essence: "Student Bai Ye is classmate Bai Ye, otherwise, what else could it be?"

"...That's not wrong."

But this answer could not satisfy Shirai Kuroko's curiosity.

It just so happens that it has been relatively peaceful recently, without so many messy things.

So after work, Shirai Heizi took some time to observe Bai Ye.

There are many gains.

Like living with blonde sisters, like going to Saten Ruiko's dorm after sunset, like hanging out often.

And Bai Ye also knew another Level 5 from Tokiwadai.

He was close to many girls, and he was also close to a couple of security guards.

I know all kinds of girls, there are many students from Tokiwadai, and there are girls in strange clothes.

Some are wearing priestess costumes, and some are wearing strange nun costumes.

Shirai Kuroko, who was observing secretly, found that he was often accompanied by young girls, who seemed to be very close, but did not act too intimately.

Just friends of the opposite sex?
Speaking of which, it seems that all the people he deals with are women, and there are no men at all.

Those women are basically middle school students, and there are also elementary school students and teachers.


Shirai Kuroko didn't know what to say.

Continue to observe and find that Bai Ye's life is very simple, so simple that it will make people feel bored.

But teenagers are having fun.

After several days of observation, Shirai Heizi still couldn't find the answer.

Because I still can't understand Bai Ye.

He will do good deeds, occasionally rescuing girls who have been harassed; he will also do "bad things", such as asking the rescued girls to give him original fat times as thanks.

It's a pity that no girl will really give him the original fat times.

So she heard the young man muttering with emotion: There really is no reward for doing good deeds.


Do good deeds in order to get rewarded?

Although good deeds should be rewarded.

Speaking of which, can something like "original fat times" be considered a "good reward"?

Shirai Kuroko couldn't quite understand the boy's thinking.

"It's really strange."

The girl secretly sighed.

This day, he continued to follow up and observe Bai Ye, and found that the other party went to the park and bought two cans of drinks from a certain vending machine.

Shirai Kuroko took a closer look and found that it was the vending machine that was often repaired by Misaka Mikoto.

Without thinking too much, I continued to observe secretly.

And found that Bai Ye had already found a bench to sit down to watch the scenery, and even waved towards where she was.

"Come out, Hei Zi Jiang, I'll buy you a drink."

Bai Ye had already discovered her.

She had already discovered it when she first started stalking, but she didn't expose it and didn't take care of it, so she pretended not to know.

Today is also idle, so I called the girl over to chat.

Baijing Heizi did not continue to hide, and used the space to move a dodge, appearing directly in front of Baiye.

"excuse me."

He said hello and sat down beside Bai Ye.

This is a bench, and if you squeeze it, it won't be a problem for three or five people, and two people are naturally more than enough.

After she sat down, Bai Ye handed her a can of drink directly.

"Want to drink?"


Shirai Kuroko did not refuse.

Opening the drink can and taking a sip, I heard Bai Ye's question again: "Heizi, you have been with me for several days, what do you want to do, rob money or rob sex?"

When it was over, she added without waiting for her answer: "There must be no robbery, and I will definitely cooperate with robbery."


Holding a drink can, Shirai Kuroko squinted at the smiling young man beside him.

After observing silently for a long time, he asked like complaining: "Is there only... only this kind of lecherous thing in your head?"

"Is there anything wrong with sex? The essence of life is sex!"

"...It's the first time I've heard of such a thing, Heizi."

"How come, 'The essence of living things is reproduction', you must have heard of this theory?"


The essence of organisms is reproduction, which is to ensure that genetic information (genes) can survive forever.

Of course Shirai Kuroko had heard of this.

So Bai Ye smiled all over his face: "From a macro perspective, the way of reproduction is sex, so the 'essence of life is sex', do you have any questions about this?"

(End of this chapter)

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