boy of science

Chapter 171 Can people with three different views really come together?

Chapter 171 Can people with different views really come together?

Misaka Mikoto failed to find a way to properly arrange the last work, so she could only continue to let Saimi Gokami help take care of it. She would often check the situation through her mobile phone, and occasionally she would ask Saimi Gokami to bring the last work out to meet.

Because of the increased communication, the relationship between Misaka Mikoto and Prison Saimi has become very close.

In the past, she thought that Prison Cai Haimei was just doing things for Bai Ye.

But now it's different.

"How did you meet Bai Ye? And what kind of relationship is it?"

When they met again, Misaka Mikoto asked such a question.

After finishing speaking, he explained as if flustered: "Don't, don't get me wrong, I'm just curious, really."

Whether it's curiosity or what, Prison Cai Haimei doesn't care.

She was just a little maid anyway.

She didn't know if she could answer the question "how did you know each other?"

Thinking about it carefully, Bai Ye didn't seem to forbid her from mentioning this matter.

If there is no explicit prohibition, it means that you can say it or not.

Moreover, the relationship between Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Ye seems to be extraordinary, so it probably doesn't matter if you talk to her.

"It was a dark and stormy night to kill people."

Was the moon dark that night?Is it windy?
This is hard to say.

Anyway, "killing" is definitely there.

The dark organization School was ordered to "deal with" the boy named Bai Ye.

One Level5, but also the second, two Level4.

Such a lineup is a sure win unless you meet other Level5s.

Even if they encircle and suppress Level 5, they may not necessarily fail.

It turned out to be a real failure.

Yu Wanghua and Kakine Teito, who felt that they were sure of everything and wanted to go back to rest early, were chopped into two quarters by Bai Ye.

They haven't even been able to display their real combat effectiveness yet.

Even if you play it out, you will lose.

Kakine Teitoku was lucky, he used his ability to protect himself in time, even if he was cut in half, he didn't die, and it seemed that he was sent to the doctor who was known as "the soul of the underworld".

Wanhua, who was beheaded, has probably turned into ashes and stayed in the box at this moment.

Prison Cai Haimei had no intention of killing Bai Ye from the beginning to the end, and she decisively chose to surrender at the critical moment.

Then she became Bai Ye's little maid.

"That's roughly how it happened."


Misaka Mikoto nodded knowingly.

I didn't expect Bai Ye to encounter such a thing.

But is this really good?
Treating others as slaves...

Although this blond girl became a prisoner because of defeat.

"Do you want to be free again?"


"I mean, maybe I can discuss this issue with Bai Ye."


The blond girl looked up at the sky with neither sadness nor joy on her face.

"We don't have freedom, and the so-called 'freedom' is just an illusion, it doesn't exist anywhere in the world."

"You said..."

Misaka Mikoto opened her mouth, but she didn't know what to say, so she could only close her mouth and remain silent.

Of course, I just kept silent on this matter, and I still have to say what should be said.

What we need to do today is to empower our sisters to protect themselves.

The Last Work is the "command center" for the sisters, so it's just there to get things done.

In the future, the younger sisters can summon the power of Zidian when they encounter danger.

Under normal circumstances, summoning power is enough, but if there is any emergency, Zidian's body can also be summoned.

If that doesn't work, then she will fly directly to her sisters.

It's not difficult. After getting started in Qi refining, she can better utilize Zidian's power and do more things.

Whether it is Zidian or Qi refining, Bai Ye taught her.

Thinking of Bai Ye, my heart is a little complicated.

Because I suddenly discovered that there seemed to be some subtle differences in the three views of each other.


Take a breath and stop thinking about it.

Just beckon to the last work.

"Come on, let's get down to business."



Compared with the girls, Bai Ye does have many differences in the three views.

If Misaka Mikoto and Saten Ruiko are "white", then Mugino Shirley and Takitsubo Rigo are "black".

White night is "gray"?
This may not be accurate.

To be precise, it should be "chaos", whether it is black, white, gray, or red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple.

If necessary, he can be as noble as a gentleman, or as despicable as a villain.

The gentleman and the villain are both him, and at the same time they are not him.

It has been said before that he is "chaotic neutral".

But it's just a "count".

In fact, he shouldn't be given any label, because it doesn't make sense at all.

If you really want to find a label for him, the only answer is "White Night".

Of course, what is important now is not the labeling issue.

Misaka Mikoto mentioned this to him when they met in a dream at night.

She is looking for the last work today, Bai Ye knows this.

And if you look for the last work, you will definitely see Prison Cai Haimei, so there is no need to conceal the source of the news, because Bai Ye knows it well.

"Depriving other people of their freedom, I don't think it's good."

After saying this, he thought about it and quickly explained: "Of course, I'm not blaming you, and they wanted to kill you first, and you were acting in self-defense, but for the students in jail, maybe it would be better to change the punishment method, for example, go to jail?"

"Isn't that also deprivation of liberty? The difference is that going to jail is the punishment that most people agree with, but not mine."


This is true.

But what to say...

Most girls hope that the boy they like is an upright and upright hero.

Misaka Mikoto also yearns for a hero.

Bai Ye can also be regarded as the hero who saved her from danger. If it weren't for Bai Ye, she would definitely not be able to deal with the affairs of her younger sisters.

And Bai Ye not only helped her, but also helped other girls, such as Guangzi after marriage.

Standing up when others are in crisis is certainly considered a hero.

Although this hero has a little problem.

It's really a minor problem, because it's just flamboyance and skirt lifting.

There are not many victims who lift their skirts.

And Bai Ye didn't lift up her skirt as much as Saten Renko, that girl lifted Uiharu Shiri's skirt almost every day.

Of course, there is a big difference between being lifted up by Byakuya and being lifted up by Saten Ruiko.

Other than that, Bai Ye has no other bad behaviors.

Originally, Misaka Mikoto thought so, but now it doesn't seem to be the case.

Byakuya is not a hero.

At least not the kind of hero she envisioned.

Can people with different views really come together?

The girl was confused.

Bai Ye looked at the girl in front of him and shook his head secretly.

This is the reason why there is no further development of the relationship between the two.

There is really no way.



Tokiwadai Dormitory, Room 208.

The awakened girl did not get up, but lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling.

After getting up early, Shirai Kuroko walked to her bedside after washing, getting dressed and combing her hair.

"Sister, good morning."

Saying hello to Misaka Mikoto, and without saying much, she said goodbye and left for breakfast.

I have to go to the branch to work later.

After she left, Misaka Mikoto got up, straightened her hair with her hands, and sighed helplessly.

It's really annoying.

(End of this chapter)

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