boy of science

Chapter 170 "No matter what you say, you are a big lady"

Chapter 170 "No matter what you say, you are a big lady..."

If you want to overcome yourself, you must first face your true self.

The reason is very simple.

It is so simple that Accelerator can understand something without Fangchuan Kikyo giving an explanation.

Then he left without saying anything, without even saying "goodbye".

Fangchuan Kikyo couldn't help shaking his head.

"Children nowadays really don't know how to be polite."

After speaking, he was about to move on, but found that Accelerator suddenly turned back.

"Thanks, bye."

After speaking, he turned and left again.

Fangchuan Kikyo looked at Accelerator's receding figure, and waited for the other party to walk away before withdrawing his gaze and letting out a sigh of relief.

"It would be nice if it could be changed."

He muttered softly like this, and then started to continue his journey.


Estimated age is over 25 years old, no makeup on the face.

Wearing faded old jeans, with a T-shirt that has been worn out after countless washings, and a white coat over it.

It looks like it is very weak, and it will stop to rest after walking for a long time.

Misaka Mikoto who was with her friends suddenly met such a girl.

It looks familiar at first glance.

After a closer look, I found that I did recognize it.

It was Yoshikawa Kikyo, the researcher who helped save Last Work.

Why is this girl here?

"Go back first, I have something to do."

After leaving such words for her friend, Misaka Mikoto walked towards Yoshikawa Kikyo.

In any case, it was an acquaintance, and the other party helped me a lot, since we met, at least we had to say hello.

The girls looked at her back, and also saw the girl in a white coat a little far away.

Saten Renko was full of curiosity: "Is that an acquaintance of Misaka-senpai?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen Heizi before."

Shirai Kuroko felt a little complicated.

I found out a long time ago that my sis seems to be hiding a lot of things from her.


Yoshikawa Kikyo looked very tired, and Misaka Mikoto felt that some sugar was needed to replenish energy at this time, so she bought her a drink that was too sweet.

The two sides find a place to sit down and chat and catch up.

Their intersection lies in the last work and sister Misaka, so the topic basically revolves around the younger sisters.

Knowing that the last work and his sisters are having a good time, Yoshikawa Kikyo just nodded without saying anything.

I also heard Misaka Mikoto say that she wanted to name her sisters.

"I once had this idea too, wanting to give them a name, so that it feels more like a complete human being."

As he spoke, he picked up the drink can and took a sip, then sighed helplessly: "In the end, I gave up, because it was useless, and the person who had just chosen a name disappeared; and there are so many younger sisters, it is not easy to choose a name for all of them."

"……I think so too."

Misaka Mikoto is not going to talk about the past, after all, it involves the deaths of her sisters, talking about it will only make her feel depressed and aggrieved.

So after agreeing, change the subject: "I remember you said you were looking for a job, how about it, which research institution are you working for now?"

"No, no job at all."

"How come, you should be quite capable, and they don't even like it?"

"It's not a question of ability, but I'm worried that I will betray, that I will mess up the experiment, that I will lead people to kill them."


Misaka Mikoto didn't know how to comfort her.

But in this way, Fang Chuan Kikyo couldn't find a job because she was implicated to some extent?
Of course, she did nothing wrong.

The fault is those researchers, Kihara Gensei, Academy City's system, and Aleister, the mastermind behind the scenes.

What really needs to be defeated is Aleister who is hiding behind the scenes and manipulating everything.

But compared to Aleister, the demon gods are still a greater threat, so those demon gods must be dealt with first.

Either deal with those demon gods, or be dealt with by those demon gods.

In short, the matter of dealing with Aleister must be put aside.

But there is no need to talk to Fangchuan Kikyo about this.

"There should be research institutions willing to take you in, as long as they are doing serious experiments."

Are there scientific research institutions in this city that engage in serious research projects?
Of course there are.

Although more are those unscrupulous research projects.

Those scientific researchers thought it was very serious. They did everything they could to cultivate Level 6. They even thought it normal to kill clones on a large scale.

"I specialize in the field of genes, which involves research in this area..."

Fangchuan Kikyo seemed to want to say something, but after thinking about it, he ended the topic and sighed lightly.

"I hope there is an institution that is willing to take me in."


Misaka Mikoto nodded slightly.

She can't help with work matters, so I won't say much.


At night, the dream world.

Although she has already started refining Qi, Misaka Mikoto still has a lot to learn, so she will still meet in her dreams.

In addition to studying, I will also talk about various things encountered during the day.

This time, we will talk about Fangchuan bellflower.

"... her."

Of course Bai Ye knew that girl, after all, she was a character with a name and surname in her official debut.

By the way, he is also Huang Quanchuan Aiho's friend for many years.

It seems that I have a good relationship with Accelerator, and I am very concerned about the final work.

"It's not difficult to solve the problem of not being able to find a job. Just introduce her to a job."

"...I don't have a job to introduce to her."

"No matter what you say, you are a young lady. Even if your family can't help arrange work, isn't it possible that Heizi's family can't? And there are so many young ladies in Tokiwadai, why don't you find a few close ones and ask them to help?"

"Say so..."

Although she could talk to many of her classmates, she wasn't close enough to ask them to help with this kind of thing.

At least she doesn't think so.

Of course, it's not completely absent, at least Shirai Kuroko counts as one.

But Shirai Kuroko's family business has nothing to do with scientific research.

After marriage, Guangzi's family's industry is related to scientific research. At present, the entire aviation industry is still in the stage of developing and exploring new technologies.

The problem is that Fangchuan Platycodon is good at genetics, not aerospace.

And after marriage, Guangzi didn't know whether he would like to help.

"...Let's wait and see. Anyway, she didn't ask for my help, so she probably isn't in a hurry."

Misaka Mikoto, who didn't think of a good solution, could only temporarily put this question on hold.

Then let's talk about business: discuss how to protect the younger sisters.

"This world is very dangerous. There are bad people everywhere in Academy City, and there are many dangerous people outside. The abilities of the younger sisters are only Level 2 defects. I am worried that they cannot protect themselves well, so is there any way for you to improve their self-protection ability?"

"It's simple, you can do it yourself."


"Purple Electric."

Bai Ye gave a hint.

Misaka Mikoto thought about it carefully, and then tentatively asked, "You mean, let me teach them how to practice Zidian?"

"I don't mind this, but I want you to give them the 'use authority' of the Spirit Sword Zidian."

"... access rights?"

"Let them establish contact with Zidian, and call Zidian directly in times of crisis, so that there will be no problem in protecting themselves under normal circumstances."

"I probably understand, but how to do this?"

"Simple, first you have to..."


(End of this chapter)

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