boy of science

Chapter 173 White Hair and Red Eyes

Chapter 173 White Hair and Red Eyes
Private Tokiwadai Girls' High School, Changdian Shangji Academy, and Wugaoka Girls' Academy belong to the five famous schools in Academy City.

Tokiwadai focuses on ability development, but it also has a variety of educational content.

If you want to enter Tokiwadai, you must first have a good family background, and secondly, you must be at least a Level 3 capable person.

The criteria for recruiting students in Changdian Shangji Academy is: having a certain special ability.

In short: either the academic performance is very good, or the ability level is very high.

Maybe you have to be Level 3 to be considered high?

Fushu Toshin entered the Changdian Shangji Academy with excellent grades. After all, she is a talented girl who has emerged in the field of biology and psychiatry since she was a child.

She said that she would concentrate on her studies and wait for a good university entrance examination next year, but her life in school has not been easy recently, because she has been targeted and excluded by many people, both openly and secretly.

There are many teachers and some students in Changdian Shangji Academy who are related to the "Plan for the Evolution of Absolutely Capable Persons".

Some people don't care much, but more people don't like to see Bu Shu Dixin, a traitor who eats inside and out.

Faced with those cold eyes and gossip every day, the girl feels very tired.

"Just transfer to another school."

Bu Shu Texin occasionally has such thoughts.

But for the time being, I just thought about it and didn't make up my mind.

After all, Changdian Shangji Academy is one of the top schools in Academy City, and has the best teaching resources in the entire Academy City. It is not so good to leave here and transfer to other schools.

"Perhaps you can consider Wuqiu Women's College. After all, it is also one of the famous schools. It stands to reason that it will not be worse than here."

Thinking and moving forward, preparing to look up information in the library.

Suddenly he was blocked by someone.

"This classmate."


Bu Shu Texin stopped in his tracks, and looked at the strange girl who was also wearing a longer school uniform of the School of Mechanical Engineering, with white hair, red eyes, and sickly white skin, with some doubts.

The smile on the girl's face was a bit stiff, perhaps because she was not used to laughing?
"I would like to ask, where is Mr. Principal?"

"...It should be in the office."

"Then where is his office?"


Bu Shu Dixin felt strange: "You are obviously a student of our school, but you don't know where the principal's office is?"

"Although I'm a student here, it's just in name. I've never been to the school before."

"……I see."

Bushu Toshin nodded to express his understanding.

Without asking too much, point out the location of the principal's office to the other party.

"Thank you."

The white-haired girl who got the answer thanked Bu Shudi and left.

Bushu Dixin looked at her back, and quickly looked away and continued to move towards the library.

Students named here...


Suddenly remembered something, suddenly stopped and turned around, looking at the white-haired girl who had walked a long way.

Could this girl be that person?

"No, no way?!"


In the afternoon, Shuizui Institution Hospital.

Students such as Tsubasa Esaki have no major physical and mental problems, but they have been in a coma for too long, so they need to do some rehabilitation exercises, and they will be able to live normally in about a month.

Misaka Mikoto and the others came here to give a gift to Edase Tsunari.

But they didn't send it directly, because Misaka Mikoto wanted to do something new.

Bai Ye's gift was delivered by someone arranged by the clothing store.

Chun Shang Jinyi, who was eating the cake, looked curiously at the bag containing the gift.

"What kind of clothes did Bai Ye send?"

"……Let me see."

Tsubasa seemed embarrassed.

She was not familiar with Bai Ye, and hadn't even met him a few times, so he gave her some gift all of a sudden.

Not only Harukami was curious, but Misaka Mikoto and the others were also very concerned.

"What kind of clothes are they?"

"Take it out and have a look."

Under the curiosity and urging of several girls, Tsunari Edari, who was sitting on the hospital bed, opened the bag and took out the clothes inside.

A set of clothes, as well as cat ears and cat tails.

Obviously, it's a cat girl suit.


Zhi Xianbanli stared at the suit in a daze, not knowing what to say.

Misaka Mikoto shook her head helplessly, she was too lazy to complain.

Saten Ruiko was thinking: I haven't worn the cat girl suit yet, maybe I can buy a set and try it out?
Uiharu Shiri took the suit from Edasaki Banri.

"As expected of classmate Bai Ye, to give this kind of clothes, but fortunately, it's not as strange as I expected."

Hearing this sentence, Edamari Tsunari expressed doubts: "Will that Bai Ye classmate send more strange clothes?"

"more or less."

Based on Chuchun Shili's understanding of Bai Ye, he thinks that the boy will indeed give him even more strange clothes.

After eating the cake, Chunshang Jinyi picked up the cat's ears and looked at it a few times, then picked up the black cat's tail.

Then he tilted his head and looked puzzled: "How is this cat tail worn?"

Zhixian didn't understand either.

After hearing the question, Misaka Mikoto and the others looked at the cat's tail in Harukami's hand.

Then the group remained silent, not knowing how to answer.

Because that seems like a plugin.


The last work has a more lively personality, just like a child.

Although she looks very young, she is not a child, and she is certainly not a big girl.

She is a clone.

Apparent age means nothing to clones like them.

She just acted like a child who was curious about everything, looking here and there, running up and down the street as if she had never seen anything like that.

"Didn't you usually take her out shopping?"

"I often bring it, but she does it every time, and I can't help it."

"...Just treat it as an ignorant child exploring a novel world."

Bai Ye defined the reason for the last work.

By the way, recall the animations and novels I have seen: Is there such a thing as the last work in those works?

I was busy refining qi before so I didn't find it.

In recent months, I have been in contact with the characters in these original works a lot, and I found that their personalities seem to be slightly different.

Isn't the world line I traveled through the original work?

"Oni-chan, Haimei, hurry up..."


Last Work, who was running ahead, turned back to tell them to follow up quickly, but bumped into the white-haired girl in the school uniform of the School of Mechanical Engineering, who was walking towards him.

Fortunately, there were no major problems, and the last work quickly stabilized my figure.

"Isn't it... hmm???"

Just as he was about to apologize, he looked at the white-haired girl with puzzled eyes.

The red-eyed girl with sickly white skin and the little girl looked at each other for a few moments, and then showed a very blunt smile.

"It's okay, but please don't run around in the street, it's not good to bump into others."


The Last Work nodded foolishly.

The girl didn't say much to her, but continued to walk around her, and soon passed by Bai Ye and Prison Cai Haimei.

Bai Ye didn't care about her, but reached out to the last work.

Needless to say, the last work obediently held hands with him and continued shopping.

But after walking a few steps, he turned his head and looked at the back of the white-haired girl who blended into the crowd and gradually disappeared.

Who is this girl?

(End of this chapter)

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