boy of science

Chapter 174 "Speaking of the summer chapter, of course it's the swimsuit welfare chapter.&

Chapter 174 "Speaking of summer, of course it's the swimsuit benefits."

The crowd searched for him thousands of times, and when I looked back, the man was in the dim light.


The girl with white hair and red eyes probably didn't know this poem.

But she did stop, look back suddenly, and accurately lock the backs of the boy, the girl, and the little girl in the crowd.

After staring for a long time, he retracted his gaze and sighed lightly, and continued to walk forward.

Move towards new goals.


A helicopter galloped over the city, attracting many pedestrians to look up.

The last work also looked at it curiously.

Suddenly, an orange light flashed, the helicopter's propeller broke, and the fuselage lost control. It turned a few times in the air and then exploded with a "boom".

Fortunately, it was not serious, but the fuselage was severely damaged, and it fell towards the river with black smoke.

The pedestrians around suddenly talked about it.

The Last Work retracted his gaze, and turned to look at Bai Ye beside him.

"Is it my sister?"


Bai Ye nodded slightly, remembering the opening plot of the second season of the anime version: Misaka Mikoto hangs upside down and throws a plane.

After that, the story of the sister chapter begins.

Now the sisters' problems have long been resolved.

As for other things...

It seems there is no more.

After all, this stage is relatively calm, and accidents will happen every few days until later. It can be said that people with a little level want to make big news.

"It really doesn't make people have a good time."

Bai Ye shook his head with emotion, which made the little girl next to him feel very confused.

"Euni sauce?"

"It's okay, let's go, Haimei-chan, and you follow quickly."



It was indeed Misaka Mikoto who jerked off.

They stayed in the hospital well, but suddenly they met Huang Quanchuan Aiho and Tie Zhuanli, and then the remnants of a certain organization ran to the hospital to rescue their leader.

If it's just that, it's fine, just leave it to the security guards.

The problem is that Chunshang Jinyi was taken hostage by those gangsters.

Then needless to say.

Although several gangsters and their leaders successfully took off in a helicopter, they were shot down by Misaka Mikoto with a super electromagnetic gun before flying far, and the core members of the entire organization were sent to prison neatly.

This was what Misaka Mikoto told Bai Ye when they met in the dream world at night, and by the way, she complained about the gift that this guy gave Edasaki Tsunari.

"You can send clothes as you send them. It doesn't matter if the clothes are weird, but what's the matter with that cat tail?"

Facing her complaints, Bai Ye didn't give an explanation, because there was no need for that.

Misaka Mikoto will not be too entangled.

It's just that the complaints have already begun, so let's talk about the fifth place by the way.

Today, I ran into Shokuhou Misaki in the school library, but they didn't get along well, let alone happy, and broke up just like in the past.

"Fuck praying sauce."

"...Why, you know her?"

"Acquaintance, it's a cooperative relationship, not how close it is."


How could this guy know so many beautiful girls?

Misaka Mikoto felt rather depressed.

Bai Ye suddenly started a strange topic again: "Speaking of which, the underwear that girl is wearing is completely different from yours, she looks much more mature."

"...Did you lift her skirt?"

"No, this is a benefit she gave me unintentionally. After all, unlike you, she doesn't know how to add safety pants to her skirt."

Saying this, Bai Ye suddenly sighed again: "And you are not safety pants anymore, they should be shorts. These things have seriously hindered my exploration of the new world. I want to solemnly protest to you."

"'d better die."

"Forget it if you die, I still want to live for a few more years, otherwise what's the point of refining Qi?"

The goal of refining qi is to become an immortal, and the essence of becoming an immortal is to obtain longevity or even eternal life.

The boy chatted with the girl about these digressions, and then began the teaching of qi refining.

Misaka Mikoto still has a lot to learn.


The next day, in the morning.

Hatsune Miku's residence.

Ever since she inadvertently gave Bai Ye a benefit, Shokuhou Misaki has restrained herself a lot from playing with Dolly, so the sudden appearance of Bai Ye this time did not feast her eyes.

Fortunately, Dolly was still very close to him, throwing herself directly into his arms.

But after all, she is a girl, not a little girl like the last one, so she quickly left Bai Ye's warm embrace.

Hatsune Miku is not at home today because of work.

"It's okay, I'm here to find you."

Since this is Hatsune Miku's residence, it is naturally Bai Ye's home, so he behaved very casually, went to make a pot of tea and brought it over, sat on the sofa with a cup and smelled the tea, and focused his gaze on the two girls.

"Based on my years of experience in watching anime and manga, when it comes to summer, of course it's swimsuit benefits."

This is the routine of animation production.

As the saying goes: Since ancient times, affection cannot be retained, only routines can retain people's hearts.

If there is no routine, no one will watch it.

Therefore, whether it is a novel, an animated manga, or a film and television drama, although various routines have been complained about thousands of times, they are still enduring.

Of course, what needs to be discussed now is not the issue of routines.

"So, do you want to go to the beach with me?"

Bai Ye extended an invitation to them.

Yesterday, when I was going to pick up a gift for Tanri Edasaki, I bought swimsuits for Kaimi and Last Work by the way, and agreed to take them to the beach sometime.

swimming pool?
How could that thing be as good as the sea?

As the saying goes: one sheep is driven, and two sheep are also driven.

They were all going to the beach anyway, so Bai Ye thought about taking Dory and Shokuhou Misaki along.

Dolly also has a wish to go to the sea.

So I immediately became happy when I heard this: "Really? Can you really take me there?"

"Of course, when did I lie to you?"


The excited Dolly was about to agree, but suddenly thought of something, and quickly turned to Shokuhou Misaki.

"Would Fuck Chi-chan be going?"

Shokuhou Misaki, who was drinking tea elegantly, looked at her, and asked Bai Ye, who was also drinking tea, "So, how many classmates will go together?"

"There are currently two identified."

Prison Cai Haimi, his little maid; the last work, the "commanding tower" of the younger sisters.

Bai Ye introduced the two girls to them, and continued: "By the way, I plan to invite Mikoto-chan."

" body?"



Dolly bit her lip and fell silent.

Do you want to see Misaka Mikoto?

Or are you not mentally prepared to meet with the body?
After taking a sip of tea, Bai Ye put down the cup.

"You can't keep hiding your existence like this, can you? And the world is so big, as long as you live, you will meet sooner or later, and you will still be exposed at that time."

After talking to Dory, Bai Ye looked at Shokuhou Misaki again: "You and Mikoto seem to have some misunderstandings, why don't you take this opportunity to meet and clarify things?"

This is also one of the reasons why Bai Ye invited them.

Otherwise, it would be easier to bring only Prison Saimi and The Last Work.

Shirai Kuroko and Chuchun Shili will not invite them for the time being.

Although Bai Ye didn't mind bringing them along, after all, he could admire more beautiful girls in swimsuits.

But after all, when it comes to The Last Game and Dory, Misaka Mikoto probably doesn't want them to know these things.

 Since ancient times, the routine keeps people's hearts
  Pure daily life really can't attract readers and can't keep readers
  Maybe it's time to learn some tricks

(End of this chapter)

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