boy of science

Chapter 175 Sunshine, Beach, Waves, Boys, Girls, Swimsuits

Chapter 175 Sunshine, Beach, Waves, Boys, Girls, Swimsuits

The clones that Misaka Mikoto has come into contact with the most are the younger sisters including the last work.

She didn't know about Dolly's existence, and she hadn't seen the extra individual yet.

But sooner or later you will know, and sooner or later you will have contact.

After all, the area of ​​Academy City is only this big, and they all live in the seventh school district, so they might meet on the street someday.

And Misaka Mikoto had already noticed that there was a younger sister, but Bai Ye didn't tell her, and she didn't ask her for a while.

If you really want to investigate carefully, it is actually very easy to find out the truth.

Shokuhou Misaki's resentment and resistance to Misaka Mikoto stemmed from Dory's death.

Misaka Mikoto is Dolly's body.

Not only did Dolly suffer, but she died in the end, while Misaka Mikoto was living a good life and knew nothing about Dolly.

So Shokuhou Misaki just disliked her, and made trouble for her almost every time they met.

But it's different now because Dolly is still alive.

And on the bright side, Misaka Mikoto solved the problems of the younger sisters alone, which shows that she cares about the younger sisters very much.

All the Misaka sisters, including Dolly, now fully agree with Misaka Mikoto as the "sister".

It's hard to say about the individual outside the story, because I haven't met each other yet.

"Then let's go meet."

The thoughtful Shokuhou Misaki and Dory make the final decision.

Just one question: "How do we get out?"

Shokuhou Misaki, who asked this question, took out his remote control and dangled it around.

"need my help?"

"No, I'll take you out then."

Academy City is very strict about the entry and exit management of personnel, and even if an application is made, it may not be approved, making the students like guinea pigs in captivity.

Speaking of it, Academy City is indeed a circular city, a "circle".

But none of that matters.

Walls and systems can only trap students who are incapable, or capable but law-abiding, and cannot trap Bai Ye, a person who ignores the rules.

There are many ways he wants to get in and out, the simplest is to fly out directly.

"Leave other problems to me. You just need to be prepared. Speaking of which, do you have swimsuits? Do you want me to give you a set?"

Saying this, Bai Ye took out a cardboard box out of nowhere.

The two girls took a closer look and found that it was...



What does it mean?Make them use Band-Aids as swimsuits?
Simply too much!

Two days later, an uninhabited island.

Sun, sand, waves.

It's a pity that there is no cactus, and there is no old captain.

But there is a boy, several beautiful girls, and two little girls.

In the end, I brought the blonde loli, Fremea.

Frenda did not follow.

A few days before the start of the summer vacation, Maiye Shenli rented a private swimming pool, and several girls often went there to "rescue the heat".

But Frenda hasn't been there yet, because she has to take care of her younger sister and take care of her master's food and daily life.

Compared with unfamiliar people, it is better to be with familiar partners, so Frenda chose to go to the swimming pool to play with her friends.

Fremea doesn't have to worry so much, after all, she is just a little girl, and she still has the last work to accompany her.

But the chest is really not small.

At least it doesn't look small compared to girls of the same age.

It doesn't even look small compared to Misaka Mikoto, which can be seen from Misaka Mikoto's orz pose.

"I probably might have indeed lost."


The blonde girl Shokuhou Misaki laughed beside her without a ladylike image, her breasts wrapped in swimsuits swayed wildly.

Bai Ye took a few glances.

Misaka Mikoto also took a few glances, then let out a very uncomfortable "ts", got up and walked to the side of Bai Ye who was gnawing iced watermelon under the parasol.

Then he squinted at Shokuhou Misaki, and asked very unhappy: "So why is that guy here?"

"Because of Dolly."

Byakuya motioned for Misaka Mikoto to look at Dory who was talking to The Last Game.

In fact, Misaka Mikoto has already seen Dory, but she hasn't had any communication yet.

But now it is basically certain: the long brown hair that I saw on Bai Ye's bed back then came from Dolly.

And the reason why Dory talked to the last work is probably because she wanted to get to know her "sister" from the side.

"Just have a good chat with Dolly and Cao Qijiang, and I won't participate."

Misaka Mikoto didn't speak, but seemed to be in a complicated mood, probably because she didn't expect Shokuhou Misaki to have a relationship with her clone.

Over there, Shokuhou Misaki teased Fremea, tapped the little girl's chest a few times with her finger, left a sentence "I am very optimistic about your potential", got up and walked over here.

Anyway, there was no one else here, so she put the bag with the remote control next to her, and she only had a bikini swimsuit on her body.

The lace-up kind.

Misaka Mikoto is also in a bikini, but compared to Shokuhou Misaki's sexy, this one looks much cuter, even a little childish.

Bai Ye felt that this swimsuit looked familiar, so she asked her if she had ever filmed a swimsuit commercial with Shirai, Heizi, Gufa Meiwei and others.

The answer is no.

It seems that the original plot of the animated version did not appear.

Without thinking about those unimportant things, he picked up a watermelon again and cut it in half, inserted a spoon into it, and handed it to the blond girl who walked by.

"Fucking sauce, do you want to eat?"

"No, thanks."

Shokuhou Misaki refused.

Eating too much watermelon is not good, it will cause diarrhea.

Of course, as an elegant lady, she would not say such words.

Although coming to this uninhabited island is more or less wild, but it can't be too wild.

"Where's Mikoto-chan?"

"……don't want."

"Neither? Then I'll eat it myself."

After finishing speaking, he continued to eat watermelon, but his eyes were fixed on Shokuhou Misaki's strappy swimsuit.

"Cao Qijiang, I think it's better for you to re-tie it, or change into a swimsuit directly, otherwise it will probably fall apart after a little tossing."

"can you?"

Shokuhou Misaki looked down at the swimsuit laces, and felt that Bai Ye was a bit alarmist.

And she couldn't change it if she wanted to, so she brought this set over here. This is an uninhabited island, and there is no place to sell or rent swimsuits.

Misaka Mikoto didn't care about her swimsuit, but said directly: "Then let's find a place to chat."

He said he was looking for a place, but instead he looked at Bai Ye.

Because there is no better place than under the umbrella, unless you go into the forest behind, you will have to be exposed to the sun.

Bai Ye looked at her and blinked, then stood up holding the watermelon.

"Okay, I'll give you a place."

Just leave when you're done.

Fremea ran to his side just at this moment.

"Oni-chan, I've already done my warm-up exercises, maybe I can go swimming now?"

"Well, go, but let Haimi watch you."

"...Where's Miss Miku?"

"Little future, um, look, she's over there."

Fremea looked in the direction that Shirao pointed, and found that on the sea in the distance, Hatsune Miku was smoking a shark with green onions.

After all, it is an uninhabited island that has not been developed, and it is normal for sharks to appear occasionally.

In fact, many lively beaches also have sharks.

(End of this chapter)

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