boy of science

Chapter 186 "Would you like to do intimate things"

Chapter 186 "Would you like to do something intimate..."

Gufa Meiwei is not only the senior of the disciplinary committee, but also the senior in the study career and the road of life.

There is a saying in the country next door: An old family is like a treasure.

Gufa Meiwei is not old.

But Shirai Kuroko and Chuchun Li usually ask her for advice when they have any problems, and tell her about some small troubles.

Chuchun Shili has never been in love, and no one around her has ever been in love.

Although Misaka Mikoto and Saten Ruiko are very close to Shiraya, they have never been heard of as a couple.

It is true that Chuchun Shili has been worrying about love recently.

Hearing Gufa Meiwei's words, he seemed to think about it seriously, and then asked curiously: "Has Gufa senior ever been in love?"


Gufa Meiwei has no intention of falling in love.

Moreover, she is a very responsible disciplinary committee member. She spends almost all her spare time on the work of the disciplinary committee member, and she doesn't have that time to fall in love.

Her best friend, roommate, and classmate wants a relationship all day long.

The girl named Liu Rabimei is also a member of the 177th branch, but she hasn't been to the branch for a long time, and Chuchun Shili has never seen or even heard of such a senior.

If that girl was here, she would definitely be able to give the younger generation a good guide.

Anyway, she can't solve the problem.

Feel free to discuss a few words with Chuchun Shili, and then prepare to end this topic.

But the little girl suddenly asked again: "Senior Gufa, how do you know if you like someone?"

"How to determine..."

Gufa Meiwei has never considered this kind of problem.

Just wondering: does this still need to be determined?Is it not clear in my heart whether I like it or not?

Glancing at Chuchun Shili who was full of doubts, Gufa Meiwei quickly understood: this little girl is thinking rationally.

Chuchun plays the role of Li, the girl who is very rational when she is rational, and very emotional when she is emotional.

Sometimes she gets emotional.

Sometimes she seems to have no emotion.

When working with a computer, you will enter a rational state, because there are probably only a bunch of codes left in your mind.

Now she is obviously using reason to analyze whether she likes it or not.

But "emotion" has nothing to do with reason most of the time.

Think about it carefully, and then put forward your own opinion: "This is easy to distinguish. Think about the person you care about, and think about whether you would like to do something intimate with him. If you are willing, then you must like it."

"... something intimate?"

Uiharu Shiori seems a little confused.

Gufa Meiwei didn't say it clearly, just touched his lips, patted the little girl's shoulder with his hands, then turned around with a smile and left to busy with his work.

Chuchun Shili was at a loss.

Turning his head to look at her back, he looked back and lowered his head, raising his hand to touch his lips.

"Would you like to do intimate things..."

Thinking about it this way, he suddenly realized something, and his little face turned red.


Index actually likes Bai Ye quite a bit, of course her liking is not mixed with love between men and women.

As for why he likes Bai Ye...

Of course it's because of the food.

Because there is a lot of food that is enough for her to eat.

Follow Kamijou Touma and everything else is good, but I always feel that I don’t have enough to eat, and that unlucky child always delays three meals a day due to various reasons.

If she was really hungry, Index would go find something to eat by herself, most of the time, she would go to Yueyong Xiaomeng to eat.

Mainly because I don't know where Bai Ye lives.

Compared with Yueyong Xiaomeng, she wants to find Bai Ye for a meal, because she can eat as much as she wants.

Occasionally, she met Bai Ye on the street, and she immediately ran to the boy, looking at him with pitiful and longing eyes.

Then he was taken to the restaurant by Bai Ye to have a feast.

This kind of thing has happened many times.

After all, the seventh school district is so big, and people who are familiar can always be met frequently.

Bai Ye didn't mind taking her to eat in the restaurant, but couldn't help but complain: "You are really easy to deceive, I'm afraid you can deceive her to the hotel with some food."


Index's mouth was stuffed with food, her cheeks were puffed up, and her face was full of ignorance and innocence.

Probably did not understand the meaning of the boy's words.

Bai Ye didn't bother to explain.

Some words are interesting only when spoken to those who can understand them, and it is a waste of time to speak to those who do not understand them.

Fanfeng Runzi, Wannei Juanbao, and Paofu Wanbin couldn't understand those teasing words, so Bai Ye seldom talked to them.

Misaka Mikoto, Saten Reiko, Koho Miwei, and Huang Quanchuan Aiho must understand, so they are often molested by Shiraya.

Index is as pure as a blank sheet of paper, and even if she teases her, she is saying nothing.

It was just a bit boring to watch the girl eat, so she beckoned the waiter of the restaurant over.

The young and beautiful waiter had a professional smile on his face: "My guest, what else do you need?"

"Can the chef make a dish for me?"

"What kind of dish is it?"

"Find something like a sausage, hollow it out, pour some cream into it, and then seal it up, making it a dish where the cream inside will squirt out with a single touch."


"Or something that sprays the little girl all over her face whenever she takes a bite of cream."


this guest...

It's really strange enough.


In the end, I didn't spray Index all over my face with cream.

But her belly was blown up.

Bai Ye put away the invoices, thinking of using these invoices with Index's signature to blackmail Kanzaki Kaori next time.

Index, who didn't know what the boy was thinking, touched her round belly with a happy expression on her face.

"You're such a nice guy."

She expressed her gratitude to Bai Ye in this way.

But Bai Ye just snorted twice.

As the saying goes: good people don't live long.

Qi refiners like him, who are already immortal compared to ordinary people, can't get involved with "good guys".

Of course, it is not a scourge, after all, a scourge can only last for thousands of years.

Those who are successful in refining qi can live longer than a thousand years, let alone achieve perfection in qi refining.

I was too lazy to talk to the little girl, but waved her hand impatiently, telling her to leave quickly with the packed food.

Index didn't care about those details at all, and happily went home with the packed food.

Bai Ye turned around and went for a stroll. First, he walked around this lively street twice, and then went to teach Saten Leizi how to refine qi.

As a result, he ran into Saten Renko not long after walking, and there were three little girls Mako, Xiaomu and Mingmei who hadn't seen each other for a long time.

"Classmate Bai Ye."

"Tear, and the three of you, what a coincidence, to meet you here, it's almost like an arrangement of fate, so do you want to find a place to have a good time tonight?"


Saten Saten was silent.

Mako kept smiling, and Minmei shook her head helplessly.

Xiao Mu complained: "You are really annoying as always."

(End of this chapter)

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