boy of science

Chapter 187 "Actually, I have no face or skin."

Chapter 187 "Actually, I have no face or skin."

Bai Ye seldom meets Xiaomu, Mako, and Mingmei outside of school.

Compared to Haruka Ri and Saten Reiko, these three girls and Bai Ye are really just "slightly talkative classmates", and most of the time they are noisy.

The main reason is that Xiao Mu is arguing with Bai Ye, because she has always had problems with Bai Ye.

This young man is an idiot, who lifts Uiharu Shiri's skirt and Saten Reiko's skirt as well, and always likes to say strange things.

Of course, after getting along a lot, you will know that he is just talking, and there is no other idiotic behavior other than lifting his skirt.

Maybe there was, but they didn't see it.

A chance encounter on the street can be regarded as a reunion after a long absence, but neither of them felt happy, and of course they didn't treat each other coldly.

And those who should complain still have to complain.

The girl Xiao Mu even wants to do justice for the sky, because Bai Ye's eyes are always on the girl.

Sometimes I look at them, sometimes I look at the girls passing by.

Look at the chest, look at the legs.

Look at the pure or gorgeous or dignified face.

They are all girls in their teens, and their youth is just right.

"So I still like staying in Academy City. They are all young and beautiful girls. There will be many women of other age groups outside."

Is it wrong to like young and beautiful girls?

of course not.

So Xiao Mu and the others didn't bother to complain about this sentence.

The few of them are going to have dinner tonight, and now they are going to buy ingredients.

Seeing that it was getting late, Bai Ye no longer wandered around by himself, but went shopping with them.

Anyway, we are going to have dinner together.

But Xiao Mu and the others didn't know, so they complained directly: "You are really thick-skinned."

"You're wrong, I'm actually shameless."



After finishing his work, Uiharu Shiri stretched, then stood up to pack his things.

By the way, he asked: "Senior Gufa, there is nothing to do tomorrow, right?"

"Tomorrow? Not really. Just go if you want to do something. You don't need to ask me for leave."

Disciplinary committee members do not need to clock in and go to get off work, and there is no problem even if they do not come to the branch.

Liu forced Bimei to not come to the branch for half a year.

Kuroko Shirai belongs to the third branch, but she often stays here in the 177th branch.

But no one cares about them.

"Then I'll go first, Senior Gufa, if you have any urgent matters tomorrow, please call me again, goodbye."

After turning off the computer and packing up her things, Shiri Uiharu left with her bag on her back.

Gufa Meiwei was not in a hurry to go back, but just looked at the door that opened and closed.

If you don't come tomorrow...

"Could it be that you have made up your mind and want to go on a date with the boy you like?"

Thinking about it this way, he suddenly laughed, then shook his head with emotion.

"It's nice to be young."

Of course, she was young herself.

Not yet twenty.

I'm just curious: who will be the boy that Chuharu Rishi likes?

After thinking about it seriously, a boy named "Bai Ye" suddenly appeared in his mind.

"……No way."

That boy was so ordinary.

Although he is not ordinary in appearance, he seems to be quite capable.

But behaved very ordinary.

If you really want to say that there is something special, it is probably the special feature.

He's just a perverted idiot, and he likes to say things that others don't understand.

What "chairman", "airdrop warrant", "micro-management" and the like.

Anyway, if looking for a boyfriend, Gufa Meiwei would not consider that boy.

But maybe Chuchun Shili likes Bai Ye?
Turnips and vegetables, everyone has their own love.

After all, Bai Ye is not useless, his appearance alone is enough to attract many nympho girls.

Chuchun Shili was attracted by Bai Ye's appearance?

No, that little girl is not a nympho.

"……never mind."

It's pointless to entangle with this, because the boy Chuchun Shili likes is not necessarily Bai Ye.

It might not even be a boy, but an equally beautiful and lovely girl.


Chuchun Shili really wanted to go on a date with Bai Ye.

Sometimes emotional, sometimes rational; sometimes indecisive, sometimes decisive.

Now he is in a decisive and brave state. After leaving the 177th branch, he took out his mobile phone and sent an email to Bai Ye, asking if he would have time to come out for a date tomorrow.

That's right, the word "dating" was used, very straightforward, without any roundaboutness.


The dormitory is a one-person dormitory, and the kitchen is naturally not very spacious. If one person happens to be active, two people are already crowded.

So I just asked Mako to help Saten Ruiko.

Minmei sat on Saten Ruiko's bed and flipped through books.

Bai Ye and Xiao Mu are fighting and complaining to each other.

Suddenly receiving a date invitation from Chuchun Shili, Bai Ye felt very surprised.

Then write back and say you're happy.

Anyway, he is very free every day.

After making an appointment at the time and place, put away the phone, and looked at Xiao Mu, who was sitting in front of him.

Xiao Mu was curious about the content of the email he received, but he didn't ask, after all, their relationship is not that close.

Bai Ye naturally wouldn't say much.

The boys and girls who are not on good terms talk about other topics tacitly.


Bai Ye and Chuchun Shili have never dated.

In fact, not to mention dating, they rarely even get together alone.

There are Saten Ruiko and the others in school, and outside, there are usually Saten Ruiko, Shirai Kuroko, and Misaka Mikoto by her side.

I also had Chunshang Jinyi in the dormitory before.

But today is different.

Today is a date, just the two of them.

Pedestrians on the street?
They don't know each other, so don't worry about it.

Although it was a date, Uiharu Shiri didn't think about dressing up well, and came out in school uniform.

There is no rule in Shachuan Middle School to wear school uniforms on holidays.

But Uiharu often wears school uniforms, because he is used to it, and school uniforms are convenient for activities.

In addition, the discipline committee members do not have uniform uniforms, so the students regard their school uniforms as uniforms. After all, school uniforms are regarded as a formal dress in this country.

She didn't wear makeup because she didn't understand it, and she didn't have that need.

Although it is said that "women are for those who please themselves".

But according to the information she collected, Bai Ye seems to prefer girls who don't wear makeup.

So she came out as simple as usual.

Bai Ye waited for a long time at the agreed place before appearing in her sight.

"Zuri-chan, it's so early."

"It's you who came too late, classmate Bai Ye."

"It's not too late, if you don't believe me, see for yourself, it's not yet the appointed time."

It was only a few minutes before the agreed time.

Chuchun Zhuli naturally knew that Bai Ye had not violated the contract, so he skipped this question directly.

Bai Ye stretched out his hand towards her.

"bring it on."


"Hold hands, is there anyone on a date who doesn't hold hands?"


Is there any date without holding hands...

Chuchun Shili didn't know, because he had never paid attention to such details.

Just thinking about it carefully, I found that they probably seemed to be holding hands.

So he stopped talking nonsense and put his little hand directly into Bai Ye's.

Her hands are really small.

To be precise, she herself belongs to that petite type.

Bai Ye didn't pay attention to the problem of figure, but took aim at the holding hands.

This little girl...

Is it for real?

(End of this chapter)

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