boy of science

Chapter 188 Teenage Girl Dating

Chapter 188 Teenage Girl Dating

How about today's appointment?
do not know.

Chuchun Shili just made an appointment with Bai Ye for the time and place to meet, and did not consider the follow-up date plan at all.

When Bai Ye asked "Where are you going", she directly replied "It's up to you".

In fact, Bai Ye had no plans.

Because it was Chu Chun who made an appointment with him, not him who made an appointment with Chu Chun to play Li.

The "dating plan" is supposed to be prepared by the active party, right?

Like "Do you want to go shopping?" or "I'll take you to such and such a place."

As a result, Chuchun Shili had no plan, nor did he prepare himself.

"Then what should we do next? Just wandering the streets like this?"

Bai Ye complained and asked.

Chuchun Shili, who was holding hands with him, had a rosy face, and she didn't know if she heard his question clearly, but she gave a soft "hmm".

Then before Bai Ye could say anything, he suddenly reacted.

"Why don't you go to the movies, I haven't seen a movie for a long time."

Ever since I decided to become a disciplinary committee member, I haven't had the time to go to the movies.

Because I have to study hard and receive training, from last year until this spring.

It was spring when she passed the assessment and became a discipline committee member.

Since then, I have been focusing on the work of the disciplinary committee, and I can't use the occasional play time to watch movies.

Recently, Bai Ye often watches movies, mainly to accompany the girl Juanqi loves the most.

"It's okay to watch a movie."

In the end there is no refusal.

Now that we have a goal, we don't need to talk nonsense, the boys and girls headed straight to the movie theater, chatting about some movie-related topics along the way.


The 177th branch of the discipline committee.

The first thing Shirai Heizi did after returning from a round outside was pouring a glass of water into his mouth.

After he finished, he let out a long breath, then put down his teacup and looked around.

"Senior Gufa, where's Chuchun?"

"I don't know, probably on a date."


This answer surprised Shirai Heizi, and hurried to Gufa Meiwei to ask, "Really? Who are you dating? Why is there no sign at all?"

"It's just a guess."

Gufa Meiwei waved his hand, indicating that it is hard to say whether it is true or not.

Seeing that she was reluctant to say more, Shirai Heizi didn't ask any more questions, but just rubbed his chin to think and analyze.

Uiharu Ri's date...

Could it be White Night?
Because Uiharu Shiri's closest opposite sex is that boy.

Shirai Kuroko frowned.

Suddenly, he sighed lightly, instead of continuing to think about this question, he took out his phone and sat down.

Why waste energy thinking about it, just send an email and ask.

It didn't take long to get a reply after sending the email: I'm watching a movie with Bai Ye.

Didn't say if it was a date.

But Shirai Kuroko felt that the boy and girl were indeed dating.

"...What's so good about that guy?"

Shirai Heizi curled his lips, and didn't continue to send emails to disturb the other party, but his mood was a little complicated.

Why are there so many girls willing to get close to Bai Ye?


Chuchun Shili is not Kinuhata's favorite, and he doesn't have such a unique viewing preference, so he chooses movies for all ages.

A very healthy plot, positive, and spreading love and dreams.


Bai Ye yawned, probably feeling bored.

Chuchun Shili turned to look at the boy beside him and asked in a low voice, "Doesn't Bai Ye like to watch this kind of movie?"

"I don't want to see love and dreams, I just want to see rivers of blood."

"……War Movies?"

"Anyway, it has to be exciting."



Bai Ye thought for a while, and then gave the answer: "For example, transforming into a magical girl and getting her head bitten off."


Chuchun Shili felt puzzled: "Is there such a magical girl?"

"Of course, there are not only magical girls whose heads were bitten off, but also magical girls fighting tentacle monsters, and magical girls..."

"Student Bai Ye, it's fine, there's no need to continue."

Chuchun Shili hurriedly interrupted him, because the topic was not going right.

Bai Ye did not continue, but changed the subject obediently: "What are you going to do after watching the movie, have lunch first?"

Chuchun Shili looked at the time, calculated secretly, and then nodded in agreement.

Seeing that Bai Ye wanted to continue talking, he hurriedly interrupted: "Student Bai Ye, let's watch the movie quietly and don't disturb other audiences."


Bai Ye didn't say any more, just picked up his own drink and tasted it slowly.


By the time the movie came out, it was already noon.

The teenager and girl found a restaurant, sat down by the window, and started chatting after ordering.

There are various topics, no different from normal chatting before.

While talking, Bai Ye suddenly raised a question: "So, why did you suddenly think of going on a date with me?"

Speaking of this, Uiharu Shiri immediately blushed, looking very cute.

Delicious too, making one want to bite her cute face.

"Because, because I want to find the answer to a question."

"what is the problem?"

"We'll wait until the date is over."

"……All right."

Bai Ye nodded and stopped asking.

Anyway, there is only half a day left for the appointment, so don't worry.

For a qi refiner with a long lifespan, what is half a day worth?

Only people with normal life expectancy would think "seize the day and night".


An afternoon date is a lot more fun than a morning sitting at the movie theater.

Although there is nothing special about it, it is just for fun, boys and girls hold hands and play everywhere.

Look here, look there.

Go here to play games, go there to see the scenery.

Bai Ye is quite satisfied with this date, although it doesn't feel like a date, but wants to take the girl to play around like usual.

There is another bad point: Chuchun Shili often acts bravely.

When he saw something bad, he took out the discipline committee member's armband and put it on his right sleeve, saying "I am the discipline committee member" and ran over to deal with the problem.

"Obviously still dating!"

Bai Ye made complaints like this.

Chuchun Shili felt very embarrassed and sincerely apologized.

But I don't want to change at all.

After all, he is a discipline committee member.

In this city, the discipline committee members are the cutest group of people.

Needless to say, other organizations including the Anbu, they exist in the darkness after all.

The police officers are very respected by the students, but there are actually many gangs forming and fighting for power and profit inside.

In comparison, the disciplinary committee doesn't have so many bad things, it can be said to be the purest organization in Academy City.

The afternoon appointments were intermittent, but generally smooth.

"Better than I expected, at least there is no emergency that requires me to go back to help."

In that case the date would have to end early.

Bai Ye just pouted.

This really doesn't feel like a date today!
(End of this chapter)

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