boy of science

Chapter 189 Different Girls Have Different Feelings

Chapter 189 Different Girls Have Different Feelings
The evening wind blows gently.

It's a pity that this is not Penghu Bay, and there is no white waves chasing the beach, and it doesn't even bring much coolness.

Staying by Bai Ye's side does not need to worry about the scorching heat, because the temperature is always comfortable.

This is probably the so-called magic.

It is also interesting to say: What is the difference between spells and abilities?
Chuchun Shili was curious about this, but didn't ask. It's not suitable to discuss these things on a date.

But is today really a date?
Sitting in the movie theater in the morning, the afternoon became intermittent because of her "nosy".

After all, he is a discipline committee member, so of course he has to stand up and stop when he sees something bad.

Bai Ye seemed to have no complaints.

Anyway, today's date went well, and Uiharu Shiri was also in a good mood.

"Does Bai Ye feel happy?"

Holding hands and walking back to the dormitory, the girl suddenly asked this question.

Bai Ye turned to look at her, and then answered truthfully: "It's okay, it's like this every day anyway, I often date beautiful and lovely girls."

"……Ok, I know."

Of course Chuchun Shili knows, after all, she has collected all the information she can, and probably no one in this world can understand Bai Ye better than her.

There are similar ones, such as Misaka Mikoto.

So she knew that Bai Ye didn't date girls every day, but just met girls she knew almost every day.

Although he knew it, he didn't seem to care.

Look up at the fading sky and see the lights that have come on all around you.

He found that he had returned to his dormitory building.

Bai Ye stopped and let go of the hand he was holding, turned around to look at her and asked with a smile: "If you come back here, the date is over, so, what is the question you want to get an answer to?"

Chuchun Shili looked at him for a few times, then lowered her head with a blushing face, her fingers seemed to be disturbing the corner of her clothes.

Her hair was relatively short, so Bai Ye could clearly see her red ears.

Glancing twice, then at the floral ornament on top of her head.

Before he could count how many flowers there were, Chuchun Shili suddenly said, "It's not over yet. If we're dating, there's one more thing I'll do."


Bai Ye asked casually.

Chuchun Shili didn't answer, but raised her head as if she made up her mind, and closed her eyes to suppress the shyness in her heart.

He pursed his lips, opened them slightly, and licked his lips with his little tongue.

That little face was so red that it was about to bleed.

Needless to say, her heart must be beating very fast, and Bai Ye was worried that she would faint due to high blood pressure.

Of course now is not the time to worry about blood pressure.

Look at the girl like this...

Do you want to kiss?
Although he occasionally lifts girls' skirts and often says strange things, Bai Ye has only done "kissing" with Prison Cai Haimei.

Now looking at the girl's small mouth, the boy hesitated for a while.

Reaching out to touch her face made the other party more nervous, but still maintained the look of wanting to kiss.

So I didn't think too much, just kissed her directly.


Dormitory building, corridor on the second floor.

Chunshang Jinyi was condescending, looking at the kissing teenager and girl with surprise on his face.

After the surprise, the mood seemed a little complicated.

He raised his hand to touch his lips.

Then he didn't look much, just turned around and went back into the room.


"I've got the answer."

After the kiss was over, Chuchun Shili left such a sentence, then turned around and ran back to the dormitory.

Bai Ye looked at her back with some doubts.

gone like this?
Don't you want to discuss whether you want to date or not?

While thinking this way, Chuchun Shili had already run to the door of the room on the second floor, stood there and waved at the boy, then opened and closed the door and disappeared from his sight.

Bai Ye withdrew his gaze, felt that it was useless to think wildly, and it was meaningless to stand here and watch, so he turned and left.

He still has to teach Saten Ruiko.

Thinking of Saten Reiko, and soon thinking of the kiss just now, and then thinking of the blond girl Goku Saimi.

There is a big difference in the feeling between kissing Sai Haimi and Uiharu Shiri.

What would it be like to kiss Saten Ruiko?

What about Frenda?
What about Misaka Mikoto?

What about a legitimate loli like Yueyong Xiaomeng?
What about a little girl like The Last Work and Fremea?

What about big girls like Tie Zhuangjuli and Huang Quanchuan Aiho?
What about a JK like Jigami Akisa?
What about the ignorant young ladies like Fanfeng Runzi, Wannei Juanbao, and Paofu Wanbin?

What about a perverted slut like Shirai Kuroko?

What about clones like Dory and Misaka?
What about various girls, such as Fubo Miwei, Mitsuko, Mugino Shitoshi, Takitsubo Rigo, Kinuhata's favorite, etc.?

There are also magicians like Kanzaki Kaori.

All in all, it is estimated that kissing different girls will get different feelings.


Byakuya walked forward while thinking, heading towards Saten Ruiko's dormitory.


Recently Saten Saten has been learning about Qi refining from Bai Ye.

She had listened to Bai Ye's words to learn the culture of the neighbors a long time ago, but after all, she didn't study for a long time, and she was far from as proficient as Misaka Mikoto.

Misaka Mikoto can basically learn a little bit, and Saten Ruiko needs to explain it in more detail several times in Baiya, so the learning progress cannot be accelerated.

Bai Ye was very patient, never said anything to her, and never felt impatient.

But that's why Saten Ruiko felt very embarrassed.

It's just that tonight's "sorry" is different from the previous "sorry".

The previous white nights were serious, serious, and indifferent. Lectures are lectures, and I don’t say things that have nothing to do with the course, and I don’t look around.

This made Saten Reiko feel good, but also a little bad, because it made her suspect that she was not attractive to Bai Ye.

It's not a day or two since she likes Bai Ye.

From being a little scared and alienated at the beginning, to being curious when I got in touch, to being grateful after getting help, and then getting closer and closer, and the degree of favorability is getting higher and higher.

In the end it became a favorite.

During the few days when Bai Ye first taught her how to refine Qi, she was even ready for something to happen.

After all, we are alone in the dormitory.

As a result nothing happened.

Bai Ye, who always tries to molested girls like them in every possible way, behaved like a gentleman when he was alone with her in the dormitory. He didn't say anything strange or act abnormally.

Over the past few days, Saten Ruiko has gotten used to his other side of keeping his eyes fixed and polite.

As a result, there was a change tonight: Bai Ye's gaze would always be on her mouth.

The look in his eyes wasn't too strange, it just looked curious.

Why are you suddenly curious about your mouth?

Saten Ruiko wanted to ask.

But this topic seems not to be used for discussion, so I didn't speak out several times.

"Tear, listen to the class carefully and don't get distracted."


Saten Saten obediently agreed.

But she can't blame her for being distracted, it's obviously Bai Ye's own fault.

So why stare at her mouth anyway?
 it's hopeless
  I wrote a novel for so long
  In the end, only myself is left

  really came alone

  walking alone

(End of this chapter)

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