boy of science

Chapter 190 "Sure enough, it's different."

Chapter 190 "Sure enough, it's different."

Why do you stare at the girl's mouth...

Bai Ye naturally didn't say the reason, nor did he have intimate contact with Saten Reniko.

After finishing tonight's class, I got up and said goodbye as usual.

Sending him outside the door and watching his leaving back, Saten Ruiko's eyes looked a bit complicated.

Chuchun Shili looks weak, but is actually strong and courageous.

Saten Reiko is full of energy, but she has a deep inferiority complex in her heart.

Inferiority comes from "Level0".

Of course, since she mastered the use of wind characters, her inferiority complex has weakened a lot.

But it is only weakened, and has not been completely eradicated.

So she can't express her heart as boldly as Uiharu.

Chu Chun Li dares to ask for a kiss with actions.

She dare not.

She can only wait for Bai Ye to take the initiative.

But although Bai Ye would tease them, it seemed that he never thought of making the relationship more intimate.

Bai Ye's behavior tonight was a bit abnormal, I thought something would happen.

Still nothing.


After the boy walked away, the girl could only sigh helplessly.

Then hide in the room and try to refine Qi.


It's summer vacation now, and there are no parents to supervise, so most students have become a little slack and a little indulgent.

For example, after nine o'clock, I haven't gone to bed and rested.

Fremea was still up.

When Bai Ye came home, the kid was clamoring for hot chocolate.

"I have to drink it before going to bed every day. If I don't drink it, I probably won't be able to fall asleep~!"

"You don't need to drink your teeth again."

"I don't care, I don't care, drink as much as you want, Oni-chan~."

At this time, it is very like a normal child who can act like a baby, and it is the kind of unreasonable trouble.

Seeing Bai Ye coming back, the little girl immediately jumped off the bed, without shoes on, ran to Bai Ye and threw herself into his arms.

"My sister won't let me drink hot chocolate meow~."


Frenda first greeted her politely, and then stared at her sister with a little complicated eyes.

This little sister is getting harder to manage as she grows up.

Byakuya rubbed Fremea's little head with golden hair.

Looking up at Frenda again: "If you want to drink, let her drink."


"Don't worry, it's all right. Didn't I tell you that even if something goes wrong, I can help her fix it."


Frenda obediently agreed.

After all, it was only a short time since he started, and he has not yet awakened as a Qi refiner, and still retains the thinking habits of ordinary people.

What can't be eaten, what's unhealthy, for qi refiners, there's no need to care about these things at all.

Although Fremea is not yet a Qi refiner, Bai Ye is there after all.

"Great, Long Live Oni-chan!"

Fremea immediately cheered after receiving permission.

Then without saying much, he quickly left Bai Ye's embrace and ran to make hot chocolate.

Frenda shook her head helplessly.

Bai Ye walked up to her and directly hugged her into his arms.

"I usually don't care much about it, why is she suddenly not allowed to drink tonight?"

"...I just think that as an older sister, it's better to take care of my younger sister."

"That's it."

Bai Ye nodded in understanding.

The left arm is around the girl's waist, and the right hand is touching the girl's back.

"If you want to take care of such small things, you can take care of other things, such as asking her to study hard."

After saying this, I will not continue this topic.

Frenda didn't say much, because she found that the situation was wrong.

Although Bai Ye would hug her in the past, he didn't carelessly touch her with his hands, but now he caresses her back, and even gradually goes down.

"Master, master?!"

The girl's face has turned rosy.

He poked his head out of his master's arms and found that his sister was busy in the kitchen, not paying attention to the situation here.

So he breathed a sigh of relief, retracted his gaze and raised his head to meet Bai Ye.

"Master, you... um~"

He couldn't say much, and Bai Ye suddenly took away his first kiss.

Struggle a few times symbolically, then close your eyes and accept it passively.

I just hope that my sister doesn't look this way.

Unfortunately, the "hope" kind of thing doesn't work most of the time.

Fremea quickly brewed hot chocolate, held the cup and blew on it, and moved cautiously towards the bedroom.

In the end, he stopped after walking a few steps, and looked at Bai Ye and Frenda kissing there with wide eyes and full of surprise.

This is the first time such a thing has been seen in reality.

TV movies and the like don't count.

The kiss didn't last too long, and Bai Ye quickly let go of Frenda.

Lick your lips, as if reminiscing.

"Sure enough, it's different."

Suddenly saying such a conclusion made Frenda, who had adjusted, feel strange.

And found that Bai Ye had let go of her and looked at Fremea over there, as if she was a little eager to try.

Probably want to taste the taste of Fremea?

Flanda felt a little flustered, and quickly grabbed Bai Ye's hand.


Bai Ye turned his head and glanced at her, then continued to look at Fremea.

"Drink it quickly, brush your teeth and get ready to rest after drinking."

After hearing his words, Fremea came to her senses and opened her mouth to express her opinion, but looking at her sister, she still wisely chose to remain silent.

Go to the desk with hot chocolate, sit down and taste it slowly.

Seeing that Bai Ye had no intention of doing anything to Fremea, Frenda was completely relieved.

Bai Ye patted her head.

"You get ready to sleep too."



time flies.

Under the pressure from Fu Chunshu and others, Bu Shu Dixin did not dare to delay the time, so the "learning device" was quickly completed.

After passing the test of Fu Chunshu and others, it was quickly used on Jenny and Phoebe.

This is an improved learning device, and it is also equipped with a more complete "emotional program", so Jenny and Phoebe are very different from those Misaka sisters.

Of course, the difference is only in performance, but in essence they are almost the same.

After the two artificial humans were completely completed, Jenny was immediately taken to experiment.

Fusu Toshin watched from the sidelines, and found that Jenny's ability was used to control the driven armor, and it was able to control the use of multiple driven armors at the same time.

She didn't know the exact number, but it seemed to be increasing rapidly anyway.

Fu Chunshu and others did not explain to her, but only assigned her a task: to monitor Jenny's physical and mental conditions in real time.

Of course this is when doing experiments.

Normally, she was asked to take care of Phoebe.

There are only five core members of Study, and all of them have responsible jobs. They can't spare time to take care of Feibre, so they can only let Bu Shu Dixin, who doesn't have much work, take charge.

This just gave Bu Shu Di Xin a chance.

She had made up her mind a long time ago, and she wanted Phoebe to go to Misaka Mikoto for help.

You have to get out of this "magic lair" as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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