boy of science

Chapter 191 "Hey, Magician"

Chapter 191 "Hey, magician..."

Some time ago, Misaka Mikoto drew her sword to fight back because of being cursed by Aleister.

At that time, there was a lot of commotion. People all over the world could see the purple light sweeping the world, and some existences also felt the birth of the spiritual sword Zidian.

Those existences knew that the incident happened here in Academy City, but they didn't know who was responsible for it.

They either contacted the "spies" lurking in Academy City, or sent personnel to investigate the situation, or wanted to come in person.

The truth is not difficult to investigate, because there are no concealment measures for the relevant information: Level 5's third "railgun" can drive purple lightning.

The name "Misaka Mikoto" attracted the attention of the magic side for the first time.

Azali, an Aztec magician, belongs to the magical association called "Return of the Winged Ones".

Sent by the magic association to which he belongs to investigate the matter of the purple light.

As a result, he fell in love with the girl named Misaka Mikoto.

After observing in secret for a long time, he finally decided to take a risk to get close to the other party, using the identity of "Mitsuki Kaihara", the grandson of the chairman of Tokiwadai Middle School.

He is very good at cross-dressing and can make a real one.

Unfortunately it didn't work.

At least in Misaka Mikoto's eyes his cross-dressing was useless.

Misaka Mikoto didn't care if it was just spying, because there were too many people like this, and one after another they drove away, so as long as they didn't look at what they shouldn't be, it was fine.

But this magician jumped out directly, and even pretended to be the grandson of the school chairman, this kind of thing can't be done without a lesson.

Aizali originally wanted to have a good relationship with Misaka Mikoto, but Misaka Mikoto attacked him before he could say a few words.

Suddenly, like a sneak attack, Aizali was defenseless.

As a result, it is naturally easy to be defeated.

And facing death: Misaka Mikoto locked on him with full firepower, making him feel that his death might be at the next moment.

"Hey, magician, I don't care where you are a magician, in short, don't appear in front of me again, or your soul will return to nothingness forever, understand?"

Full firepower, sharp edge.

Pedestrians around were frightened and fled the scene quickly, and various electrical appliances seemed to be malfunctioning.

Aizali had a feeling: if he dared to say "no", he would probably be hacked to death by Misaka Mikoto right here.

Kill chickens to make an example to monkeys.

Who made him the first to jump out.

Aizali didn't want to die, and it was worthless to die like this, so he nodded quickly to express his understanding.

Misaka Mikoto didn't say much, unlocked it and turned to leave.

The relaxed Aizali sighed, feeling that he would never be able to get close to this girl.

And I didn't expect her to be so powerful.

If I use my magic to go all out...

Don't think about it, you can't beat it.

Although it is just intuition, there is no basis.

But I always feel that I can't resist the attack launched by the girl.

"……never mind."

If you don't show up, don't show up.

It's good to just hide in the dark and silently protect the girl...

The girl doesn't seem to need his protection?
After all, it has such a strong power.

And also has many reliable partners.

Although a certain boy doesn't seem very reliable.

Thinking of that boy, Aizali's mood became very complicated, because the relationship between the boy and the girl was very close.

But that boy is not like someone who can protect the girl.

Anyway, according to the available information, that boy is not a "hero" at all.

"Maybe I should talk to him."


Chuchun Zhuli seems to just want to get an answer. In the past two days, he didn't discuss with Bai Ye about "association" or anything like that.


For the past two days, Bai Ye was also thinking about this issue, so he didn't go to Chuchun Shili either.

I was walking alone on the street today, and I haven't met a familiar girl yet.

The strange magician jumped out.

"Have you made up your mind yet?"


Bai Ye felt bewildered to hear such a question while being stopped.

Ignoring the other party, I was going to go around and move on.

But the opponent took another step and blocked his way.

"Whenever, wherever, no matter who the opponent is, no matter how many times, as long as bad things happen, you must rush to her side and protect her like a handy hero; you do this well Are you enlightened?"

The strange magician talked a lot, and seemed very serious.

It's a pity that the joys and sorrows of human beings are not connected, Bai Ye only thinks he is noisy.

"There's something wrong."

Prepare to go around the opponent again.

But the strange magician still didn't give up and stood in front of him again.


"Bang~ bang~ bang~!"

This time, as soon as the words came out, he was suddenly attacked by the young man, who knocked him to the ground in twos and twos, and then stepped on his head.

"Hey, magician, I don't care where you are a magician, in short, don't appear in front of me again, or your soul will return to nothingness forever, understand?"

Aizali: "???"

Did you just hear this sentence from Misaka Mikoto?
The boy didn't wait for his answer, kicked him in the stomach with a "boom~" and walked away.


Bai Ye and Misaka Mikoto, who were doing nothing, soon met on the bustling street.

Talking, laughing and playing around, and find a place to sit down and drink a cold drink.

By the way, let's talk about what happened just now.

Misaka Mikoto: "Just now a magician came out and pretended to be the grandson of the school chairman, and I taught him a lesson."

Bai Ye: "What a coincidence, there was a magician who blocked my way just now, and I also beat him up."

The grandson who pretends to be the chairman of Tokiwadai pesters Misaka Mikoto...

Mitsugui Haiyuan?Azali?

Speaking of which, it seems that such a thing does exist in the original work.

That magician seemed to like Misaka Mikoto.

Of course, Misaka Mikoto is beautiful and cute, and it's normal to be liked, so don't worry about it.

Misaka Mikoto did not continue the topic of the magician.

"Speaking of which, Zhi Xian is about to be discharged from the hospital. Have you received the news?"


Bai Ye didn't pay attention to the situation of Zhi Xianbuli, after all, he was not familiar with that little girl, at best, he was just a friend of a friend.

The main reason is that it is not beautiful or cute enough, and has no characteristics.

But with girls like Misaka Mikoto, "no characteristics" may be the biggest characteristic.

As I was talking, I suddenly remembered something: "Since I can be discharged from the hospital, can I change into a cat girl suit?"


Misaka Mikoto was quite speechless.

When they gave Esakibanri school uniforms earlier, Bai Ye also gave a cat girl suit.

If it's cosplay, it's not a problem.

The problem is the cat tail, which is a plug-in no matter how you look at it.

"If you really want to give gifts, at least give some normal ones. Taking a step back, even if you really want to give some weird things, at least you have to cultivate a good relationship."

Obviously the relationship is not very close, but if you still insist on giving such clothes, I am afraid that you will stay away from this boy after the first meeting.

Bai Ye didn't care about this, but looked at Misaka Mikoto: "Is our relationship deep enough?"

"Huh? Ah, um."

"Then I'll send you some fun things to comfort yourself..."


Before he finished speaking, he was beaten up by the girl.

(End of this chapter)

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