boy of science

Chapter 193 Why Put Shackles on Yourself?

Chapter 193 Why Put Shackles on Yourself?
Chuchun Zhuli knows that Bai Ye has always spoken out loud, so he has been guarding against him from mentioning the date and kiss that day, and whenever Bai Ye shows signs of mentioning it, he will directly interrupt and change the subject.

Bai Ye, who didn't find a chance to ask, kept his mouth shut for the time being.

By the way, I heard one thing: Zhixian Tuli was discharged from the hospital the day after tomorrow, and Chunshang Jinyi has also decided to move to a new dormitory the day after tomorrow.

"Then let's have a farewell party, farewell party."

Misaka Mikoto started messing around again.

But this proposal is very good, so it quickly got the approval of several girls.

Chunshang Jinyi didn't think it was necessary to do this, but she said that there were only a few girls, so she could only choose to accept it in the end.

White nights are excluded.

"It's better not to go, you guy, so as not to scare Zhixian again."

This sentence was said by Misaka Mikoto, she felt that she needed to prevent Bai Ye from harming Esaki Tsuneri.

Bai Ye said it didn't matter, after all, that little girl wasn't pretty or cute enough, so he didn't care too much.

As long as it is beautiful and cute enough, will it matter?

Not necessarily.

What teenagers do is basically determined by their mood and whether they want to or not.

Do whatever you want.

Not breaking the rules?

He is not a student of Confucianism.

And what is Qi Consummation?
It is Hunyuan, it is Chaos.

"Chaos" does not have the concept of rules, nor does it have various other concepts.

Of course, the five elements produce all things in chaos, if Bai Ye wants to have it, then naturally he can have it too.

But he didn't want to.

Why put shackles on yourself?


There are many "shackles" in the world, and there are three most obvious ones.

There are two kinds in human society, namely "morality" and "law".

Another is the "law of nature".

All three are necessary.

Let alone the laws of nature.

The two kinds of "morality" and "law" in human society, Qi practitioners think there should be, but they can't be applied to them.

Of course, on the premise of not affecting them, they are still willing to give face and follow the rules.

Just like Bai Ye, many rules are followed in daily life.

Such as spending money to buy things.

When you have no money, you will neither steal nor rob.

Of course, there are also times when you don’t obey the rules, such as molesting young girls, although it is not up to the level of breaking the law, but at least it is "indecent".

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.

He didn't do any of these.


After the dinner party, Bai Ye did not leave with Misaka Mikoto and the others, but stayed behind to give lectures to Saten Saten, and then hurried back to her dormitory.

Nothing but lectures.

Although Saten Ruiko would most likely not refuse if she wanted to do it, just like Kisame Kaimi and Flander.

But Bai Ye didn't want to do it.

And when it comes to Prison Cai Haimei and Frenda, Bai Ye thinks of the three remaining girls in Item.

"Maybe they should move in with me for a while."

As the saying goes: long time makes love.

The more time we spend together, the relationship will naturally become closer and the relationship will become deeper and deeper.

With the development of the times, there is another explanation for "love with time".

But that goes without saying.

"Another meaningless day has passed."

The boy who was walking home sighed.

The world likes to search for "meaning".

But Bai Ye didn't like it.

Meaningful and meaningless, isn't it still the same in the end?

Since the last time I told the post-marriage photon that I wanted to borrow books, many uncommon books were sent in very quickly, and there were new batches every now and then.

After marriage, the financial group is rich and well-connected, and they can always buy or borrow books that ordinary people can't reach in their lifetime.

Some are even related to the magic side, mainly Shintoism and Buddhism, which are widely spread religions here in the island country.

Bai Ye flipped through it for a while, and found that although books are not common, they are not very useful.

Can't even pass the time, because it's over in no time.

After reading the books at home, I didn't disturb the blonde sister's teaching, but went outside to pass the time.

Fremea was very envious: "If only I could read and study as fast as Oni-chan."

"As long as you study hard, you will become as powerful as the master in the future."

Frenda took the opportunity to preach and then went on to business.


In Academy City, it is difficult to get the attention of others with "excellent grades". Only those with high-level abilities will attract the attention of thousands of people.

For example, those seven Level5s.

People with excellent grades failed to attract a few audiences even if they stood on the stage.

Fu Chunshu had such an experience.

He has won rankings in many "Academy City Research Conferences", and even won the best award two years ago.

Too bad it didn't work.

Facing the few spectators and the sparse applause, coupled with the stimulation from other aspects, he wanted to correct or even overthrow this system of supremacy of those with abilities.

His own experience made him have a great prejudice against ability users.

If there is an intersection with a capable person, then he will definitely be unreasonable and fight for three points unreasonably.

The android Phoebe got away, but he didn't care.

Anyway, if there is no medicine to neutralize the toxin, he will die soon.

Walking on the street, I saw a gangster snatching a student's bag, and then was subdued by a girl in Tokiwadai's school uniform.

Needless to say, the girl received compliments from passers-by.

So Youfu Chunshu felt upset again.

After the girl asked her companions to notify the security guards, Youfu Chunshu immediately walked out of the crowd.

"Student, can I bother you? I saw what happened just now. Are you going too far?"


"Even if the other party is a criminal, it's really not flattering to use your ability like this."


"There are many ways to solve this case. As you said, the guard's post is in front, and there are surveillance cameras on the road."

"You in the end..."

"Taking a step back, you should realize that the people around you may be affected. You were lucky to subdue this time, but what will happen if you fail? Maybe he will seize women and children as hostages in a fit of anger."

As soon as Fu Chunshu said this, the tone of the onlookers immediately changed, saying something like "it's scary" and "the ability is also very dangerous".

From praise to doubt to slander, sometimes the situation can change so quickly.

Of course, no one has slandered the girl from Tokiwadai yet.

I can't get praise, so I want Youfu Chunshu, who can't even get it, to pursue the victory.

"You seem quite confident in your ability, but ability is not everything."

"This one……"

The Tokiwadai girl seemed unable to refute.

The boy passing by here biting a popsicle popped up suddenly: "It is true that ability is not everything, but knowledge is, as long as you have relevant knowledge."

"...Student Bai Ye?!"

After marriage, Photon was surprised.

But the boy stuffed the popsicle he had eaten into her mouth.

"Help me eat it before it melts."


The gagged Mitsuko was speechless.

Bai Ye looked at Youfu Chunshu: "You like to take the commanding heights and accuse others, don't you? Come on, let's present the facts and reason, and talk about it."


You Fu Chunshu snorted softly and left directly.

It looks disdainful, but in fact, I dare not.

Tell the truth?

The fact is that after marriage, Guangzi subdued the gangsters, and no passers-by were injured.

(End of this chapter)

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