boy of science

Chapter 194 Go Forward, 1 Go Straight Forward

Chapter 194 Go Forward, Go Straight Forward
People in the world always like to attack others with hypothetical words such as "if", "if", and "if".

There's even a superpower: leave the facts alone.

Youfu Chunshu just said "if", "if".

But he probably still wanted to save face, so he didn't "put aside the facts", and when he heard Bai Ye said that he wanted to present the facts and make sense, he turned around and left.

"Hey, don't go, stay and chat with me, and pass the time by the way."

The young man took the initiative to persuade him to stay.

It's a pity that Fu Chunshu didn't give him face, and walked away without looking back.

The onlookers also left one after another.

The young man could only curl his lips, and turned to look at the married photon beside him.

Before he could speak, Wannei Juanbao and Paofu Wanbin walked back here quickly.

Although the speed is fast, it still maintains elegance. It can only be said that it is worthy of being a lady who has received strict training.

"Student after marriage, classmate Bai Ye."

First, I said hello in a polite manner, and then explained to the post-marriage photon: "Mr. Security Officer will be here in a while."

They went to the security guards just now, but there is also something going on over there, and they need to be dealt with before they can come here.

Anyway, the gangster who robbed the bag has been caught.

To be precise, he fainted.

Was knocked unconscious by the trash can that Photon fired with his ability after marriage.

At this moment, the married Guangzi held the stolen bag in one hand, and the popsicle that Bai Ye stuffed into her mouth in the other.

"Thank you for your hard work."

These young ladies always speak very politely.

Bai Ye was not polite, seeing that she didn't eat the popsicle, she directly took it back to her hand.

"If you don't eat it, then I'll eat it myself."

After speaking, without waiting for the girl's reaction, she stuffed the popsicle into her mouth.

After marriage, Guangzi opened his mouth, but couldn't speak, but was a little embarrassed and blushed.

Indirect kissing.

This is the so-called indirect kissing!
She was the one who ate Bai Ye's saliva just now, and now Bai Ye is the one who ate her saliva.

Feel shy just thinking about it.

Bai Ye didn't have any abnormalities, he just chatted with Juanbao in Wannei and Wanbin in Paofu.

These two girls are shyer than the other, and they blush easily, looking very cute.

Of course, I didn't forget to chat with Guangzi after marriage.

Bai Ye was very leisurely, and the three of them seemed to have nothing to do, so they went for a stroll in the lively streets together.


Phoebe was hanging out, too.

Although she wanted to find "Misaka Mikoto", she didn't know where to look for it.

Bushu Toxin probably didn't have time to clarify more information.

He didn't even explain what to do after finding Misaka Mikoto.

So Phoebe just wandered around aimlessly.

There are many people and various things outside, and everything is so new to her.

Didn't think much, didn't ask.

Just go forward, follow your own feeling and keep going forward.

Anyway, I don't know where to go, so let's walk around first.


The mission last night was too strange, which made Mai Ye, Shenli and the others suspicious.

They said they wanted to stop the arms trade, but there were no arms dealers or buyers in the abandoned warehouse. It was just that some unmanned drive suits were ambushing there and attacked them.

So they are sure: there is a conspiracy behind this.

"How to do?"

Takitsubo Rihou looked at his leader: "Do you know if you want to report to the master?"

If there is a conspiracy, it may only target a few of them, or even Bai Ye behind the scenes.

So Takitsubo Rigo thought it would be better to inform Bai Ye.

But think about it again: Item becoming Bai Ye's "private property" is a secret, basically few people know about it, so even if there is a conspiracy, it should not be aimed at Bai Ye.

Mugino Shenli also analyzed it in this way.

"There's no need to tell him for the time being. Let's investigate it ourselves first. Maybe the former enemy came to the door."


After thinking for a long time, Takitsubo Ri finally agreed with this decision.

Kinuhata's favorite also expressed no opinion.

Now that the resolution has been passed unanimously, the next step is the investigation.

This is not easy to do.


There is no major problem with Edasaki Tanri's body. After this period of treatment and rehabilitation, the attending doctor has approved her application for discharge.

The time is tomorrow.

Before that, Misaka Mikoto, Shirai Kuroko, Saten Reiko, Uiharu Shiri came to visit her again in the hospital.

After getting along with each other for this period of time, Edasaki Banri and the others are already friends.

After school starts, Uiharu Shiri and Saten Riko will still be classmates.

There is another boy who is about to become a classmate: Bai Ye.

Although she hadn't met Bai Ye a few times and hadn't communicated much, Bai Ye left a deep impression on her.

After all, he gave her such a strange catgirl suit.

"farewell party?"

"It's not only a farewell to Chunshang, but also a celebration of your discharge from the hospital."

Misaka Mikoto explained.

In fact, there is no need to send him off, because it is just a change of dormitory, not a transfer of school.

And of course celebrating is worth celebrating.

This kind of thing doesn't need to be a surprise, so I just told Tsunari Edasaki directly.

"I understand."

Tsubasa nods his head.

Looking at Chunshang Jinyi, and looking at the four girls, I feel that I am really lucky to have met so many good people.

They are all very gentle and kind, and they are so beautiful and cute.

Speaking of which, that classmate Bai Ye is also the one who needs her thanks.

Because it was Bai Ye who sent people to join the discipline committee and security guards to rescue these unconscious students.


Forget about the catgirl suit, and keep the grace of saving my life in my heart.

"Will that classmate Bai Ye come too?"

"He won't come, I'm afraid he will say strange things to you again and do strange things."

"...That's it."

Zhi Xianbanri smiled softly and said no more.

He just glanced at Misaka Mikoto, and then at his friend sitting next to him eating.

Chunshang Jinyi is very familiar with Bai Ye, and they are also very close.

In recent days, Chunshang Jinyi came to see her almost every day, and chatted with her.

A lot of things about Bai Ye were mentioned in it.

Although I don't understand it very well, Edamari feels that this friend of mine and that classmate Bai Ye will probably develop into a relationship as a couple.

As a result, the relationship between Misaka Mikoto and Bai Ye seems to be closer.

Chunshang Jinyi didn't seem to realize the problem, but just ate fruits and various foods with a cute face.

Is she satisfied as long as she has something to eat?

Speaking of Bai Ye, the girls seem to have found a common topic and started chatting about Bai Ye.

Mainly complaining.

And basically it was Misaka Mikoto who was complaining, she was full of resentment for Bai Ye's behavior of molesting beautiful girls everywhere.

Tsubasa Kesaki didn't know much about Bai Ye, so he just listened carefully and only occasionally said a few words.

Chunshang Jinyi didn't say anything, and was still eating all kinds of food in a daze.

But maybe thinking about something?
(End of this chapter)

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