boy of science

Chapter 195 "This is indeed the case under normal circumstances."

Chapter 195 "This is indeed the case under normal circumstances."

Human society is full of emotional intertwining.

Hate, love, curse, bless.

There are also enthusiasm, indifference, arrogance, humility, sincerity, hypocrisy...

nice guy?bad guy?
It was the first time for Phoebe to meet so many and all kinds of people.

Biting a lollipop made of medicine, drifting in the vast crowd, neither feeling friendly nor alienated.

But I can't seem to integrate into this bustling world of feasting and feasting.

I feel a little uneasy.

I felt a lot more relaxed and comfortable when I walked into the park away from the crowd.

Benches, lawns, trees, flower beds.

Squatting down by the flowerbed, I opened my eyes and watched the flowers blooming curiously.

Red, yellow, white.

Blinking her eyes and thinking carefully, she walked into the flower garden and lay down carefully among the flowers. The scent of the flowers made her feel peaceful.

Just take a rest here.


Is it love?
Or simply close?
Chun Shangjinyi's attitude made Zhi Xianbanli a little uncertain.

Tossing and turning in bed at night, thinking for a long time, and then suddenly laughing like self-deprecating.

"I don't understand this kind of thing."

After being in a coma for a year, apart from her physical growth, she is still just a primary school student in other aspects.

So why the sudden entanglement with such things as "love"?

Because Chunshang Jinyi is a natural idiot, and is always indifferent, so I feel anxious for her?
Tsubasa felt very confused.

In the end, he didn't come up with a reason, and fell into a dreamland in a daze.


Some people can sleep peacefully, but some people still have to study in their dreams.

For Misaka Mikoto, it doesn't really matter whether she can meet Bai Ye during the day, because she will meet in her dream every night.

In addition to learning the knowledge related to qi refining, he also occasionally practiced the use of the spirit sword Zidian in his dreams.

There is also the essential small talk time.

It can be said that Bai Ye taught Misaka Mikoto everything, not only the knowledge of qi refining, but also the follow-up matter of returning to the void after concentrating.

During this period, the topic of resurrecting the dead was also involved.

"It's not difficult to bring the dead back to life. As long as you have achieved success in qi refining, you can find a way to do it. The premise is that you are willing to pay the price. This 'price' depends on the specific situation."

"If the Qi refining is complete, the price to be paid is very small."

"In addition, the death time of the resurrected object should not exceed seven days. To be precise, it should be before the soul completely dissipates."

Seven days is only an approximate value.

Some people's souls dissipate faster after death, and some people's souls dissipate more slowly after death.

There are also people whose souls linger after death, that is, become so-called "ghosts".

But this is rarely the case.

"Is there no possibility of resurrection after the soul dissipates?"

Misaka Mikoto humbly asked for advice.

Bai Ye shook his head in denial.

"That's not true, as long as you reach the state of concentration."

"Even if the body has been turned into clay, even if the soul has dissipated, as long as there are traces of the dead in the world, there is a way to bring him back to life."

"What kind of trace?"

"There are many, anyway, as long as it is related to the deceased, such as objects that have been touched, such as photos and videos, and such as memories."


"Yes, memory, even if nothing is left, but as long as there are still people who remember him, there is a way for a Qi Refiner in the Concentration Realm to revive him."

"It means that the qi refiners in the concentration state can even resurrect the dead thousands of years ago, such as Qin Shihuang and Han Wudi?!"


"Qin Shihuang will remember his courtiers, and his courtiers will remember other it is even possible to resurrect all the people of that era?"


The boy nodded in confirmation.

The girl's face was full of surprise, with a bit of "I can't believe it", but she didn't actually doubt what the boy said.

After thinking carefully, he asked again: "Then if all the traces of a certain person's existence, including items and memories, are erased, will they not be able to be resurrected?"

"Normally that's true."

"...What about the abnormal situation?"

"The abnormal situation is that there is a qi refiner in the concentration state who wants to fight you to the death, so he directly travels through time to rescue (resurrect) the other party."

"...So if you want to really kill a person, that is to erase all traces of him from the past to the present, so that there has never been such a person in this world?"


"... Can this really be done?"

"We can't do it, but qi refiners in the concentration state can do it."

"...How did you do it?"

"If I want to know, then I will be a Qi Refiner in the Concentration Realm."


For a moment, Misaka Mikoto seemed to have nothing to say.

Bai Ye waved his hand.

"As long as you have an idea about this kind of thing, you don't need to think about it for the time being. It's useless to think about it anyway."


It's really useless to think wildly, because you can't find any clues.

So on this issue, Misaka Mikoto quickly gave up thinking and continued to ask questions related to Qi refining.

Finally, it came to the magician again.

"Speaking of which, why did that sorcerer come to us so well?"

"Struggling for power and profit. Right now, all camps and forces in the world are basically in balance. As a result, your electric shock force has sprung up. They are worried that you will break the balance, so they ask people to investigate and monitor or even attack you."

"I see."

Misaka Mikoto still easily believed Bai Ye's words.

Some time ago, there was a lot of noise in order to fight against Aleister's curse, and it was probably at that time that it attracted the attention of those magicians.

But if you pay attention, just pay attention, the big deal is that soldiers will come to cover up the water and the earth.


a new day.

Today is the day Kosaki Tsuneri was discharged from the hospital, and it was also the day Harukami Jinyi moved.

The luggage has already been packed.

Obviously, it hasn't been long since I moved here, but there are many more boxes for luggage, and they are all big boxes.

There are her new purchases and gifts from friends.

Of course, a gift from Bai Ye is also indispensable.

Although there are a lot of boxes, she doesn't need to move them by herself. The moving company I contacted a long time ago came here at the agreed time.

Once this is done, go meet up with your friends.

A group of five girls went to the hospital to welcome Tsunari Edaseki who was discharged from the hospital.

This girl also specially changed into the school uniform given to her by Misaka Mikoto and the others, which looked very suitable and made her feel more like a young and beautiful girl.

The sailor school uniform is really a good thing.

Misaka Mikoto also bought a bouquet of flowers for Edase Tanri.

After chatting casually, the girls were going to the cake shop, where both the farewell party and the celebration party would be held.

But Shirai Heizi suddenly received a call from Gufa Meiwei.

"Hey, there's something wrong with the traffic lights?"

Hearing this, Shirai Kuroko subconsciously looked at her elder sister.

Misaka Mikoto denied it: "I didn't do anything."

unknown reason.

Moreover, the scope of influence is a bit large, and personnel are needed to direct traffic.

This kind of work is generally the work of the discipline committee, and the security guards will not take care of it.

"Heizi understands, Senior Gufa, I'll be right there."

Having said that, Uiharu Shiri also went with her.

After all, he is a discipline committee member.

(End of this chapter)

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