boy of science

Chapter 199 "Run away after kissing, are you that kind of irresponsible scumbag?"

Chapter 199 "Run away after kissing, are you that kind of irresponsible scumbag?"

Fremea is a blonde loli.

Where's Phoebe?

She is a blonde girl.

on the surface.

Because she is an artificial human, various definitions of human beings do not apply.

Although it does look like a human girl.

Long golden hair and fair skin.

And purple eyes.

There will be purple and red eyes, but the probability of appearing is extremely small.

It looks very small, almost the same as Jiaojia Jiajiao, or even slightly smaller.

After being made, she didn't touch too many things, and Bu Shu Dixin didn't have the leisure to teach her to know the world, so this little girl was curious about everything.

I probably haven't eaten anything other than lollipops (drugs), so I'm very interested in the food made by Saten Ruiko, and I'm concentrating on enjoying the food.

Bai Ye came here when they were eating.

He didn't appear in the room directly, but knocked on the door honestly, and then followed Uiharu Shiri in.

Phoebe, with his mouth full of food and sauce on his lips, raised his head and looked at the boy who came in curiously.

Bai Ye looked at her a few times.

He didn't need to introduce him to know who this little girl was, so he quickly smiled and nodded in satisfaction.

"This little girl is really nice. She will be my thing from now on."


Phoebe, who was eating dinner, blinked innocently, probably because he didn't understand the meaning of Bai Ye's words.

Chuchun Zhuli pouted slightly to express her displeasure.

"Student Bai Ye, please don't say such things, Phoebe is not Dong... She is a human being, please respect her personality."

"Is she human? I really didn't see it."

Bai Ye smiled softly, and sat down directly opposite Phoebe.

Knowing that he was coming, Saten Ruiko prepared his dinner by the way.

Saten Saten felt strange when she heard his words, and turned her head to carefully look at Feibri with somewhat doubtful eyes.

White night is very powerful.

Although she didn't have a specific idea of ​​how powerful she was.

But in short, they are very powerful, know a lot of things they don't know, and can see a lot of things they can't see.

So Phoebe might not be human?

Look carefully and observe carefully.

But couldn't find anything wrong.

No matter how you look at it, Phoebe is a beautiful and cute little human girl, and has nothing to do with "non-human".

Phoebe probably didn't know that he was the center of the topic, so he ate his dinner very seriously, but kept his eyes on Bai Ye.

Because I think this boy is very strange.

She couldn't tell the specifics, but anyway, it was very strange and special.

Chuchun Shili is still complaining about Bai Ye's outspokenness.

"Speak normally, classmate Bai Ye, you won't be able to make friends if you always do this."

"It's okay, I don't want to make friends."


Chuchun opened his mouth sharply, but in the end he still had nothing to say.

Because she knew very well in her heart: Bai Ye really didn't want to make friends.

It is actually an "accident" to get close to so many girls now.

She didn't know the other girls very well, anyway, Saten Ruiko approached Bai Ye on her own initiative.

Saten Saten no longer observed Feibri, but looked at the silent Uiharu Shiri and Shiraya, and then changed the subject calmly, so as not to make the atmosphere strange.

Bai Ye actually didn't care about this, and he didn't eat the meal Saten Ruiko had prepared for him, but used chopsticks to pick up various foods and feed them to Phoebe.

The little girl is also very cute when she eats.

And it's different from Chunshang Jinyi.

Chunshang Jinyi and eating are cute and cute.

Phoebe is just plain cute.

The little girl didn't refuse either.

Probably because he felt that Bai Ye could get close, or because he couldn't refuse the food made by Saten Ruiko.


Phoebe didn't talk to Bai Ye, nor did he care about what the young girl said, but he was obsessed with eating and couldn't extricate himself.


Take a shower after eating.

Saten Saten took Phibri to the bathroom, and Uiharu Rishi packed up the tableware.

Then he was pulled back into the bedroom by Bai Ye.

"We haven't talked properly lately, Shiri-chan."

Not only pulled back to the bedroom, but also pulled directly onto the bed.

The bed that used to belong to Chunshang Jinyi had been re-covered with sheets, and Phoebe would be sleeping here tonight.

Chuchun Shili who was sitting on the bed kept backing away, but soon leaned against the wall, unable to retreat.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, she turned her head and looked to the side as if feeling guilty.

"I don't think we have anything to say."

"I've kissed you, don't you want to pretend it's nothing?"


Speaking of the kiss, the girl blushed immediately.

Bai Ye sat by the bed, with an inexplicable smile on his face: "Run away after kissing, and don't talk about dating and other things, are you that kind of irresponsible scumbag?"

"Not at all!"

Chuchun Shili hastily denied it.

Although very shy and blushing, he still looked at Bai Ye seriously.

"Is Bai Ye really willing to associate with me, the kind who is single-minded?"

"I really only have one heart and one consciousness."

"Please answer my question directly."


Bai Ye didn't speak, and the smile on his face disappeared.

The two sides stared at each other in silence for a long time.

In the end, it was Chuchun Shili who sighed first: "That's the way it is, Bai Ye, we don't have anything to say, my first love is over, and it came to a successful conclusion with that kiss."

That's what she thought.

Bai Ye was a little surprised when he heard this sentence: "I really underestimated you before, Zhuo Lijiang."

The surface is soft and weak, but the heart is so strong and decisive.

not bad.

"But you feel complete, but I don't."

"...Why bother, classmate Bai Ye, anyway, I'm just a passer-by in your life, you never really put me in your heart, it's better to say, have you ever really liked anyone?"

"Yes, like you, like Mikoto, like Saten, and like Kaimi, there are so many beautiful girls I like."

"That's where the problem arises, Bai Ye."

Chuchun Shili is still very serious, but there is more sadness between his brows.

"Really liking someone, or loving someone, should be the kind of 'weak water three thousand, just take one scoop', not like you like this and that, do you really like it? It's just lust for beauty."

"Weak water for three thousand, just take a scoop? It seems that you have learned a lot."

Bai Ye first gave a compliment.

Then curled his lips to express his disdain: "But what does that have to do with me? That's someone else's view of love, not mine."

"Then what is your view on love? Three wives and four concubines?"

"Family love."


"Compared to vulgar love, I believe in family affection more. Love without passion will only slowly disappear, but ordinary family affection is hard to let go, so I don't want a lover, I want a family."


Chuchun opened her mouth sharply, but didn't know what to say, so she could only shut up and remain silent.

kinship love...


This young man is really good at talking about these "fallacies".


  what to say
  write this book
  get the most criticism

  even abuse
  No way
  This way of writing and this kind of persona is outdated.

  Readers are no longer readers
  Only I'm still immersed in the past and don't want to wake up
  already behind the times
  Time to be swept into the dustbin of history

  I remember there is such a sentence
  I'm a remnant of the old days
  The new era has no ship to carry me
  I used to feel a little middle school
  I feel so right now

  Probably can't find a place to stay
  like those old people

  I used to think that many old people were indifferent to life and death
  now found out

  just had to die
(End of this chapter)

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