boy of science

Chapter 200 "Things in the world are indeed full of contradictions."

Chapter 200 "Things in the world are indeed full of contradictions."

"I was almost fooled by you, classmate Bai Ye."


"The key is not the issue of family affection or love, but the issue of you messing around with women."

"What does it matter? You are all my family."

"...Why don't you simply say that we are all your wings?"

"Because I can fly and don't need wings, but I have no family."


The girl bit her lip.

After staring at Bai Ye for a long time, he finally expressed doubts: "Do you really need family members?"

"……What's the meaning?"

"As I said just now, I think you never really take anyone into your heart, you just regard us as passers-by on the journey of life."

This involves the issue of longevity.

The lifespan of Bai Ye who has perfected Qi refining is too long, and their lifespan is too short.

From this aspect alone, the girls are indeed just passers-by in his life.

Bai Ye didn't discuss with her whether she was a passer-by or not, but asked rhetorically: "How do you know that I don't take you guys to heart?"

"Have it?"

"do not have it?"

Bai Ye asked again.

Then he reached out his hand to the girl, stroking her head and her face.

The girl did not dodge.

"If there were no such thing, I wouldn't teach you how to refine Qi."

Refining Qi is very important.

If he hadn't taken them into his heart, Bai Ye wouldn't have taught them how to refine Qi, at most he would have taught them a few spells, just like Misaka Mikoto did at the beginning.

Or if you really want to teach Qi refining, you have to use some special methods, just like the prison Cai Haimei and the girls of Item.

"Actually, I also know that even if you like me, you won't be willing to accept what I do, so I don't actually want to associate with you. I teach you how to refine qi just to hope that you will be able to protect yourself. I hope you will not persecuted by anyone."

Speaking of this, Bai Ye withdrew his hand, his eyes seemed a little complicated: "I also hope that you will be strong and independent, and will not become anyone's vassal, including me."

"Student Bai Ye..."

"I hope that you can be strong and independent and have your own ideas, and I also hope that you can completely become my vassals. You can't be independent, and you don't have your own thoughts. This life is only for me. It's very contradictory, right?"


"But I chose the former in the end, so I didn't date Mikoto, and I didn't date Saten, either. If I didn't run away after you kissed me, I wouldn't have told you these things."

Speaking of this, Bai Ye stood up, stretched and moved his body.

"It's rare to say something in my heart. It feels pretty good. Anyway, that's it. I'll go back first."

"I send you……"

"Need not."

Bai Ye waved her hand and walked towards the entrance.

When passing by the bathroom, he knocked on the door.

"I'm going back, Saten, I don't need to study tonight."

"Eh? Ah, um."

Saten Ruiko in the bathroom couldn't figure out what was going on, so she could only respond with a acknowledgment.

Chuchun Shili, who was rejected, still followed him to see him off.

Now that you're here, Bai Ye would like to say something more by the way.

"I hope you can always be independent, don't become others' vassals, don't fall in love with other men, otherwise..."

He paused for a long time when he said this, and finally thought of shaking his head with a self-deprecating smile.

"I don't know what will happen, and this seems to violate the principle of allowing you to be independent and have your own thoughts. Things in the world are indeed full of contradictions."

The boy left with emotion, leaving the girl quietly watching his back.

After she couldn't see it completely, the girl "hoo~".

Like a sigh, and like nothing

Just close the door and walk back to the bathroom door.

Saten Ruiko inside probably sensed her presence, and asked directly, "Is it Chuharu? Bai Ye has already left?"


"Then you come in and wash together."

"Chuchun, let's wash together."

Phoebe also invited.

Chuchun Zhuli responded, not thinking about those things for the time being, but started to undress.

Anyway, let's take a shower first.


Bai Ye's feelings for Uiharu Shiri, Misaka Mikoto and others are a bit complicated.

They were much simpler with Frenda.

Because he is his subordinate and his "slave", so he can just do whatever he wants.

But in the end there is no mess.

No other reason, just because I don't want to.

After returning home to play with Fremea, he directly pushed the little girl to the bed and let her sleep.

"Frenda, you should go to bed early too."


After arranging for the blonde sisters, Bai Ye sat down cross-legged and ran into Misaka Mikoto's dream again.

Still in class, still chatting.

Naturally, there was also something about Phoebe.

Misaka Mikoto has already started refining Qi, and can sense more things than before, but she still can't see through the essence of many things at a glance like Bai Ye.

But she still found it strange. After talking about Phoebe, she frowned and thought: "I always feel that there is something wrong with that little girl."


Of course there are problems.

Because Phoebe is not a human being, but an artificial human.

But Bai Ye didn't say it clearly.

He felt that it didn't matter whether he said it or not.

And it's good to let Misaka Mikoto observe and study by herself.

Misaka Mikoto didn't know that Bai Ye had already met Phoebe, so she didn't discuss this issue in depth.

It's just that the mood is a little complicated.

"I don't know why, but that little girl doesn't want to get close to me. She is such a cute little girl, and I really want to have a good relationship with her."

"...It's rare for you to be so frank, but that little girl is really cute."

Bai Ye nodded in agreement.

Then the dog changed...


The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change.

Soon, strange words came out of the boy's mouth.

"Cute, miss the day."

"...Don't go too far, it's just a little girl."


He agreed on his lips, but he didn't care much in his heart.

Although she is a little girl, she is not human.

Like flying (beep~) cups and charging (beep~) dolls, do you still care about age?
Wait 18 years after leaving the factory before using it?

What a joke.

But thinking this way, I didn't say anything.

no point.


Time soon came to the second day.

In the morning, Branch 177.

Uiharu Shiri and Saten Reiko brought Phoebe here to join Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko.

Of course, the person in charge of the branch, Gufa Meiwei, is indispensable.

Let Phoebe sit next to him and play, Saten Ruiko took the lollipop that the little girl ate, and brought it to Misaka Mikoto, Shirai Kuroko, and Fubo Miwei for them to taste.

This is what I found after taking a shower last night.

Eating candy while sleeping is not good, so Saten Ruiko took out the lollipop in her mouth, thinking it would be a waste to throw it away, so she put it in her own mouth.

There is nothing wrong with indirect kissing with a cute little girl.

Then found out.

"The taste of this sugar..."

Gufa Meiwei looked at the lollipop in his hand, and after a long time, he choked out a sentence: "It's really strange and powerful."

So why does little girl Phoebe want to eat this weird-tasting candy?

 two hundred chapters

(End of this chapter)

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