boy of science

Chapter 206 "He also taught you these things."

Chapter 206 "He also taught you these things."

The reason why Netherland Chasing Soul believes that Phoebe is an artificial human is that the protein that makes up the little girl's body is not a natural product.

Such a protein does not exist in nature and is obviously artificially synthesized.

Phoebe is not sick, but in a state similar to "poisoning".

The little girl's body will continue to produce toxins with metabolism.

"Those lollipops are actually drugs, which can neutralize the toxins produced by the body. If there is no drug to maintain them, they will soon die due to the accumulation of toxins. By the way, the remaining drug lollipops are about It can last for two days."

"...can you help think of a way? Maybe make more medicine?"

"I would be very happy, but the problem is that even if you know the ingredients of the medicine, it is not so easy to make it, and there is not much time left for that child."


You can do a lot in two days, but you may not be able to do anything.

It is not impossible to reverse the formula through the ingredients of the medicine, but it is really not that easy.

Anyway, Nether Earth Chasing Soul recommends not to put hope on such things.

By the way, let me explain that I am aware of the artificial man experiment, although I have only heard of this project.

I also know that it has something to do with Anbu.

This is actually a clear statement: If you want to save Phoebe from life-threatening danger, you must find out those who made Phoebe.

Find those people to get the drug formula, first maintain Phoebe's life, and then slowly find a way to completely solve the problem of toxins produced by the body.

In fact, Misaka Mikoto can think of this without having to remind Misaka Mikoto.

The girl is just angry.

First her clone, and now a cyborg.

"Has the upper echelons of this academy city started doing ridiculous experiments again?"

Nether Earth Chasing Soul couldn't answer this question, because he didn't know the inside story.

But it really has to do with the top.

Behind every Anbu organization is basically a high-level figure in Academy City.

Anbu is a tool.

It is a tool for those high-level officials to fight for power and exclude dissidents.

There are also high-level figures behind Study,
But it is not a relationship between superiors and subordinates, but a relationship of mutual use.

People like Fu Chunshu have their own ideas.

As people with vested interests, the top management would not have the idea of ​​"overthrowing the system of Academy City" under normal circumstances.

Regarding the "artificial human", Mingtu Zhuishun told Misaka Mikoto everything he knew, and then left.

He is just a doctor, he can't manage so many things, and he doesn't have the ability to break through the darkness.

Misaka Mikoto returned to the ward with a heavy heart.

Saten Reiko, Uiharu Shiri, and Phoebe are all in a good mood at this time.

Shirai Kuroko was keenly aware of her elder sister's abnormal mood.

Obviously, he was still happy for Phoebe's recovery just now, but now he looks like he is angry?
"Sister, what's the matter with you? Is there any problem?"


Misaka Mikoto was still not going to tell them the truth, because she didn't want them to be dragged into the man-eating darkness.

"The doctor said that there is nothing wrong with Phoebe's body, and he can be discharged home."

"Really? Great."

Saten Reiko and Uiharu Shiri were very happy, and they started discussing going home with Phoebe again.

Shirai Kuroko looked at Misaka Mikoto with complicated emotions.

There must be something wrong!
Big sister is always like this, she likes to carry everything by herself.

"Heizi can obviously help."

This sentence is just thinking in my heart, and I didn't say it.

Shirai Kuroko understood Misaka Mikoto's character, and knew that it would be useless to say it.

At least not much use.

"No matter what you say, I will not change anyway."

This is probably Misaka Mikoto's code of conduct.

At this time, Misaka Mikoto didn't have such complicated thoughts, but looked at Feibri, who seemed to be healthy on the surface.

The body of this young blonde girl produces toxins through metabolism...

Speaking of which, lightning attribute spells have healing abilities.

So can the problems with Phoebe be fixed?

Misaka Mikoto has almost never used healing abilities, so it is not very clear.

"Maybe have to ask that guy."

Misaka Mikoto thought of Bai Ye.

Science can't cure Phoebe, maybe magic can?
She didn't master a few spells herself, but Bai Ye knew a lot, maybe she could just help Phoebe.

But thinking of Bai Ye's evaluation of "cute, miss Japan" when he talked about Febri, Misaka Mikoto felt that maybe he shouldn't look for Bai Ye.

While she was thinking, Saten Reiko and Uiharu Shiri had already started to pack their things and help Phoebe change clothes, and Shirai Kuroko was going to go through the discharge procedures.


When she was about to leave the hospital, Misaka Mikoto suddenly caught sight of a certain younger sister.

"Suddenly remembered that there is still something to deal with, you go back first."

Misaka Mikoto just ran away if she left it like this.

Meet a certain sister in the hospital garden.

Miss Misaka went to see Phoebe after the "operation" last night.

Because Misaka Mikoto seemed to care about that little girl very much.

The point is that Phoebe gives them a sense of familiarity.

After careful observation, it was discovered that Phoebe probably used the same learning device as them.

Although it is optimized, the basic program is still the original one.

"...It means that Phoebe has something to do with that big-eyed girl?"

Misaka Mikoto frowned.

That girl Bushu Dixin started to participate in these strange experiments again?
He clearly said that he must study hard to prepare for a good university entrance exam.

He took out his mobile phone and called the other party, but he couldn't get through.

While she was on the phone, sister Misaka continued to provide information: "The young girl also said that she has an older sister."

"……elder sister?"

The artificial man has a sister?

Misaka Mikoto felt strange.

But it soon became clear: it is estimated that there is another artificial human.

Phoebe didn't know that she was an artificial human, but regarded herself as an ordinary human girl.

Misaka Mikoto, who couldn't reach Nusutsu Toshin, put away her phone.

"Thank you, leave the rest to me, you don't have to worry about it."

"Sister, if you need help, you can ask us for help at any time."

"……no need."

Misaka Mikoto didn't want to involve her sisters in those dangerous things.

She wants to solve this matter alone.

white night?

There is no need for that guy to do this kind of thing.

"My elder brother taught us: a single tree cannot support us; we need to unite to face dangers and difficulties, my elder sister."

"He also taught you this."

Misaka Mikoto felt quite surprised.

But still not ready to obey obediently.

"I see. Anyway, I'll go first. You can go back and have a good rest."


On the way back to the dormitory, Misaka Mikoto received another call from Mitsuko after marriage.

Mainly to ask about the situation of Phoebe.

After learning that it was all right, he put it down and chatted with her about other topics.

For example: friends.

"A true friend is one who can share weal and woe and help each other."

After marriage, Photon said such words.

He also said that he learned the truth from getting along with Juanbao in Wannei and Wanbin in Paofu during this period of time.

After finishing the call, Misaka Mikoto was thoughtful.

"Share thick and thin, help each other..."

(End of this chapter)

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