boy of science

Chapter 207 That Blonde Girl Is Still Really Disgusting

Chapter 207 That Blonde Girl Is Still Really Disgusting
As a senior and as a friend, Misaka Mikoto really doesn't want her juniors and friends to come into contact with the dark side of Academy City.

But after marriage, Guangzi's "sharing weal and woe, helping each other" made her hesitate.

Are you really good at what you do?
Can I guarantee that my friends will never be exposed to the dark side?
Can you protect them yourself?

Although her ability is already very strong.

But as the saying goes: a man may stumble, a horse may stumble;

Since we live in this colorful world of light and dark, it is inevitable to be exposed to certain things.

Especially Shirai Kuroko and Uiharu Shiri.

They are disciplinary committee members who deal with various cases all day long, and they may have already contacted Anbu at some point.

And if you don't tell them anything, it will only cause them to worry.

After returning to the dormitory to take a rest and get ready, when she was about to go out, Shirai Kuroko said to her "be careful in everything" after taking a shower.

And when he said this, there was worry in his eyes.

Shirai Kuroko was not stupid, and knew Misaka Mikoto very well, so he could naturally guess what she was going to do.

Just can't guess specific things.

"If you need help, don't forget that Heizi is here."

Shirai Heizi always stood behind her like this and silently supported her.

Misaka Mikoto exchanged glances with this perverted junior, seeing the worry in her eyes and the pretendingly innocent smile.

Speaking of which, Kuroko Shirai doesn't seem to engage in those perverted behaviors much these days.

"...Heizi, I have something to tell you."

Misaka Mikoto, who hesitated for a long time, decided to tell them the matter.

Shirai Heizi was surprised at first, and then excited inexplicably.



In the dormitory of Shili in early spring.

Phoebe fell asleep on the bed, biting a lollipop, looking sound asleep.

The three girls gathered around the small dining table and listened to Misaka Mikoto explain the inside story of the matter.

Phoebe is an artificial human.

Can't live without lollipops (drugs).

The lollipop will last about two days.

Anbu is involved behind the scenes.

"The dark part."

Shirai Kuroko and Uiharu Shitoshi nodded with understanding.

Anbu's existence is a secret.

But as long as it exists, there will be traces, and as long as it is not completely isolated from human society, news will spread.

There is news about Anbe in urban legends.

There are many cases in contact, and many members of the discipline committee have heard rumors related to Anbu.

Naturally, Shirai Kuroko and Uiharu Shuri have also heard of it.

But after all, it was just a rumor, so they didn't pay much attention to it, and didn't know much about the specific situation.

Now it seems that the existence of Anbu is real.

Misaka Mikoto observed them carefully, and found that Saten Ruiko's expression was very calm, as if she was not surprised by Anbe's existence.

In fact it does.

Saten Ruiko not only heard about Anbu, but also had contact with Anbu, and even went on several missions with Anbu, although she was just watching from the sidelines.


"Huh? Ah, that..."

Saten Ruiko exchanged glances with her friends.

Biting his lips, he still said the words: "If you want to know about Anbu, you can ask classmate Bai Ye for advice."

You can't talk about Anbu's affairs casually.

Without the consent of Mai Ye Shenli and the others, it is naturally difficult to reveal their identities.

But Bai Ye would not have these concerns.

Speaking of which, Bai Ye seemed to have realized that Phoebe was not a human being.

It's a pity that she and Chuchun Shili didn't believe it and didn't think about it, otherwise maybe they could quickly ask Bai Ye to help solve this problem.

Misaka Mikoto, who heard her suggestion, just nodded slightly and didn't say much for the time being.

Chuharu Shiri felt a little strange when Saten Ruiko mentioned Shiraya, but she didn't ask.

Shirai Kuroko suddenly remembered those girls who directly wiped out Teristina's team that night.

But she didn't say much, just put forward her own suggestion: "In this case, let's split up and investigate this matter."

Chuchun Shili nodded in agreement: "After marriage, my classmate met a man who wanted to take back Feibri. Maybe it was related to the so-called Anbe. I asked her to come and help me search for the other party's information."

She does not need permission to enter the information of relevant personnel in various information repositories including "library".

With the help of Guangzi after marriage, if you search through the information in various information databases, you might be able to find that man.

At that time, follow the clues to investigate the organization behind him.

Shirai Heizi is not suitable for sitting in front of the computer, so he said directly: "Heizi go to the security guard to see if there is any clue."

The powered suit that attacked them yesterday was one of the clues.

The guards took the powered suit back, maybe they could investigate something.

Saten Saten also wanted to contribute: "Then I'll contact Bai Ye..."

"No, leave this to me, Saten-san, you are in charge of taking care of Phoebe."

Before finishing speaking, Misaka Mikoto interrupted.

Saten Ruiko looked at Misaka-senpai, then nodded in understanding.

In fact, you don't need to go there in person to contact Bai Ye, just make a phone call.

When Misaka Mikoto spoke, she took out her mobile phone and dialed Bai Ye's number.

Get connected soon.

"Hello hello?"

It wasn't the boy's voice that came out of the phone, but the girl's voice.

Because the hands-free was turned on, Shirai Kuroko and the others could hear it.

They were all discussing what else to do, but when they heard this voice, they temporarily shut up and turned to look at Misaka Mikoto's cell phone.

Misaka Mikoto also frowned slightly.

this voice...

"Misaka-san, right, why aren't you talking?"

"... Shokuhou."

"Hi, it's me."

"How could you..."

"Bai Ye is busy doing a physical examination for Hatsune, so let me answer the phone for you."

Shokuhou Misaki briefly explained.

Then he asked curiously: "So, what do you want to do with Bai Ye?"

"...It has nothing to do with you, you give him the phone."

"Hey, come on, tell me what's wrong?"

"I told you it has nothing to do with you."

Misaka Mikoto was a little impatient.

Although the relationship has improved a lot after clarifying the matter, it has not yet reached the level of being friendly and talking about everything.

Shokuhou Misaki here can only "cut".

But after thinking about it, he turned on the hands-free with a "humming" smile.

"Okay, let's talk, if Bai Ye can hear it, we can hear it too."

"... Tsk~."

That blond girl was really annoying.

But Misaka Mikoto didn't bother to waste any more time, and after confirming that Bai Ye was indeed listening, she directly told about Feibri.

Before Bai Ye could say anything, Shokuhou Misaki's voice sounded again: "There is such a thing, what happened to that little girl sounds really pitiful, so let me help you investigate."

Shokuhou Misaki was indeed able to investigate because she has her own intelligence network.

Although not very powerful.

But it might be possible to dig out some information.

(End of this chapter)

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