boy of science

Chapter 210 "Or, does Xiaomeng want me to give you a massage?"

Chapter 210 "Or, does Xiaomeng want me to give you a massage?"

The Seventh and Third Activity Branch of the Security Guard.

Still pondering and analyzing whether someone was collaborating with criminals or a traitor among the security guards, Huang Quanchuan Aiho suddenly received a call from Shirai Kuroko.

"What? You already have a target of suspicion? Study Corporation?!"

Huang Quanchuan Aiho was very surprised.

To find the clue so quickly, those girls should not be underestimated.

I'm afraid this efficiency is higher than that of many security guards.

"Even if you say so..."

After listening to the various clues and information relayed by Shirai Kuroko, Huang Quanchuan Aiho said that this matter is difficult to handle.

"But it's just speculation after all. If there is insufficient evidence, it will be difficult for the guards to take action."

Law enforcement agencies are always subject to various restrictions, such as not being able to conduct investigations without permission, and not being able to arrest people without sufficient evidence.

This kind of restriction is very necessary. If you can investigate whoever you want, and arrest whoever you want, it will inevitably lead to abuse of power.

Huang Quanchuan Aiho's position in the security guard is not high, and she has little authority. She has no way to take action in this situation.

The girls actually didn't have much hope for this, and ended the call after confirming that Huang Quanchuan Aiho's side couldn't make a move.

Huang Quanchuan Aiho, who put down her hand here, could only let out a helpless sigh.

Then he punched the desk with a "bang".


Those bastards who collude with criminals for profit are really hateful!

The security guards can't count on it, and the girls can only rely on their own abilities to solve the problem.

Fortunately, it is now a three-party alliance: the discipline committee member, Anbu, and the bee-shoku faction.

Now that there is a clear direction, the next step is to take action against Study Corporation.

The first is intelligence investigation.

Although the current clues all point to the Study Corporation, it is still necessary to consider the "wrong target", so it is necessary to investigate the Study and collect other intelligence.

Now that there are enough people, the girls can split up.

Mugino Shimori and Shokuhou Misaki left after clarifying the mission.

Misaka Mikoto and others continued to work hard to save Feibri.


The gathering of three Level 5s was first noticed by Aleister.

But he didn't intend to.

And I can't control it.

Misaka Mikoto has a very close relationship with Bai Ye, Shirley Mugino is Bai Ye's subordinate, and Shokuhou Misaki and Bai Yeming are apparently in a cooperative relationship.

How do I manage this?
Her own plan is progressing steadily, and Aleister doesn't want to cause any complications.

Anyway, these girls didn't want to join forces to deal with him.


Compared to the busy girls, Bai Ye seemed very leisurely.

Slowly give Hatsune Miku a physical examination, and then ask the lady onion to sing a few songs and dance a few dances along the way.

At the same time chat with the girl Dolly.

"When I created Little Future, I wanted her to sing and dance for me."

"The image of Miku-chan..."

"Oh, this is the original image."


"Actually, I wanted to make Luo Tianyi, but after thinking about it, I decided to forget it."

"Luo Tianyi?"

Dolly tilted her head and blinked her eyes, then asked curiously, "Then why don't you do it?"

"Because 'the sky is seamless'."


To be honest, Dolly couldn't understand.

She couldn't understand a lot of what Bai Ye said.

The boy didn't give an explanation, but just showed her a sunny smile, and then continued to look at Hatsune Miku who was singing and dancing.

"Whether it's Tianyi or Miku, as long as there is no soul, it's the same."

There is a soul to reflect the difference.


Night falls.

There is still no need to teach Saten Reniko tonight, so Bai Ye went to take a bath with Yueyong Xiaomeng and the others, drink and eat supper with them.

It's a pity that these girls still don't want to mix baths.

Although this public bathhouse does not have the option of "mixed bathing".

I don't drink until after I take a shower.

Aggrieved, Huang Quanchuan Aiho kept pouring beer into her mouth.

Study Corporation.

The fledgling company has deep ties to the vigilantes.

To be precise, it has a deep relationship with some people in the security guards, and those people are obviously high-level people in the headquarters.

Huang Quanchuan Aiho was very upset, but she didn't know how to act.

She has no way to investigate the high-level.

It is taboo for subordinates to investigate their superiors.

Although this country is quite popular with things like "down to top".

But behind those "down" stands people who are similar to "up", or even more powerful than "up".

There is no one behind her.

The boredom is the boredom, and Huang Quanchuan Aisui didn't tell Yueyong Xiaomeng about these things.

Tie Zhuli didn't know either, because she was busy with the affairs of the Academy recently.

"Running around in several venues, I feel exhausted."

Learned to complain in the recent iron decoration.

The academic society is divided into four venues, and the security guards are responsible for security work, checking whether the firefighting work in the venue is in compliance, etc.

Iron decoration was assigned a task, so there was almost no time to rest when he was busy.

Fortunately, there is no need to work overtime, so I can come to take a bath, drink and eat supper.

Hearing her complaint, Bai Ye immediately said, "Then, would you like me to give you a massage to relax, Zhulijiang?"

"Massage? Can you?"

"Of course."

"Then please."

There is no rejection in the iron decoration.

Distraught, Aiho Koizumikawa didn't bother to talk to them, and didn't even hear their conversation clearly because she was drinking all the time.

Yueyong Xiaomeng heard it clearly, and directly poked Bai Ye's waist with her small hand.

"Student Bai Ye, please don't do strange things to Teacher Tie Suo."

"What's so weird about a massage?"


It's really not surprising to say that.

Yueyong Xiaomeng didn't know what to say, and finally just snorted and muttered a few words along the way.

Bai Ye, who swallowed the food in his mouth, chuckled a few times: "Or, does Xiaomeng want me to massage you too?"

"……I do not want it."

"Really not?"


Yueyong Xiaomeng snorted again.

Then, instead of talking to Bai Ye, he looked at Huang Quanchuan Aiho who was drinking.

"Ai Sui, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, drink, come and drink with me, for this fucking world, cheers!"



Drink away your worries.

So Huang Quanchuan Aiho quickly passed out.

In the end, the iron decoration was still troubled, and the girl had to be carried home first.

This time Bai Ye went with him.

By the way, I also saw a girl named Yoshikawa Kikyo at Aiho's house.

Fangchuan Kikyo has been staying here recently.

So just leave Huang Quanchuan Aisui to her care, and Bai Ye, Yueyong Xiaomeng and Tie Zhuangli left soon.


A certain apartment, a room in iron decoration.

Bai Ye was here for the second time.

Last time I gave Tie Zhuangli a hug, this time I want to give her a massage.

Lonely and widowed.

At this time, Tie Zhuanli finally felt a little embarrassed.

"Otherwise, forget it today?"

"How can I forget it, don't be polite to me, and I won't be polite either, hehehe~."

"...can you smile normally?"

"I smile very normally, hehehe~"


It's normal.

(End of this chapter)

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