boy of science

Chapter 211

Chapter 211 To put it bluntly...

The massage was just a massage and didn't do anything weird.

Tie Zhuo was a little nervous and shy at first, but he soon relaxed under Bai Ye's massage, and then fell asleep comfortably.

Silent all night.

The next morning, I woke up from my sleep feeling refreshed and relaxed.

"Today will probably be a good day."

She thought so.

He lifted the quilt and got out of bed, and was about to go out to the balcony to blow some air and breathe the fresh air in the morning, but found that his room was filled with the smell of food.

It is a bit wrong to say "food", because Bai Ye cooks porridge.

This country also has something similar to "porridge", but it is not usually made, just like in the animation, it is only made when you are sick and need to eat liquid food.

So when I walked into the kitchen and saw the food made by Bai Ye, I felt strange in the iron decoration: "Why do you make this? I'm not sick."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Bai Ye again: "And I thought you had already gone back last night."

"It's the same whether you go back or not."

Bai Ye, who had finished making the breakfast, turned off the fire, turned around and looked at Iron Decoration, who had just woken up.

She didn't wear glasses, and her hair was loose, which was completely different from her usual image.

He was still wearing loose pajamas, which covered the curves of his body, making it impossible to see anything.

"Did you sleep well last night?"

"Well, it's very comfortable. It feels like all the fatigue accumulated these days has disappeared."

Answer one sentence in the iron decoration.

As he said that, he couldn't help blushing, because he remembered Bai Ye's hands touching her everywhere when he was massaging her.

Fortunately, it's not messing around.

He didn't say much, just turned around and left with a blushing face.

"I'm going to wash and change clothes."



Today's white night is also doing nothing.

I went to work after breakfast in the iron decoration, and today I have to continue to follow up on the security and firefighting work of the Academy.

I met Huang Quanchuan Aiho in the [-]th and [-]rd branch, but I didn't communicate much because they were very busy.

Huang Quanchuan Aiho was busy investigating the study Corporation.

Although you can't go up and investigate your boss.

But Study is not her boss.

It's just that she didn't realize the seriousness of this matter.

What Study wants to do is "revolution", rebellion, and the overthrow of Academy City's system.

So Huang Quanchuan Aiho's investigation was soon exposed.

Mainly because she used a computer.

Because she has come into contact with those driven armor, people who have an interest in Study will pay more attention to her before tomorrow.

Why "before tomorrow"?
Because tomorrow is the day when the academic meeting will be held, and it will be the day when their Study will carry out a "revolution".

At that time, it will be "I have a showdown, I will stop pretending", and directly start a war with the entire Academy City, so naturally there is no need to care about this kind of private investigation.

But it can't be revealed until then.

So Huang Quanchuan Aiho soon received a warning from the headquarters: Suspended for self-reflection.

Of course, this is only the surface.

In fact, someone has come to arrest her.

Fortunately, Huang Quanchuan Aiho was alert enough to run away when he found something was wrong.

Study Corporation.

It's a pharmaceutical company on the surface.

In fact, it is an equipment supplier for security officers. Although it is a new emerging company that has only recently emerged, it is enough to show that they have a close relationship with the security officers.

Since it is a pharmaceutical company, why can it become an equipment supplier?
There is clearly a problem here.

In the name of pharmaceuticals, a large amount of equipment is secretly manufactured...

This is to make a big deal!

So Huang Quanchuan Aiho ran away directly after receiving the warning, not giving the other party a chance to target her.

He didn't go home or go to other places, but went directly to Yueyong Xiaomeng.

Although she doesn't want to involve her friends, she can only go to Yueyong Xiaomeng now, and there is a risk of being arrested if she goes to other places.

It's just that she has no way to continue investigating Study's problems.

Nor can it help the girls.

"I hope they don't mess around and don't run into danger."


Members of the 177th Branch of the Disciplinary Committee have always been very bold. They will investigate whenever they find a problem, and they don't care about "authority" and "jurisdiction" at all.

It's just that their methods are very clever, and they have never been caught.

Except Shirai Kuroko.

But in name, Shirai Kuroko doesn't belong to the 177th branch, she just likes staying here.

To put it bluntly, like attracts like and divides people into groups.

Shirai Heizi often needs to write self-criticism, repentance, guarantee and the like.

Of course this is just writing.

Misaka Mikoto also doesn't care about those rules and the like.

Nothing is more important than saving Phoebe.

The three teenage girls from Item also took action and went to the factory they found belonging to Study to check the situation.

There was no strategy at all, and they went straight in, and removed a lot of driven armor.

Other than that, no one saw it.

Presumably the place has been abandoned?

Shokuhou Misaki launched his own intelligence network to investigate the organization Study, and indeed collected a lot of information.

After marriage, Photon also participated in the investigation.

As the eldest lady of the aviation company after marriage and the only heir, it is too easy to borrow the power of the family.

At worst, just act like a spoiled child to your father and grandfather.


In the evening, several girls held a "meeting" again in the 177th branch.

Mainly information collection and analysis.

Girls get the same information through different methods.

For example, Shiri Uiharu and Mitsuko after marriage, they got similar information: Study produced more than [-] units of driven armor.

This is extrapolated from their cash flows and the various resources they buy.

Bulk purchases cannot be concealed at all, and can be easily investigated.

Uiharu Shiri has more in-depth information: [-] units of driven suits are scattered and deployed in the four venues of the Academy.

Of course, it was not sent in blatantly, but deployed secretly using various methods.

Shokuhou Misaki and Mugino Shirley have other information here.

After summarizing and analyzing, it is concluded that the organization Study will do something at the seminar tomorrow.

There are more than [-] driven suits, either they want to engage in terrorist attacks, or they want to...

"Armed rebellion?!"

The girls looked at each other, thinking that the person in Study must be crazy.

Although there are [-] driven suits.

But judging from the current situation, the armed forces of these driven suits are very weak.

How weak is it?
Let's put it bluntly: there are no thermal weapons at all.

Not even a gun.

Basically, it is equivalent to smashing the big iron block hard.

This is for a reason.

It was an unmanned driving suit, and it couldn't complete too complicated commands, so it could only do some simple actions.

But no matter what, [-] driven armors smashed and looted everywhere can still cause a lot of casualties and chaos.

The key is that the guards seem to be suppressed, and they may not be dispatched to suppress these driven armors.

"It seems that we can only figure out a way by ourselves."

Gufa Meiwei, who was listening this time, frowned.

After thinking for a long time, he got up and left.

"I'll go make a call."

Misaka Mikoto and the others didn't care about this, but discussed how to find Study's hiding place.

Because the main purpose is to save Phoebe.

If you want to save this little girl, you must first obtain the drug and formula to neutralize the toxin.

"Where are they hiding?"

(End of this chapter)

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