boy of science

Chapter 213 "Xiaomeng, you let me down too much."

Chapter 213 "Xiaomeng, you let me down too much."

Aiho Huang Quanchuan, who was evading the pursuit of some police officers, got a mission from Misaka Mikoto: to bring a large-scale general-purpose construction machine in a modified form to the seventh school district at the second factory of the post-marriage aviation company in Academy City.

This is the support that Photon found from her own family after marriage.

This construction machine was also named by her: Ekaterina II Kai.

The initial form of the machine is a large vehicle, which looks like a heavy crane with two sets of booms.

As the name "change form" says, this machine can change form: from vehicle form to mech form.

A giant mech tens of meters high can easily sling Study's unmanned drive suits.

The mecha needs two people to be responsible for driving it.

After marriage, Guangzi only asked for mechas from home, but did not dispatch the pilot.

Uiharu Shiri and Saten Ruiko are in charge of the driving.

There are many reasons involved.

In short, one sentence: this is just children playing around.

Huang Quanchuan Aiho is from Anbe. Although she is wanted, she is not worried about being caught at all. After all, she is more professional than those security guards in disguise, stealth and anti-stalking, so leaving Yueyong Xiaomeng's home Hurry up to the second aviation factory after marriage.

Yueyong Xiaomeng knew a little about her friend's abilities, so she wasn't too worried.

I don't have the time to go to the supper stand to drink and have fun tonight.

But you can drink it at home.

She herself has a lot of beer stored at home, and Bai Ye also bought a lot.

How can a student buy alcohol?

As the saying goes: Rules are dead, but people are alive.

There are so many junior high and high school students in Academy City, many of them have things marked "R18" hidden in their dormitories.

Bai Ye not only bought wine, but also bought a lot of food.

Huang Quanchuan Aiho ran away after eating, leaving the two of them eating and drinking slowly.

"This world is like this, there are black and white, there are good people and there are bad people..."

Yueyong Xiaomeng said a few words like this.

But Bai Ye didn't care at all.

In the eyes of teenagers, the world is not only black and white, but also red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple.

Anyway, as long as it doesn't affect him, he won't bother to take care of it.

If it affects him, then punch him to death.

The big deal is to drag everyone to die together and return the world to chaos.

Accompany Yueyong Xiaomeng to complain about the absurdity and truth of the world, and talk about the cruelty and beauty of this world.

By the way, he kept pouring alcohol on Teacher Lolita.

Yueyong Xiaomeng ate and drank, never refusing anyone who came, and drank from evening till dark, but her face didn't even turn red.

"...Your alcohol capacity is really good."

Even Bai Ye was surprised.

Yueyong Xiaomeng is really good at drinking.

When going out to drink, it was Aiho Huang Quanchuan who got drunk every time, and Teacher Loli didn't even get drunk at all.

You don't get drunk in the iron suit, but that's mainly because you drink less.

She also had to help carry the drunk Aiho Huang Quanchuan home.

"well enough."

Yueyong Xiaomeng gulped down another glass of beer.

Then he put down his glass and looked at the boy sitting in front of him: "Does Bai Ye want to get me drunk?"

"That's not true. These wines were actually intended to make that girl Aisui drink away her sorrows, but she didn't drink at all."

"After all, there is business to do."

Yueyong Xiaomeng opened a can of beer with a "snap" as she spoke.

By the way, he glanced at Bai Ye: "On the contrary, you, classmate Bai Ye, don't you have any ideals if you don't do business all day?"

"What can I do? Things in this world don't have much to do with me."

Bai Ye pouted, picked up a piece of meat and stuffed it into his mouth.

"There are only three things in my life, enjoyment, enjoyment, and enjoyment. I have worked so hard to refine Qi and cultivate immortality. Is it because I am nosy?"

Of course not.

Just to live, to be able to live well.

Enjoy when you have nothing to do, and watch the fun when you have something to do.

Unless it involves yourself, you don't bother to care about it.

I can't manage it either.

helping others?

There is a fart.

Humans should find ways to save themselves.

Didn’t that song say: There has never been a savior, nor do we rely on gods and emperors, but to create human happiness, it all depends on ourselves.

Bai Ye belongs to the kind of existence that cannot be relied upon, although he is not yet a fairy, nor is he a god for the time being.

You have to condense your soul and cultivate your supernatural powers to be considered a "god".

How about calling it "divine soul" or "supernatural power".

Actually it wasn't originally called this.

Later, when more people called it, it became like this, because it was regarded as a "god".

And Bai Ye is not without ideals and pursuits.

His pursuit has always been clear: to become a fairy.

It's just that he rarely mentions it.

Do you want to say things like "I am a Qi practitioner and I want to become a fairy" every time I meet someone?
Or write in your diary:
On a certain day of the month, refine Qi and cultivate immortality;
On a certain day of the month, refine Qi and cultivate immortality;
a certain day...

some type of?
"Xiaomeng, you let me down so much."


"I didn't expect that we are already so familiar. You still look at me from the perspective of ordinary people. You should sit with me and watch the tide rise and fall, and Yunshu Yunjuan."

"...Are you a monk? Are you a monk or a Taoist priest?"

"Where did I come from?"


Yueyong Xiaomeng opened her mouth, but didn't say anything in the end, just poured wine into her mouth.

Bai Ye went on to say: "You will have such an opinion about me, which shows that you don't know me well enough. It seems that the two of us have to communicate more deeply."


Hearing this, Yueyong Xiaomeng seemed to be interested: "Student Bai Ye, do you want to have a heart-to-heart talk with the teacher?"

She enjoys educating students and also serving as a life mentor.

If she really wants to talk heart to heart, she is very happy.

But Bai Ye didn't mean that.

Move your body around the low table and climb to Yueyong Xiaomeng's side.

"We're talking about this in-depth exchange."


Yueyong Xiaomeng still doesn't understand.

Or understand or understand, but did not think of that aspect.

But it quickly occurred to me.

Because Bai Ye directly posted it up to kiss her.



For a long time, the lips are divided.

Bai Ye "hissed", looked at Yueyong Xiaomeng who was blushing, and laughed "hehe".

Teacher Loli wiped her mouth, and looked at Bai Ye with resentment in her eyes.

"Student Bai Ye, do you want to send the teacher to prison?"

"As long as you don't tell me about this kind of thing, who can know?"

"Even if others don't know, it's wrong for us to do this kind of thing."

"Male love and female love, human nature, what's wrong, and you were not very cooperative just now?"


Teacher Loli couldn't refute.

Because he was really cooperative, he didn't even struggle a few times to express his resistance.

Bai Ye seemed to change the subject suddenly: "By the way, I'll stay with you tonight."

"Stay overnight?!"

Yueyong Xiaomeng was very surprised when she heard this.

Then he pressed the hem of the skirt with his hands, clamped his legs tightly, and his eyes wandered.

"I, I think this development is too fast, and it should be done slowly."


(End of this chapter)

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