boy of science

Chapter 214 They want to wreak havoc, they want to kill

Chapter 214 They want to wreak havoc, they want to kill

Bai Ye simply stayed overnight and didn't intend to do anything strange.

And that kind of thing is not surprising.

The continuation of genes, the reproduction of species.

This is clearly a very serious and normal thing in nature.

To be precise, organisms exist for this purpose, because most organisms begin to age after passing the age suitable for reproduction.

After all, it is a genetic tool.

And except for humans and a few creatures, other species do that kind of thing really just for reproduction, not for pleasure.

Not many creatures get pleasure from that sort of thing.

Not to mention this.

Yueyong Xiaomeng, who realized that she could get the wrong meaning, flushed and felt a little embarrassed.

Bai Ye laughed out loud.

"Xiaomeng, if you want to do it, I'm happy to accompany you..."

"I don't want to, I don't want to! Let's eat quickly, Bai Ye."



That's what I said, but there is still no in-depth communication for the time being.

And judging from Yueyong Xiaomeng's body shape, it seems that it can't be too deep.

But they still slept together.

Sleep hugging each other.


Aiho Koizumikawa didn't know that her best friend had fallen into a forbidden love.

She just avoided the cameras and other things as much as possible to reduce the risk of being discovered, and it took several hours and almost midnight to rush to the second factory of the post-wedding airline.

After marriage, Guangzi got the support of his father and grandfather, so he is also making intensive preparations here.

"Teacher Huang Quanchuan, right?"

"it's me."

"Please wait a little longer, we still need to make some preparations."


Huang Quanchuan Aiho didn't understand mechanical problems, so she didn't express her opinions indiscriminately, but looked at this big guy with some amazement.

Modified large-scale general-purpose construction machinery.

Ekaterina II.

So why the name?
The eldest lady's ability to pick a name seems to be a little subtle.


The girls who are getting ready are resting, recharging their energy, and waiting for tomorrow's battle.

Study is also preparing here.

But this side is not ready to rest, because he was too excited to fall asleep.

After all, they want to carry out a "revolution".

There is a saying next door: If you don't succeed, you will succeed.

In addition to success, Fu Chunshu is also ready to become a benevolent person.

Deploy [-] silk conductors (artificial human hair) on the satellite in space. Once the "revolution" fails, he will activate the missiles on the satellite, launch those silk conductors and spread them over Academy City.

This will lead to the loss of control of the ability of the "diffusion agent" of the artificial man, and thus trigger the chain collapse of the AIM diffusion force field.

The end result was a devastating blow to Academy City.

This is a last resort.

Now Yufu Chunshu is very confident, and feels that this "final procedure" is not needed, and it is simply a preparation for failure.

This "final procedure" is known only to the core members, but not to Bushu Texin.

It's useless to know, because the news cannot be passed on.

In the animated version, she also has the opportunity to meet Misaka Mikoto.

But not now.

She even felt that she was probably hopeless, and neither was Phoebe, and that tomorrow they would all die together.

"It's still too hasty."

Bu Shu Texin sighed in his heart.

Jenny and Phoebe's age setting is younger than Misaka's sister, and she is not good at playing tricks in the learning device, and she hasn't had time to tell Phoebe too much.

Letting Phoebe out doesn't even guarantee Misaka Mikoto.

Fortunately it did happen.

But what's next?
Can Phoebe explain these things to Misaka Mikoto?

Bu Shu Texin found it difficult.

There is no way, anyway, what should be done has already been done, so be mentally prepared to face tomorrow's "judgment".


Time to act is morning.

The girls woke up one after another before dawn, rushed to several venues of the Academy after eating a little something.

Misaka Mikoto took Phoebe on the roof of a certain building and waited for the moment when Jenny used her ability.

Dawn breaks and the sun rises.

Following Haruki Arima's order, [-] driven suits hidden in the four venues swarmed out.

They want to wreak havoc, they want to kill.

But as soon as he reached the exit, he was blocked by the girls.

Yufu Haruki saw the figures of these girls through the camera attached to the drive suit.

The first venue: Mugino Shimori, Kinuhata favorite, Takitsubo Rigo.

Frenda wasn't called because it wasn't necessary.

The second venue: Shirai Kuroko.

The third venue: Guangzi after marriage, Juanbao in Wannei, and Wanbin in Paofu.

The fourth venue: Miwei Gufa, Shiri Uiharu, Saten Riko.

"Some unexpected guests came to the party."

You Fu Chunshu snorted softly, not paying attention to these girls.

The full name of this operation: Silent Party.

It is both a "revolution" and a "party" in his mouth.

But of course it doesn't end there.

As soon as the words were spoken, a large number of discipline committee members rushed to the second, third, and fourth venues respectively.

Items in the first venue do not need support.

"It's just suppressing the guards, don't get carried away!"

Gufa Meiwei even made provocative words.

The guards were indeed suppressed. Although many branches had received the news, the headquarters ordered them not to act rashly.

At this time, the security guards need to have a "civil war" first.

Fu Chunshu used the real-time monitoring of the drive armor to check the number of discipline committee members. It is estimated that there are only two to 300 people in the three venues.

So he smiled contemptuously again.

"In front of [-] driven suits, what can this number of people do?"

Face slaps always come quickly.

As soon as the words fell, Mugino Shenli in the first venue had already released the "atom collapse" ray.

Normally nothing can block her rays.

Including those powered suits.

With a light sweep of the bluish-white ray, dozens of hundreds of drive armors were directly cut off at the waist, and the real-time monitoring signal was directly lost.

Youfu Chunshu's face darkened, and he ordered to connect to the monitoring of other driven suits.

It's a pity that the signal was lost too quickly. Many drive armors have lost connection, and some have been lost as soon as they were connected.

The first venue was an overwhelming massacre.

In the past two days, Mugino Shenli was in a very aggrieved mood, because Bai Ye asked her to obey the order of the third person.

She couldn't resist Bai Ye, nor could she attack Misaka Mikoto.

But dealing with these powered suits is not a concern.

So just shoot with all your strength and keep pouring firepower at those driven armors, so that you can feel more comfortable.

Shirai Kuroko could also instantly kill the powered armor, but basically one after another, although the interval was not long.

After receiving Bai Ye's guidance, her abilities improved a lot.

The disciplinary committee responsible for supporting her mainly provided her with "ammunition".

It was something like a javelin.

Shirai Kuroko used his ability to move them onto the driven armor, directly destroying their control system.

The other disciplinary committee members just need to restrain the power suit.

But on average, there are [-] driven suits in each venue...

"How on earth did Study send so many powered suits here and hide them?"

Shirai Kuroko feels a bit magical.

But now is not the time to think about that.

"It's going to be a big fight today!"

(End of this chapter)

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