boy of science

Chapter 215 "Are you ready, Saten-san?"

Chapter 215 "Are you ready, Saten-san?"

The students who can become the disciplinary committee members either have the ability to reach level 3 or above, or they are particularly outstanding in some aspects like Chuchun Shili.

But not all abilities are suitable for combat.

Even if it is suitable, it may not be able to break through the defense of the driven suit.

So the Disciplinary Committee basically restrained those powered suits, blocked them near the exit of the venue, and prevented them from rushing outside to wreak havoc and kill.

It was Mugino Shitoshi who was able to destroy large tracts of driven armor.

Shirai Kuroko and Kinuhata's favorite ability users can destroy the driven armor, but their efficiency is far not as high as Mugino Shitoshi.

Also a Level 4 ability user, after marriage, Photon can create ejection points to blow the driven armor into the air and then fall half disabled, but it is not so easy to completely lose the ability to move them.

Level 3 and below ability users are basically harassing those driven armors.

To put it bluntly, the unmanned drive suit is a remote-controlled toy. The action mode is very simple, and they cannot form effective cooperation with each other. The battlefield width is not enough for them to fully deploy, so Study's drive suit is suppressed like this.

But there are too many of them, and they are tireless, and the disciplinary committee can't last long.

There is no need to worry about the first venue. With Mugino Shirley at Level 5, it is only a matter of time before the thousands of drive suits are resolved.

The second venue, Kuroko Shirai, was going all out, and was able to suppress the powered suit for the time being.

The third and fourth venues are more chaotic, because these two places lack the combat power to suppress the driven armor, and cannot effectively destroy them like Mugino Shitoshi and Shirai Kuroko.

Gufa Meiwei and Liu forced Bimei to take charge of the command.

Youfu Chunshu of Study and others also learned about this situation through real-time monitoring.

The first venue is impossible to break through.

There is no hope for the second venue for the time being.

But the third and fourth venues can completely counter the discipline committee.

"Electromagnetic interference to the third and fourth venues."


Following Youfu Chunshu's order, the communication tools of the discipline committee members in the third and fourth venues immediately lost their function.

The students without a unified command fell into chaos and could no longer form effective cooperation.

But there is no problem with the cooperation among groups of three or five people.

Uiharu also loses his advantage.

She used her hacking skills to "borrow" many guard droids and even cleaning droids to besiege the powered suit.

It doesn't need to be destroyed, as long as it can be contained temporarily.

When Misaka Mikoto rescues Jenny, the battle will be over.

But now the third and fourth venues are in crisis, and they can no longer effectively suppress Study's driven armor. If they are allowed to rush out, it may cause great damage and casualties.

The key is that Fu Chunshu also sent out the strongest weapons for Study: two large-scale special mechs equipped with thermal weapons and "atomic collapse" rays.

This is not something that the disciplinary committee can restrain.

Facing the "da da da" multi-barreled machine gun, the disciplinary committee could only temporarily avoid the edge.

Flesh and blood can't resist guns.

Unless you have superpowers.

Seeing that the driven armor was about to break through the line of defense, a new batch of support finally arrived.

Aiho Huang Quanchuan rushed to the scene driving the post-marriage airline's modified large-scale general-purpose construction machinery.

Chun Shangjinyi and Zhi Xianbanri also came along.

They have the ability of "psychic perception", and they rush to the third and fourth venues respectively, and can establish a temporary communication network.

Saying so, but it is just to inform each other of the situation on both sides, and by the way, relay what the two sides want to say.

Fortunately, members of the Shokuhou faction were also ordered to rush to the scene.

The third person in the faction, Kou Lizi Early Bird, is a Level 3 person with the ability to read words, and can establish a secret and efficient communication network between multiple objects.

Although there is a distance limit, at least one of the battlefields can be covered.

Huang Quanchuan Aiho went to the fourth meeting place, because the space there was enough and the activities of construction machinery would not be restricted.

And the original pilots Hatsuharu Shiri and Saten Ruiko are there.

"Are you ready, Saten-san?"


Saten Leiko nodded.

Then his eyes turned to the side: "Probably."

The operation in the form of a vehicle is relatively simple, while the operation in the form of a mecha is more complicated, and it requires two people to operate jointly.

Saten Ruiko read the instruction manual last night.

But with such a thick book, it is really impossible to memorize all of them, after all, she does not have the ability of photographic memory.

Actually just flipped through it roughly.

But there is no other way, only to drive the ducks to the shelves at the moment.

Follow Uiharu Shiri into the cockpit.

I can't remember the contents of the manual clearly, and the various operations seem very unfamiliar, but miraculously, there are no mistakes.

And the unfamiliarity is only temporary.

After being a little familiar with the positions and functions of various buttons and joysticks, Saten Ruiko felt that she could use this big guy well.

"Are you ready, Saten-san?"


"Then let's get started."

Morphological transformation.

Vehicle form changes to mech form.

A steel giant standing tens of meters high stands on the ground.

"Saten Ruiko, attack!"


As a precaution, Shokuhou Misaki also came near the battlefield, but she did not participate in the battle.

With her physical strength, it's better not to hold her back.

And with Dolly.

Hatsune Miku was also called by her, and she followed Junko Hokaze, Hayako Kuchiko and other girls to support the natural venue.

After Kouchizi established a temporary communication network early, the Disciplinary Committee immediately resumed unified command, and soon stabilized his position and continued to fight against the drive suit.

And there is also the main output force that can effectively destroy the driven armor: Hatsune Miku.

The girl held a green onion in her hand, and "slapped" those driven armors "torn apart", and the control system was easily destroyed, and the number of destruction in the third venue increased rapidly.


Seeing his drive suit being suppressed again, Yufu Haruki was very annoyed.

But he has no choice, all those who can be sent to the battlefield have been sent out.

Although there is a reserve team here at the headquarters, there is also Misaka Mikoto at the disciplinary committee.

The third one hasn't shown up since the beginning.

where is she?

what is she doing?
Fu Chunshu didn't know.

So it is necessary to reserve a reserve team to guard against the third place.

But if you don't support the front battlefield, it's useless to keep this reserve team after those powered suits are destroyed.

"In the end how to do?"

You Fu Chunshu frowned, thinking about how to break the situation.

But before he could make a decision, someone helped him make the choice.

Because someone is coming.

He directly broke through the door and came to the headquarters.

Quickly checked the surveillance, and found that it was a tea-haired girl carrying a blond girl on her back.

"It's the third one, Railgun has appeared!"

"Stop her quickly."


The prepared powered armor surged out and rushed towards the girl who was slowly walking in.

The entrance is an open space.


football field?
Misaka Mikoto was about to check the surrounding situation when she saw a large number of driven suits rushing towards her.

Phoebe seemed a little nervous on his back.


"Don't worry, it's fine."

Misaka Mikoto patted her little butt, and then summoned the spiritual sword Zidian.

Looking at the hundreds of driven suits pouring out, he directly drove the spirit sword into a purple light, rushing towards those driven suits with lightning speed.

(End of this chapter)

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