boy of science

Chapter 216 The Academy City Troubled by Disasters

Chapter 216 The Academy City Troubled by Disasters

How fast is light?

To be inaccurate, it is about 30 kilometers per second, which roughly means that it can circle the earth along the equator seven and a half times per second.

The Spirit Sword Zidian can fly at the speed of light.

Just in that instant, how many laps did you make in this football field-like place?

No one could see clearly.

Anyway, in just one second, or less than a second, hundreds of driven armors were riddled with holes and completely scrapped.

The spiritual sword Zidian flew back into Misaka Mikoto's body.

You Fu Chunshu and others only saw purple light flashing through the surveillance, and then all the driven suits fell to the ground with a "bang bang bang".



For a moment there was confusion, astonishment, and fear.

Level5's ability is stronger than they imagined.

Actually, this is not the ability of Level5.

But if Misaka Mikoto of Level 5 attacks with all her strength, she can also instantly kill these hundreds of driven armors, but it will be very tiring.

It's easy now.

It's so easy that it's just letting the spirit sword go out and fly around, there is no need to exert any force at all.

It was this ease that scared the members of Study.

Bushu Dixin's eyes lit up instantly, not like the usual dead fish eyes.

Because you know you are saved.

Although she is not afraid of death, she also knows that people will die sooner or later.

But she doesn't want to die so early, she is only 17 years old, and there is still a wonderful life waiting for her.

You Fu Chunshu was also unwilling to admit defeat so easily.

With an order, the last three mechas equipped with "atomic collapse" rays were also dispatched.

They deliberately entrusted Item with a task to collect data when the fourth person used his ability, which resulted in the "atomic collapse".

Teristina also made a "super electromagnetic gun".

People like them have a common problem, that is, they think highly of themselves and look down on others, so they all think that the things they have created have surpassed the original in terms of power.

It's actually quite different.

What's more, Misaka Mikoto is no longer an ordinary Level 5.

Misaka Mikoto easily dodged the simplified version of "Atomic Honkai" released by the three specially made mechs.

Then use Zidian again to destroy them all.

There is no time to play slowly, and a quick decision must be made, otherwise the ghost knows if there will be accidents in a few venues.

Three specially-made mechs were instantly killed.

It was only a matter of time before all the driven suits in the first venue were destroyed.

The second venue is still well-matched.

With the help of the Shokuhou faction and Hatsune Miku, the Disciplinary Committee of the third venue has suppressed the drive armor in turn.

In the fourth venue, two special mechs equipped with "atomic collapse" rays have been scrapped, and a large construction machine tens of meters high is punching a child (drive armor).

Study has failed.

All their strength has been put into it, and there is no possibility of further support.

You Fu Chunshu fell into despair, and had lost his self-confidence and high-spirited state.

Misaka Mikoto was heading here.

After a long silence, You Fu Chunshu finally made a decision.

"Start the 'Final Procedure'."

That was the last resort to drag Academy City and all capable people to their end.

Originally, it was just to show that I had considered comprehensive preparations, but I didn't expect to really need to use it.


Fu Chunshu heaved a long sigh.

Seeing the hesitation on his companion's face, he didn't bother to say much, and tapped on the keyboard with his own hands, and finally pressed the Enter key.

Misaka Mikoto rushed to the command room just at this time.

No one wanted to resist, because they, who were powerless, couldn't beat this superpower.

But You Fu Chunshu still took out his pistol and pointed it at his head.

"There is no winner this time."

He was afraid, his hands were shaking, his head was tilted to one side, subconsciously trying to escape from the gun.

But still gritted his teeth and tried hard not to dodge, and then pulled the trigger hard.


Bullets spewed out along with fiery flames.

But it didn't hit Fu Chunshu's head, but hit the purple sword body with a "ding", and then hit into the ceiling.

You Fu Chunshu, who did not die, lost his strength and sat on the ground, gasping for breath.

Misaka Mikoto withdrew the spirit sword.

After regaining his senses, Bu Shu Texin did not think too much, but quickly operated to stop Jenny's ability output, and then nodded to the tea-haired girl.

Misaka Mikoto was about to breathe a sigh of relief when the only female member of Study, Jun Sakurai, told her a piece of news.

"The final procedure has been initiated."

"...the final procedure?"

"The last resort that can destroy Academy City."


"Above space."


Sakurai Jun is not that crazy.

She supports the "revolution", but does not support the "final procedure" in which they all die together, so she told Misaka Mikoto.

It was the first time Bushu Toxin heard this, and felt a little flustered.

Misaka Mikoto felt speechless.

"I'm going to destroy Academy City again."

Why are there so many people who want to destroy this city?
She alone has prevented several such incidents.

There are also those who are blocked by others, and those who have this idea but have not acted on it.

This broken city is full of disasters.

After asking about the "final procedure", it was found that missiles were launched on the satellite, and [-] silk conductors were scattered to Academy City, triggering a chain collapse of the AIM diffusion force field.

To put it simply, it is similar to "chaotic opening", which triggers the out-of-control rampage of abilities and destroys everything.

The satellite is [-] kilometers away from the surface of the earth, and it will take some time for the missile to fly over.


Misaka Mikoto raised her head, but could only see the ceiling.

According to Jun Sakurai, the missile was flying at a speed of seven kilometers per second.

Estimate silently, and feel that there is no need to worry.

"Anyway, let Jenny wake up first."


Bu Shu Di Xin responded.

After a while of operation, I found that there was no way to wake up Jenny.

The [-] silk conductors can't just be scattered, and need Jenny's ability to cooperate.

"You can't wake it up forcibly, otherwise..."

As Bushu Texin spoke, he looked at Youfu Chunshu who was still slumped on the ground.

This bastard!

Misaka Mikoto also felt uncomfortable.

But she was too lazy to say much, instead she took out her mobile phone and called Bai Ye.

Do what you can solve by yourself.

When you encounter something that you can't solve by yourself, of course you should call someone for help.


All powered suits have lost their ability to move.

Not destroyed, but stopped by themselves.

"Looks like Misaka-san succeeded."

Gufa Meiwei breathed a sigh of relief, and asked his colleagues to stay alert for the time being, and at the same time took out his mobile phone to call Misaka Mikoto to inquire about the situation.

The electromagnetic interference is over, and calls can be made.

But I can't get through, it seems to be in the middle of a call.

Uiharu Shiri and Saten Ruiko also continued to wait for the enemy's report in the cockpit of the Ekaterina II Kai.

Uiharu is paying attention to the situation outside.

Saten Ruiko looked at her hands and at the console in front of her.

"It seems to be quite easy to drive a mech."

She thought so.

Then doubts arose in my heart: I used to feel that I was ordinary and had no talent, but now it seems that my talent may be "driving"?
(End of this chapter)

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