boy of science

Chapter 217 "Look, this is the universe."

Chapter 217 "Look, this is the universe."

Who once said: I am born to be useful.

Everyone has their own talents.

It's just that some people's talents are obvious, but some people's talents need to be discovered.

If you can't find your own talent and miss the study period of youth, you will probably have to live a life of mediocrity.

Perhaps Saten Ruiko's talent is "driving"?
I just flipped through the manual quickly like swallowing dates, and didn't write down much content at all. When it came to specific operations, there were no mistakes at all.

It's a pity that there are not many opportunities to drive this kind of mecha, except for this time, it is estimated that there will be no more in the future.

Saten Ruiko felt very sorry.

News soon came from Misaka Mikoto's side, saying that the battle against the Drive Suit could be terminated.

But the crisis is not over yet.

The missile carrying the "final program" capable of destroying Academy City is flying towards the earth at a speed of seven kilometers per second.

This news was not announced, only the girls who were the core of this team battle were told.

Mai Ye Shenli curled his lips, not paying attention to this, anyway, there was a tall man supporting the sky falling.

Just look up at the sky.

It's a pity that the so-called missile can't be seen, otherwise I would definitely shoot a few "atomic collapse" to see if I can knock it down.

Speaking of which, can "atom collapse" shoot that far?


Shokuhou Misaki who received the notification also didn't take it seriously. Anyway, she has no way to deal with this kind of crisis. Who made her a spiritual ability.

"Psychological mastery" is very effective against humans, but it is useless against powered suits or missiles and the like.

So stop thinking about it.

And don't worry about it, someone will find a way to solve the problem.

For example Misaka Mikoto.


Shirai Kuroko, Married Mitsuko, Gufa Meiwei and other girls got together to discuss this matter, trying to find a solution to the problem.

Liu forces Bimei to command the discipline committee to deal with the remaining issues on the battlefield.

By the way, you have to deal with the police.

The security guard who solved the internal problem sent personnel to support, but they could only do some things such as cleaning the battlefield and arresting the mastermind behind the scenes.

Because the difficult and dangerous ones have already been done by the disciplinary committee and other students.

Feeling the eyes of those disciplinary committee members, the security guard felt very embarrassed.

But no one said anything, and they all silently followed the rules.


The Spirit Sword Zidian can go around the earth in circles, and naturally it can also destroy missiles at an altitude of tens of thousands of kilometers, and even reach the moon across hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

The target of the moon is obvious and can be seen with eyes, so Misaka Mikoto can easily lock on to it.

But not missiles.

Too far away for the eyes to see.

It is also impossible to lock it through "maliciousness". After all, missiles are dead objects and there will be no emotional fluctuations.

In addition, this is not magic, not magic, but science, so there is no way to reverse it.

Instead, you can use "radar" to scan and locate.

But this is too much trouble.

And to be honest, the missile is not the key, the key to the problem is how to wake up Phoebe's sister Jenny.

This is the reason why Misaka Mikoto called Bai Ye.

While waiting for the boy to come over, Misaka Mikoto learned about Study and the cause and effect of their rebellion.

"I agree with the idea of ​​overthrowing the existing system of Academy City."

The girl first expressed her affirmation.

Then directly complained: "But it's really useless just by you."

The higher-ups just didn't notice it, otherwise a random Anbu team would probably be able to take away a wave of Study's core members.

In fact, the guards alone are enough to suppress them.

One leaf blinds the eyes and sees Mount Tai.

It is a typical historical view of heroism to think that you can change the world by yourself and a few people alone.

If you really want to change the world by yourself, at least you have to reach the level of a demon god.

After hearing the words "wise" and "fool" from Bu Shu Dixin, the girl couldn't help but let out a soft snort.

How arrogant.

Don't bother to pay attention to these "sages", first go find the drug lollipop to keep Phoebe alive.

You Fu Chunshu didn't resist, and honestly handed over the medicine and formula.

Sakurai Jun's mood was not stable, probably because he felt that everyone was going to die and there was no way to save him, so he broke the can and fell.

Bai Ye came here ten minutes later.

He and Phoebe had only met once, and they were not supposed to be close.

But this is a blond girl!
So I still rubbed Phoebe's head with a smile.

Phoebe didn't resist his approach.

Misaka Mikoto told him the latest situation and asked him to help find a way to wake up Jenny.


Bai Ye nodded.

Walking to Bushu Toxin, he looked at the various data on the screen.

Bu Shu Texin looked at him.

Where did this boy seem to be seen?
Think carefully and recall carefully.

Then I remembered: it was the boy who helped her get rid of her bad entanglement one night.

Unexpectedly, this boy actually knew Misaka Mikoto.

And judging from the fact that Misaka Mikoto contacted him when encountering difficult problems, could this boy be very powerful?
This question will soon have an answer.

"The specific operation is still in your charge, I will tell you the method, first here, then here..."

The boy told her how to wake up Jenny, and explained to her why he did it by the way.

Misaka Mikoto checked the time and stopped Bai Ye's long speech: "Don't explain it yet, let's talk about it after the missiles in the sky are settled."

"Okay, let's make a long story short."

Bai Ye followed the good advice, omitting the explanation, and only told Bu Shu Dixin what to do next.

After explaining quickly, she turned around and walked towards Misaka Mikoto.

"So what? What do you want me to do?"

"Take me to space."

"no problem."

The dialogue is simple, but the content is compelling.

Bushu Toxin and the three members of Study who stayed at the headquarters all looked at them.

In the mouths of teenagers and girls, why does it feel like going to space is easy?
It's really easy.

First tie up the three behind-the-scenes black hands and throw them aside, let Bu Shu Dixin take care of Feibri.

Then Misaka Mikoto followed Bai Ye to outer space.

In fact, you can run up directly with the Five Elements Escape Technique, just like moving in space.

But Misaka Mikoto felt that the opportunity was rare, so she chose to fly up slowly.

It is said to be slow, but the speed is still very fast.

The academy city under his feet is rapidly shrinking, and the entire archipelago is rapidly shrinking.

"Actually, you can also come up by yourself, and you can fly 30 kilometers in one second."

" up directly and die in space, right?"

Misaka Mikoto rolled her eyes.

She knew that she could become an electric light by combining human and sword.

But she doesn't have the ability to survive in space yet, if she really wants to run up, she will only lose her life here.

Bai Ye smiled at her, did not continue the topic, but motioned the girl to look away.

"Look, this is the universe."

Misaka Mikoto turned her head to look.

In the boundless darkness, there are countless lights shining brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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