boy of science

Chapter 218 "What did you do all of a sudden?!"

Chapter 218 "What did you do all of a sudden?!"

Dark, silent, bright star clusters, boundless.

This is the universe.

Looking up at the vastness of the universe, looking down at the abundance of categories.

Misaka Mikoto looked at the boundless universe, at the earth under her feet, and at Jupiter and Saturn in the distance.

"Can I see the sun?"


After asking for permission, the girl turned her head to look at the sun.

First, he squinted his eyes, blinked a few times, and then opened his eyes wide, looking at the huge sun star that seemed to be burning with raging flames.

Compared with the sun, the earth is so small.

Compared with the Milky Way, the sun is so tiny.

Compared with the entire universe, the Milky Way is so tiny.

Human beings are smaller.

Compared with this boundless universe, those things on the earth seem to be irrelevant.

The hand he held with the young man tightened slightly, but soon relaxed.

"Brilliant and dazzling stars, aren't the distances between them all very far away?"

"It's basically like this. Of course there are some that are relatively close, but they can't get too close, otherwise they will only destroy each other."

As the boy spoke, he pointed to the earth and other planets in the solar system.

"These planets are probably the closest to the star, but they are still far away, otherwise there will only be destruction."

"...these planets all depend on the sun to live?"

"It can't be said that way. It should be that life on earth needs to rely on the sun to survive."


The girl nodded.

Then he looked at the young man beside him: "If you were the sun, and we are ordinary creatures who rely on the sun to live, maybe you can open a harem."


Bai Ye said it doesn't matter.

Misaka Mikoto withdrew her gaze and continued to look at the dazzling sun star.

"But you taught us how to refine Qi, so that we have the potential to become the sun and shine alone. If we really want to become like this, we can't get too close, or we will destroy each other; do you regret it?"

"What do you regret? Regret that you lost the possibility of opening a harem? Nothing, because I can turn into a black hole and swallow you all, and I guarantee that none of you can escape."


Misaka Mikoto seemed very speechless.

He rolled his eyes at the boy, then turned to look at the approaching missile.

Seven kilometers per second.


Very slow again.

Misaka Mikoto locked on to the missile approaching the earth silently, summoned the spiritual sword Zidian and flew towards it.

Missiles were easily destroyed.

Then they are crushed by electric shocks, completely crushed, and directly turned into basic particles, so as not to leave garbage in this cosmic space.

"This is probably 'electrolysis'."

Bai Ye said.

Misaka Mikoto ignored the topic, but put the spirit sword back into her body, and then looked towards the center of the Milky Way.

"It is said that the celestial bodies in the Milky Way revolve around a large black hole. Is this true?"

"Is it true or not? You have to see it with your own eyes to get the answer. How about it? Do you want me to take you to see it?"

"...No need, I'm afraid I won't be able to come back after I go."

"How is it possible, I will protect you."

"I was afraid that many years would have passed when I came back, and I would never see my parents, relatives and friends again."

"No, it won't be long. It will arrive in a short while, and it will come back after a few glances. It doesn't take long at all."

"...Let's forget it, we'll talk about it later."


Bai Ye nodded and did not continue this topic.

Misaka Mikoto didn't speak, and didn't seem to be in a hurry to go back, but looked at the things in the universe curiously.

Looking at the universe from above the earth has been done many times during the day and night, and I no longer have such a strong curiosity.

But it was the first time to bring a beautiful girl up to watch the space scenery.

So Misaka Mikoto was looking at the scenery, and he was looking at Misaka Mikoto.

No one spoke, it was very quiet.

"Silence" seems to be the theme of the universe.

It's been a long time.

Perhaps it was the satisfaction of curiosity, or maybe it was aware of his gaze, the girl suddenly turned her head and looked at him.

"What are you looking at me for?"

"Because you look good, these eyes, this small face, this nose, this mouth, this..."

"Okay, okay, you can't say anything good when you praise people, are you illiterate?"

The girl was slightly resentful.

What about "these eyes" and "these noses", even if you say "the fish fall into the wild goose, the moon is ashamed and the flowers are closed", it can sound better.

Byakuya kept smiling, looking happy.

Suddenly, he let go of his hand and put her in his arms instead.

The girl's heart rate broke the record in an instant, and her pretty face quickly turned from rosy to red as if it was about to bleed.

"Sud, what are you doing all of a sudden?!"

"This is the universe, the sea of ​​stars, and the ultimate romance. It's rare to come here. Of course, I have to do something special, so kiss me?"

"Kiss, kiss your head, I don't think it's so romantic, you don't even have the atmosphere...ummm~"

Without even creating an atmosphere, Bai Ye kissed her directly.

With the stars and the sea as the background, the lips of the teenager and the girl were pressed together, and there was not a very intense kiss at first.


Shokuhou Misaki has her own mission, which is to keep Jenny, Febri, and Fusutsu Teshin out of the guard's sight.

Therefore, the investigation and evidence collection by the police officers only targeted the five members of Study.

Huang Quanchuan Aiho was wronged, and was immediately reinstated as an official, and participated in the investigation of Study.

She was the only security officer who participated in the suppression of Study, so the disciplinary committee treated her much better than the other security officers.

The core of the suppression of Study is the 177th Branch of the Disciplinary Committee and Misaka Mikoto and other girls.

But Misaka Mikoto handed over the work of dealing with the police officers to Gufa Meiwei.

After returning from the space, he directly took Bushu Dixin, Jenny, and Phoebe away.

Take it to Mizuho Institute Hospital for a little physical examination.

Jenny and Phoebe are man-made humans, not human beings in the normal sense, so Netherland Chasing Soul said that he was helpless.

Fortunately, the drug formula has been obtained, so there is no need to worry about the lives of Jenny and Phoebe in a short time.

But we still have to find a way to help them adjust their physical condition.

The old rule: If you can't solve the problem by yourself, you can directly ask Bai Ye for help.

Of course Bai Ye would not refuse.

Misaka Mikoto looked down at her hands while Byakuya was examining the bodies of the two blond-haired young girls.

"You said before that palm thunder can cure diseases, right?"


"Can that be used to heal Phoebe and Jenny?"

"As far as they are concerned, the Thunder Palm won't have much effect, so let's honestly think of other ways."


Misaka Mikoto lowered her hands and said no more.

Bu Shu Dixin, who was on the sidelines, heard what Bai Ye said, and thought he was helpless, so he put forward his own ideas.

"Otherwise, I'll take them out of Academy City to a medical institution outside to see if they can adjust their bodies."

It's just that if that's the case, there's no need to leave Academy City.

Bu Shu Dixin was just worried that there would be danger coming to his door again here, so he thought it would be better to stay away.

By the way, I have to bring Jenny and Phoebe, because the status of "artificial human" might attract those strange researchers.

It's too dangerous to stay in this city.

(End of this chapter)

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