boy of science

Chapter 219 "No but, listen to me, you must be right."

Chapter 219 "No but, listen to me, you must be right."

Nunsu Toshin thought it would be better to take the android sisters out of Academy City.

It's too dangerous here.

Moreover, Jenny and Phoebe have special identities, so they may be targeted by those evil scientists or lawbreakers, and they will have to be arrested for experiments at that time.

So she wants to get out of the center of this storm as soon as possible.

But is there no danger outside?
Of course there are.

And there will be more, not less.

There are also many evil scientists and lawbreakers outside. If they are salivating over the technology of Academy City, if they know the identities of Jenny and Phoebe, they will 100% catch them back for research.

At that time, Bu Shu Dixin, a researcher who left Academy City, will not be spared either. Those people will not stop until they squeeze out the knowledge and technology in her mind.

And besides evil scientists and outlaws, there are also "magicians".

Some magicians are very hostile to the science camp. If they knew about the technological product of "artificial man", they would probably have to capture it and burn it to death.

The animated version of Misaka Mikoto didn't know that much information, so she let them go out with confidence, and luckily, nothing bad happened.

But Misaka Mikoto doesn't gamble on luck now.

"I think it's better for the three of you to stay."

Here in Academy City, if something happens, you can quickly support it, but it is not so easy outside.

"And if this guy can't solve the problem, I don't think anyone else can help Jenny and Phoebe adjust their bodies to a normal and healthy level."

After all, even Netherland Chasing Soul expressed helplessness.

That frog-faced doctor basically represented the highest level of human medical skills. If he couldn't solve the problem, other doctors probably couldn't solve it either.

So at this time, you can't rely on medicine alone, you have to rely on things like "magic" and "spells".

In Academy City, there is Aleister, a boss on the magic side.

But Misaka Mikoto did not take the wrong medicine, so naturally she would not go to the magician hiding in the dark cage.

Therefore, only Bai Ye can be relied on.


"No, but, you must have listened to me about this matter."


Fusu Toshin hesitated for a long time, but was finally persuaded by Misaka Mikoto and stopped thinking about leaving Academy City.

Bai Ye also got the test results and treatment methods.

"Don't worry, it's fine."

With a smile, he raised his hand and rubbed the heads of the two little girls.

Anyway, they are just tool people. The members of Study are too lazy to design different images, so Jenny and Phoebe are exactly the same in appearance, height and other aspects. The only difference is the dull hair on the head.

Sister Jenny has one fur and sister Phoebe has two.

The two sisters are artificial humans, different from ordinary humans. They probably feel the specialness of Bai Ye, so they treat him very close.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, they all nodded to express their understanding, and didn't say much, after all, they had lollipops in their mouths.

Let them sit on the hospital bed, Bai Ye got up and walked to Misaka Mikoto and Fusu Toshin.

Misaka Mikoto hurriedly asked: "How about it, how can I help them adjust their bodies?"

"Two ways."

Bai Ye held up two fingers and made a gesture of scissors.

It was actually very simple to help Jenny and Phoebe adjust their bodies, and he could do the job casually.

Just turn the bodies of the two sisters into chaos and reset them.

But he is not prepared to do so.

Anyway, there is no rush, you can take your time.

"One is to use technological means to adjust."

Bai Ye looked at Fusu Toshin, and then turned his gaze back to Misaka Mikoto.

"The other thing is to use the knowledge I taught you to help them adjust, practice true knowledge, help them adjust their bodies, and at the same time let you have a deep understanding of those theoretical knowledge."

"... Shall I help them adjust their bodies?"


Bai Ye nodded in affirmation.

Misaka Mikoto looked hesitant.

It's not that I don't want to, but I'm worried that my skills are not good. If there are any mistakes in the adjustment process, it will be troublesome.

Bai Ye saw her concern, and directly reached out to pat her on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, I have my back. Even if you accidentally kill them, I can bring them back to life."

"...What are you talking about?"

Misaka Mikoto complained for a while.

But he didn't continue to hesitate, but nodded and took the job.

Then discuss the specific details with Bai Ye.

Bushu Dixin originally wanted to listen in, but it turned out that the young girl said words she could not understand. She stayed by the side in a daze for a long time, but finally chose to give up and take care of Jenny and Phoebe.

She waited until the teenager and girl had finished speaking before asking her own question.

"What should I do with Jenny and Phoebe's place?"

"...Don't you live in the dormitory?"

"I've been fired."

Speaking of this, Bu Shude's confidence is a little complicated.

Originally, she was hesitant to transfer schools, after all, there is no better school than Changdian Shangji Academy.

In the end, she was kidnapped by Study before she could think about it. After she regained her freedom today, she called the school and found out that she had been expelled.

"Transfer" is a very normal thing.

But "expulsion" will have a little bad influence on her.

I used to have the confidence to go to any school, but now, those excellent schools may not accept her as a student.

"And I think it's better not to study, otherwise there will be no one to take care of and protect Jenny Fible."

"The book still needs to be read, and I will figure out the rest."

She said she was trying to figure it out on her own, but Misaka Mikoto still turned her head to look at the boy beside her.

Bai Ye still has a few subordinates, maybe they can help take care of the artificial human sisters, just like letting Cai Haimei take care of the last work.

But Bai Ye has a more suitable candidate: "Let Miku take care of them, rent another apartment there, and let Tixin bring Jenny Fible to live in."

Hatsune Miku and Dolly don't need to go to school, and they have plenty of time to take care of these two little girls.

Moreover, clones and artificial humans can just make them friends.

Hearing the boy call his name directly, Bu Shu Dixin turned to look at him, but didn't say much.

Misaka Mikoto thought for a while, then said she had no objection.

And so things settled down.

But Bushu Dixin, Jenny and Phoebe are going to make do in the hospital tonight, and they will move there after the renting is settled.

Let Bai Ye handle the matter of renting a house.

Study's "revolution" has just ended, and Misaka Mikoto still has a lot of aftermath to deal with. After all, she is the commander-in-chief of this battle against Study.

Bai Ye didn't care about those chores, and went straight to find Hatsune Miku.

In other words, Hatsune Miku is also an artificial human, just a different type from Jenny and Phoebe.

And it lacks some soul.

White nights like Jenny and Phoebe can actually be created, they just don't want to.

The current Hatsune Miku is not bad either.

It would be even more wonderful if a soul could be born.

(End of this chapter)

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