boy of science

Chapter 220 is "Misaka Force"?Or "White Night Force?"

Chapter 220 is "Misaka Force"?Or "White Night Force?"

Although Shokuhou Misaki also appeared near the battlefield in the morning, she just watched from the side and did not go to the battlefield in person.

She is afraid that if she does not go up, she will be punched and cried by the driven armor...

Well, if he was really going to be hit by the driven armor, he probably wouldn't be able to cry, because he had to be rushed to the hospital for emergency treatment.

Dolly also failed to go to the battlefield, just watching the fun from the sidelines.

Hatsune Miku killed many powered suits with her scallions. Although she participated in the battle later, the number of her destroyed is second only to Mugino Shitoshi and Shirai Kuroko.

After the battle, Shokuhou Misaki had to help with the aftermath.

After finishing those miscellaneous things, I went back to the residence to eat melons and watch the show.

It is indeed eating melons.

When Bai Ye came back here in the afternoon, they were eating watermelon cut into small pieces, which looked very elegant and didn't get all over their mouths.

"You can't get souls from eating watermelon like this. You have to cut it in half and eat it with a spoon, or at least cut it into a half-moon shape."

Bai Ye complained directly, and taught them the correct way to eat by the way.

But Misaki Shokuhou immediately objected: "That's not elegant at all."

"Eating is nothing more than a life devouring another life. How elegant is this?"


Shokuhou Misaki suddenly felt that the watermelon in his mouth was neither fragrant nor sweet.

So he gave the young man a blank look, and muttered that he didn't know what he said.

Bai Ye didn't care about this, but ordered Hatsune Miku to rent the apartment next door.

Coincidentally, there is no guest next door.

Hatsune Miku is different from Mugino Shirley and the others, they obey Bai Ye's orders completely and unconditionally, so they call directly when they hear the order.

Having said that, sometimes she would complain about Bai Ye.

Shokuhou Misaki was curious about Bai Ye's sudden renting of a house, and only after asking did she realize that it was for the android sisters and Fusutoshin.

Dolly opened her eyes slightly: "Are they going to move here?"

"Well, yes, when Toshin is not around, you and Miku need to protect and take care of the blonde sisters."

"No problem, I'd love to."

Dolly was glad indeed, because it would give her new friends to play with.

Bai Ye reached out and pinched her cheek.

"Anyway, just get along well with them."


Study wants to overthrow the existing system of Academy City...

This is nothing, because there are too many people who have this kind of idea, including those who want to destroy Academy City, and many of them have already or are about to put it into action.

Study's armed rebellion was quickly extinguished...

It's nothing.

Twenty thousand driven suits sounds like a lot, but the combat power is not strong at all. Failure is normal, and success is only accidental.

There is a surprising situation in this incident: the third, fourth, and fifth joint actions in Level5.

Not only them.

In fact, discipline committee members, Anbu, Shokuhou faction, post-marriage aviation, etc. are also involved.

Academy City Level 5 only has seven, and here are three.

The dark organizations are all elites.

The Bee Shoku faction is the strongest faction in Tokiwadai Middle School, and its influence is not limited to Tokiwadai, but can affect many places in Academy City, and even bargain with the governing council.

The "Tai Artificial House" was reasonably and legally handed over to Shokuhou Misaki after consultation with the governing council.

If you count the families behind the members of the faction, the power of the "Shokuhou faction" will appear even stronger.

The consortium after marriage is a well-known family in the aviation industry, and its strength should not be underestimated.

Let's not talk about the discipline committee for the time being.

The fact that Misaka Mikoto was able to gather these strengths and direct them to do things made many people feel uneasy.

With the sudden emergence of a "Misaka faction", the existing balance is likely to be disrupted.

To be exact, the combination of three Level5s alone is enough to break the balance, not to mention that they need people and money.

If they take action, the existing world order will definitely be destroyed.

Most people just want to maintain the status quo and don't want to reshuffle the cards, so they are full of guard against the newly emerging "Misaka forces".

Many intelligence personnel lurking in Academy City received orders, basically "keep an eye on the newly emerging 'Misaka forces'".

No one asked the intelligence personnel to clean up Misaka Mikoto and other girls.

They knew how powerful Misaka Mikoto was.

The first time they broke into their line of sight was the purple light sweeping across the world, clearing away all the curse power, and the whole world became better during that time.

It's a pity that it didn't last too long, and soon the world was intertwined with all kinds of love and hatred.

The second time it showed its ability was when the spirit sword Zidian circled the earth a few times in the past two days.

Although the movement was relatively small this time, many people could feel the terrifying power contained in the purple light.

They couldn't tell how powerful Misaka Mikoto was, but they were very powerful anyway, so they didn't let their subordinates act rashly, lest they lose their lives casually.

The Aztec magician Azali also received new tasks.

Then just select "Report".

8 month 31 day.

The last day of summer vacation.

Misaka Mikoto left the dormitory, and was about to go to Bai Ye to arrange things for Fusu Toshin, Jenny, and Phoebe.

It didn't take long to find someone following him.

take a peek.

Oh, still an "acquaintance".

Familiarize him directly.

"Hey, magician, I said it before, if you dare to run in front of me again..."

"Please don't get me wrong, I just have something to tell you, something very important."

"...Say it."

"Many magic associations have identified you as the leader of the 'Misaka faction'. They are worried that you will disrupt the existing balance, and they may take necessary actions against you."


Misaka faction?

When did such an organization exist?


After reuniting with Bai Ye, Misaka Mikoto naturally told him about it.

By the way, I complained a few words: "What is the 'Misaka faction', where did the 'Misaka faction' come from, it should be called the 'Byakuya faction'."

The dark organization Item is Bai Ye's subordinate.

Saten Reiko, Uiharu Shiri and Shiraya have a close relationship.

After marriage, Guangzi also seems to have a good impression of Bai Ye.

Shokuhou Misaki and Bai Ye are in a cooperative relationship.

Even she, Misaka Mikoto, worked together with Shiraya.

So in fact, this low-key boy who has not been noticed by a few people is the core figure who can really unite many girls.

But the magicians outside didn't notice Bai Ye at all, and they might not even have heard of his name.

Hearing the girl's complaint, Bai Ye chuckled a few times.

"Isn't this good? You attract firepower in the front, and I develop wretchedly in the back. One light and one dark cooperate with each other. Those people or organizations who come to find fault will definitely be pitted to death."

"What's the matter, it's very troublesome, and if you really want to be bright and dark, why can't it be you who are bright and I who are dark?"

"It's the same for whoever is bright and who is dark."

Bai Ye waved his hand at the girl, expressing that he should not get entangled in such trivial matters.

Then directly hold her hand.

"Let's go, let's make arrangements for Phoebe and the others first."


(End of this chapter)

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