boy of science

Chapter 221 "You don't need to change your surname when you get married, you can still be

Chapter 221 "You don't need to change your surname when you get married, you can still be called Misaka Mikoto."

It was not troublesome to arrange for Bushi, Jenny, and Phoebe.

Pick up the three of them at the hospital, and take them to the apartment that Hatsune Miku rented.

Then it's over.

The three of them live here, and they are neighbors with Hatsune Miku and Dolly.

Hatsune Miku and Dolly helped take care of the two blond girls when Libu Shutoshin went to school on weekdays.

If in danger, Hatsune Miku will become their bodyguard.

"Miku has nothing else to do except singing, dancing and playing with her, so if you have a problem, just go to her. If it's a problem that Miku can't solve, then go to Mikoto-chan."

Sing and dance to earn a little money for daily expenses.

To play with is simply to play with Dolly, and occasionally to accompany that little blonde girl, Fremea.

Starting today, I will accompany two more young blonde girls.

Hatsune Miku is very good at taking care of children. After all, there are various "capable older sister" models, and she has gained a lot of experience from the little girl Fremea.

It may be that they noticed that Hatsune Miku is different from ordinary people, so Jenny and Phoebe are also very happy to get close to her.

All three of them are artificial humans, but the types are different.

In some respects, Dolly is also an artificial human.

Next, we will get along for a long time, and we have to rely on Hatsune Miku and Dolly to take care of and protect the two little girls, so Fusu Teshin, who is not very good at communication, is forcing himself to build a good relationship with them.

Bai Yeqing, who noticed her behavior, couldn't help but nodded with emotion.

"A mother is strong."

"...When did she become a mother?"

Misaka Mikoto who was standing next to her couldn't help complaining.

Before Bai Ye could give an explanation, another blond girl came here.

"Ah, you've arrived."


Misaka Mikoto turned her head and saw that it was Shokuhou Misaki who was coming.

Recently, the relationship between the two of them has improved a lot. Although the degree of intimacy can't be said to be very high, at least they won't hate each other like before.

In Shokuhou Misaki's mind, it was obvious that Dolly was more important, so he didn't tell Misaka Mikoto much, and soon accompanied Dolly to chat with the two little blonde girls.

Misaka Mikoto poked Bai Ye's waist with her finger, and glanced at the boy with some inexplicable meaning in her eyes.

"Are you really just a cooperative relationship with her?"


Bai Ye didn't lie, the relationship between him and Shokuhou Misaki is indeed relatively simple, it can be said that each takes what he needs.

He didn't even flirt with the blond girl much, it just happened to bring up certain topics during the chat, so he just said a few words in a crooked manner.

But Shokuhou Misaki did give him a lot of benefits.

And the most memorable benefit for him is obviously the scenery he saw last time on the uninhabited island because of the strapped swimsuit falling off.

I have to say, that perk is really great.

Thinking about it, I couldn't help turning my eyes to Shokuhou Misaki's skirt.

The girl was talking to Dolly and the others, when she suddenly felt something, she turned her head and found that Bai Ye was looking at her.

To be precise, it was looking at the hem of her skirt.

Shokuhou Misaki could easily spot where the young man's eyes fell, and immediately remembered the beach trip on the uninhabited island.

Obviously it was something that was "forgotten" with great difficulty, but the memory became clear again.

Immediately, some embarrassment turned into anger.

"What are you looking at?!"


Fusutsu Teshin who was talking to Hatsune Miku, Dolly, Jenny, and Phoebe all turned to look at them.

Misaka Mikoto also stared at Shirao expressionlessly.

This time the boy was not so direct, he just said "Look at the scenery".

Without waiting for anyone to ask "what to see" about the scenery, he pretended to be nonchalant and changed the subject: "Speaking of which, it's almost time to prepare lunch, Mikoto, let's eat here before leaving."


Both Misaka Mikoto and Shokuhou Misaki snorted softly, but said nothing more.

Dolly seems to have realized something, probably because she remembered what happened that day.

Hatsune Miku didn't care that much, just turned and walked towards the kitchen.

Bai Ye also turned around and walked over.

"I'll do it, you help me."


Today, Hatsune Miku's expression is obviously "virtuous" and "obedient and obedient", so it looks relatively quiet.

Misaka Mikoto, who had regained her senses, chased after her.

"I'll help too."

The rest of the girls didn't join in the fun with the past.

Sometimes too many people are not helpful, and three people in the kitchen are just right.

No one finds it strange that Bai Ye can cook.

Most middle school students in Academy City can cook simple meals, after all, they can't always go out to eat out.

And the vast majority of schools do not provide three meals a day like Tokiwadai.

Among the ladies, there are some who know how to cook like Misaka Mikoto, and there are those who don't know anything at all like Wannei Kinuho and Pafu Wanbin.

So Misaka Mikoto was able to find that Bai Ye's cooking method was different from what she knew.

After looking carefully for a long time, he asked curiously, "Could it be that what you cook is Chinese food?"

"Yeah, is there a problem?"

" you like Chinese food?"

"It's not a matter of likes or dislikes, but of daily eating habits."

"You grew up here, how could you have such a habit?"

Misaka Mikoto thought it was amazing.

Although Academy City is relatively independent, it still belongs to an island country in the final analysis, and its culture and eating habits have not undergone fundamental changes.

Bai Ye grew up in Academy City, so it stands to reason that his eating habits should be Japanese.

It turns out that Chinese food is a eating habit.

Speaking of which, judging from his usual performance, this young man's ideology and culture seem to be biased towards the ancient country next door.

"Could it be that you were from the next country in your previous life? Did you forget to drink Mengpo soup when you reincarnated?"


Bai Ye was too lazy to discuss this, so he changed the subject immediately after speaking.

"It's good to have a neighbor next door. For example, you don't need to change your surname when you get married. You can continue to be called Misaka Mikoto when you marry me in the future. You don't need to change it to 'Bai Mikoto' or something. How nice it is."

"Who, who is going to marry you, nonsense, shameless, bah~."

Misaka Mikoto blushed, hid aside to handle the ingredients, and did not discuss these topics with him again.

Bai Ye just smiled and didn't say anything more.

Anyway, let's get lunch done first.


Bu Shu Dixin definitely wants to continue her studies, after all, it is related to her future.

Even if she is a gifted girl, she must be educated the day after tomorrow, otherwise she will be like "Shang Zhongyong" said: she will be lost to everyone.

So after lunch, she went to find a school that could accept her.

Bai Ye and Misaka Mikoto took Jenny and Phoebe to go shopping.

Mainly to buy daily necessities such as toothpaste, toothbrush, clothes and shoes.

One of them led a little girl, and as they walked, Bai Ye suddenly said, "What do you think, how about we have twins in the future? Well, I want twin daughters, but I don't want sons."

"What, what, just have a baby, we haven't reached that step yet."

"Hey, where are we going now?"



(End of this chapter)

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