boy of science

Chapter 222 The Beautiful and White Hime Kami Akisa

Chapter 222 The Beautiful and White Hime Kami Akisa

Bai Ye and Misaka Mikoto took Jennifer Bree around for the whole afternoon, and it was not until evening that they brought the android's blond sisters back to their residence with many convenience bags.

They didn't eat dinner together, but left separately.

Tomorrow is the new semester, so we still need to make some preparations for the start of school.

Hime Kami Akisa also had to make preparations.

Mainly mental preparation.

Although Yueyong Xiaomeng was taking care of her, it was an unfamiliar environment after all, and she didn't know what to face when she got there, so the girl was a little nervous.

In order to relieve the tension, he sent an email directly to Bai Ye.

So Bai Ye, who left the apartment, was going to meet Hime Kami Akisa in the girl's boudoir (dormitory).

The dormitory is a normal single dormitory, nothing special.

But the girl's boudoir always arouses the curiosity of many opposite sexes of the same age.

Many teenagers don't get the chance to peek into the secrets of a girl's boudoir.

Bai Ye is different from those boys, he can go to many girls' boudoirs.

You can go when you are invited, or you can go without an invitation.

The only victims so far are Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko. One night, Bai Ye broke into their boudoir without permission.

Of course, Shirai Heizi did not see Bai Ye.

This time, he received an invitation from Himegami Ayusa to enter her room in a serious manner.

The room layout looks rather plain.

Hime Kami Akisa is no longer the familiar shrine maiden costume, but a female student uniform from a certain high school.

Sailor uniform.

Girls' school uniforms in many schools are sailor-style uniforms, and the differences are very obvious. It can be said that each has its own advantages.

The uniforms of male students are relatively simple, mostly white shirts and black trousers.

Only a few schools are more particular about school uniforms that are similar to suits or other styles.

The sailor uniform has the advantages of a sailor uniform. Wearing a school uniform, Hime Kami Akisa looks more youthful and beautiful, which is incomparable to that shrine maiden uniform.

Moreover, the exposure of the maiden uniform is relatively low, and the exposure of the school uniform is relatively high.

Of course, this is talking about normal witch costumes, not some weird cosplay witch costumes.

Hime Kami Akisa's skin is very fair, she is truly beautiful and fair, so her white thighs look a bit dazzling.

After Bai Ye came in, he stared at her legs.

Sensing his gaze, the girl clamped her legs slightly, but soon relaxed.

Instead of provoking this topic, he invited Bai Ye to sit down in the room and served the prepared meals.

It happened to be dinner time now.

The girl's cooking skills can't be said to be very good, and of course it's not bad, either. In short, it feels quite ordinary.

"Culinary skills at Saten's level are really rare."

The boy who was having dinner thought so.

Jigami Ayusha didn't know what he was thinking, but looked at him expectantly, as if he wanted to get his compliment.

Bai Ye looked at her a few times, but was finally defeated.

no way.

Who made this girl a beautiful and lovely girl?

"Not bad, very delicious."

Then the girl's expression and eyes changed.

He didn't smile, because his face was slightly paralyzed, and his expression rarely changed.

But there was a smile in his eyes.

She didn't speak, but Bai Ye took the initiative to bring up the topic of school opening.

"I have to go to school again tomorrow."


"New school, new environment, new classmates, do you feel nervous?"


"Don't worry, the students there are probably pretty good, and Xiaomeng is still your class teacher. If it really doesn't work, just tell me, let's change schools."


Ji Kami Qiusha just nodded to express his understanding, and didn't say anything superfluous, which made Bai Ye feel a little speechless.

After thinking about it, he smiled and threw out another sentence: "You sleep with me tonight."


Ji Kami Qiusha nodded habitually before realizing it.

"Eh? Ah, that..."

The fair face seemed to have turned into a red apple, making one want to take a bite.

Bai Ye's expression remained unchanged: "I thought you became unable to speak and could only 'hmmmm', but now it seems quite normal."

At least I said a few more words.

Hearing this, Ji Shen Qiusha was stunned for a moment, then bit his lip, and there seemed to be some resentment in his eyes.

Love is just a joke.

Although the boy was close to her, he always felt that he was not close enough.

Although we meet occasionally, go shopping or have a meal together, it doesn't feel like a date.

How can we get closer to each other?

"By the way, have you thought about the future?"

Bai Ye asked suddenly.

Hearing this, Jishen Qiusha was slightly taken aback: "In the future?"

"Yes, what do you want to do in the future? What kind of person do you want to be? Have you never heard of these questions?"


There is really no such long-term goal, and the short-term goal is to study hard.

Besides reading and studying, she didn't know what to do, and she didn't know what else she could do.

So he stared at Bai Ye again: "What kind of person do you want me to be?"

"Don't ask me, it has nothing to do with me, the key is your own thoughts."

"...I want to know what you think, what kind of person do you want me to be?"

Hime Kami Akisa seemed serious.

Bai Ye looked at her twice, and then gave her an answer.

Weird answer as always.

"Be my maid, bound to me forever, until the end of my life."

After he finished speaking, he paused, and then asked with a smile: "How, is this answer what you want? Is it something you can do?"


Ji Kami Qiusha blinked, seeming a little dazed and innocent.

This answer...

Not too unexpected.

After all, having known each other for such a long time, she more or less knows what kind of person Bai Ye is.

After a long silence, it seemed that a decision had finally been made.

"If this is your wish, then I..."

"Stop it, I hope you can be like the sun in the sky, shining and beautiful alone, without relying on others to live, this 'others' includes me."

He paused at this point, and then sighed softly: "Of course, the previous hope is also true. The world is indeed full of contradictions."

Before Jigami Qiusha could say anything, Bai Ye changed the subject again and continued talking about the start of school tomorrow.

Jigami Qiusha is a very simple girl.

Regardless of whether the meeting between them was a perverted plan by Aleister, anyway, Bai Ye is very happy to associate with this girl, so she will take care of her in every way.

Although I didn't care much about her at the beginning.

Anyway, if she was really unhappy in a certain high school, then Bai Ye would definitely help her change schools.

Talking while eating dinner, when the dinner is over, almost everything that needs to be said has been said.

Bai Ye didn't stay long, but got up and said goodbye and left: "Don't worry, don't think too much, just come to me if you have any questions, as long as I want to help, I will definitely help you."

"...So is there anyone who doesn't want to help?"

"If you find a boyfriend and ask me to help other men, then I really don't want to help."

Bai Ye shook his head and left directly.

"I still have an appointment with another girl, so I left first; Oh, by the way, when you arrive at school, remember to stay away from a bad boy named 'Kamijo Touma', so as not to be taken advantage of by him."


(End of this chapter)

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