boy of science

Chapter 223 "Oni-chan will sleep with me tonight."

Chapter 223 "Oni-chan will sleep with me tonight."

The so-called "dating with other girls" naturally refers to Saten Renko. After a few days, the girl will continue to learn Qi refining, and the location is still in her dormitory room.

Being alone for a long time has made the girl get used to it, and she won't feel as nervous as she did at the beginning.

Judging from Bai Ye's usual performance, she reasonably suspected that the boy would do some strange things while teaching her how to refine qi.

As a result, nothing was done.

Not even a few words of those strange words were said.

To be precise, in the past few days, like a few days, like a dozen days, anyway, Bai Ye seldom heard those strange words.

May be tired of playing?

In Saten Reniko's eyes, Bai Ye was indeed playing.

Those strange words were said for fun, without any other meaning.

Of course, this "fun" is fun in the cognition of teenagers, and has nothing to do with other people's wishes.

She hadn't done this behavior of lifting her skirt a few times, and she could count it with one slap, not as many times as she lifted Chuchun's skirt.

She lifted Chuchun Shili's skirt almost every day.

Sometimes more than once.

But let's not talk about that.

Bai Ye stopped saying strange things and did not do strange things.

This situation did not make her feel relaxed, but rather complicated.

If Bai Ye finds something more interesting, he will probably leave them?
Loving the new and disliking the old is a problem that many people will have.

Tonight's Bai Ye also didn't say much, got up and left after the lecture.

Saten Ruiko sent him outside the door.

"That, classmate Bai Ye."


"You recently, that..."

Saten Reniko wanted to ask clearly, but she was really too embarrassed to ask.

Do you want to say things like "Why don't you come to tease me", "Why don't you come and lift my skirt"?
Girls still need face, and they know what "shame" is.

Only Bai Ye, who has no face and no skin, can say those strange words without any worries.

Bai Ye looked at her who was hesitant to speak, and waved her hand directly without asking.

"Go to bed early, I have to go to school again tomorrow."

He left without looking back.

Saten Renko looked at his fading figure and could only sigh helplessly.


Frenda and Fremea are still living in Bai Ye's dormitory.

School will start tomorrow, so it stands to reason that Fremeia has to rush back to the No.13 school district, but she still stays here until now.

Judging from the pouting expression, she should be very unhappy now.

"What's the matter, Fremea, hasn't Frenda let you drink hot cocoa again?"


"Then why are you unhappy?"

Bai Ye walked to the edge of the bed and sat down, reaching out her hand to pinch her pouting mouth.

Fremea pushed his hand away, full of resentment: "I've lived here for so long, O'Neill probably hasn't taken me out to have a good time, and I have to study at home almost every day~"

"Oh, I'm not happy about that."

Bai Ye raised her hand and rubbed her little head.

"If you don't play, you don't play. The days to come are still long, and there is plenty of time to play with you slowly."

"Later is later, now is now."

"what differences are there?"

"I'll grow up in the future, the eight-year-old summer vacation is unique meow~!"

"Not only is eight years old unique, but also nine years old, ten years old, whatever age you are, why should you care about that?"


The little girl snorted softly, and continued to pout to express her displeasure.

Bai Ye turned to look at Flanda who was sitting next to her and reading a book.

The blond girl shrugged helplessly, expressing that she had no choice.

So Bai Ye withdrew his gaze, and rubbed Fremea's face with his hands instead.

"Then what do you want me to do?"

"Oni-chan will sleep with me tonight."

"That's it?"


"You are really easy to please."

Bai Ye stopped kneading her face, and instead stroked her little head with his hands.

Fremea pouted.

It's not that she is so easy to satisfy, it's just that she can't make too many demands.

Although neither Bai Ye nor Frenda emphasized it, Fremea knew very well in her heart that she and Bai Ye were actually master-servant relationships.

Bai Ye liked her very much, and even doted on her in various ways, but she didn't dare to be proud of her.

That's fine now.

Upon hearing her request, Frenda opened her mouth, hesitated to speak, and finally remained silent.

Let's sleep together.

She'll be there anyway.

Although this bed sleeps three people it will be a bit cramped.

"That's it, it's almost time to go to bed, and tomorrow you have to leave early to go back to the No.13 school district."


Fremea nodded, didn't say any more, but jumped off the bed and ran to the kitchen.

A cup of hot cocoa before going to bed is her habit.

Bai Ye turned to look at Frenda.

"You have lived with me for a long time, go back to accompany Shen Li and the others tomorrow."


Frenda has no objection.

Originally, he was supposed to go back after getting started in qi refining, but it was only because he took Fremeia over during the summer vacation, so he brought his younger sister to continue to live here in Bai Ye.

Now that Bai Ye has spoken, she can only be honest and obedient.

I didn't say much after that, I had to sleep and rest.


9 month 1 day.

The summer vacation is over and the new semester has arrived.

Many students are still immersed in the holidays and are full of resistance to such things as "going to school".

Fremea didn't want to go to school either, because she didn't even have time to enjoy her summer vacation.

At dawn, Frenda woke her up to brush her teeth, wash her face and have breakfast, and then she was taken away from Baiye's dormitory and boarded the car to No.13 school district.

She went to elementary school in the No.13 school district, and the dormitory was naturally there.

Bai Ye also left the dormitory and went to school. He seemed to meet many classmates on the way, but no one greeted him.

He didn't bother to care about those people, they were just passers-by in his life.

The school has not changed, and it is still ordinary.

Students are still those students, teachers are still those teachers.

As for whether there are fewer or more people, it's hard to say.

Anyway, for Bai Ye, Saten Reiko, Uiharu Shitoshi, Xiao Mu, Mako, Ming Mei and others, there are indeed two new students in the class.

In spring, put on the clothes and branches first.

They did not wait for the head teacher Da Yu to take them to the class to introduce them to the whole class as usual, but ran directly to the class when they arrived at school.

With Bai Ye, Saten Reiko, and Uiharu Riza who I know, I don't need to care too much about other things.

By the way, I also got to know Xiaomu, Mako, and Mingmei.

These three girls also have very good personalities, and they quickly got closer to the two new classmates, and even agreed on where to go to play after school.

Chun Shang Jinyi turned to look at Bai Ye: "Will Bai Ye go?"

"I'm not going."

Bai Ye refused.

After school, he was going to go to the theater, and by the way, observe and study the magic of the black-skinned hot girl magician.

Speaking of which, what was the magician's name?

Think about it carefully, and then remember.

"Ah, Shirley."

Shirley Cromwell.

A female magician from the Puritan Church of England who tried to provoke a war between the science side and the magic side.

Blonde hair, by the way.

Too bad it's not a girl.

It's hard to say if it's a young woman, anyway, it's not Bai Ye's favorite type.

(End of this chapter)

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