boy of science

Chapter 224

Chapter 224
Shirley Cromwell.

Member of the English Puritan Church of Necessary Evil.

Because he wants to avenge his dead friend, he prepares to start a war between science and magic.

Without the permission of the Puritans, she came to Academy City alone, and the target of her action was Index.

As long as the "Prohibited Book Catalogue" is killed, it will definitely trigger a war.


Shirley Cromwell's invasion went smoothly, because a certain general director, Aleister, who did not want to be named, secretly opened the door for her.

Aleister has Aleister's thoughts and plans.

Of course, the specific situation cannot be revealed.

So in the face of Motoharu Tsuchimikado's question, the director's tone was flat.

"This side is also tracking the location of the intruder."

Facing Aleister like this, Tsuchimikado Motoharu directly threw out a photo and said a lot of information about Shirley Cromwell.

Finally, a warning is issued: "If it is not handled well, it will cause a rift in the relationship between the two parties."

The "both parties" here refer to Academy City and the British Puritan Church.

To be specific, it should be the Aleister faction in Academy City and the Laura Stuart faction in the Puritan Church in England.

They are working together.

The main thing is that Laura still doesn't know that the general director is her mission target, otherwise the cooperative relationship will probably break down in an instant.

Tsuchimikado Motoharu didn't bother to think so much, he was just going to take care of this matter.

"In short, I will clean up Shirley, and I, who is also a magic force, will come forward, and the disturbance caused will be relatively small."

But as soon as he finished speaking, Aleister vetoed it.

Tsuchimikado Motoharuhei pretended to be stupid, but he was actually very smart, and he guessed Aleister's plan in no time.

"You're going to make Kamijou fool again..."

"This can omit the steps from 2082 to 2377."

"The imaginary mathematics area, the control method of the five elements mechanism?"

The existence of the imaginary mathematics area is hardly a secret.

There are relevant urban legends circulating among students in Academy City, but ordinary students cannot be sure whether the imaginary mathematics area really exists.

Many magicians on the magic side also noticed the existence of the imaginary mathematics area.

Like Shirley Cromwell.

He is clearly a magician on the magic side, but he knows more about the imaginary mathematics area than the students living in Academy City.

Tsuchimikado Motoharu naturally knew about this.

Aleister gave a rare chuckle.

"After all, this crazy horse is enough to tear the world apart. It is a good thing to hold the reins early."


At the same time, Index ran to a certain high school, and went directly to Kamijou Touma's classroom.

Then Yueyong Xiaomeng pushed her out.

After saying something like "Don't come to disturb the class", Yueyong Xiaomeng directly took out another banknote and stuffed it into her hand.

"Okay, little nun, use this car to go home."

When it was over, he turned around and brought the real transfer student Hime Kami Ayusa into the classroom.

Jishen Qiusha lived in her home for a while, and was very familiar with her, and also had a close relationship with Bai Ye, so naturally he needed to take care of her a little more.

But when I think about it, I feel wrong: it is obviously a relationship between rivals in love, why do they have to be friendly?


Instead of going home, Index hangs out at a certain high school.

It could be simply getting lost.

Anyway, it was a "coincidence" to meet a girl named "Kazezhan Binghua".

The two innocent girls chatted happily.

Index also complained by the way, saying that Kamijou Touma pretended not to see her in the classroom just now, and didn't prepare lunch for her.

"Kamijo Touma..."

Feng Zhan Binghua's eyes flickered when he heard this name.

But no one noticed.

Index was still complaining, and by the way, she didn't want to leave, so she wanted to stay and ask Kamijou Touma what to do about lunch.

But her outfit is too conspicuous here.

In the end, it was Feng Zhan Binghua who gave her an idea: "It will probably be no problem to change into a new suit and blend in with the environment."


Index is as good as others.

Just do it.

With the help of Feng Zhan Binghua, he found a place to change his clothes.

Since I don't have a school uniform, I thought about using sportswear instead.

But Feng Zhan Binghua did not change.

Instead, check whether the clothes on your body are at risk of falling off.

The result is no.

And here, Index hadn't put on her tracksuit yet, when suddenly the door of the room was opened by a hedgehog with a decrepit face.

Needless to say, the hedgehog head was directly bitten by Index a few times.

Feng Zhan Binghua didn't speak, but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, she didn't follow suit.


Bai Ye's treatment in school has not improved, and other classmates still regard him as a bad boy, only Saten Renko and Uiharu Shiri are close to him.

Of course, Xiaomu, Mako, and Mingmei are also indispensable.

But these three girls are close to Bai Ye, but in fact they are not very close, if they are not close, they seem to be very close.

Anyway, here at school, we always get together to chat.

Now there are two more girls who are close to Bai Ye: Chunshang Jinyi and Zhi Xianbanli.

Although Edasaki Banri and Bai Ye are not very familiar with each other.

The closest thing to Bai Ye is Harukami Jinyi, the degree of intimacy seems to be even lower than that of Uiharu Shiri and Saten Reiko.

The main reason is that Chunshang Jinyi dared to express himself and didn't care about other people's eyes at all.

In short, these two girls were isolated by other students on the first day they transferred to another school.

But it's not completely isolated, because there is still a small cozy circle.

Classmates, just passing by in a hurry.

Friends, three or five are fine.

If you count Misaka Mikoto, Shirai Kuroko and other girls, there are more than five.

Soon came the afternoon, school time.

Mumu, Mako, and Akemi took Harukami Jinyi and Esaki Banri to play as agreed, and Saten Saten Saten would also go.

Chuchun Shili originally wanted to follow, but suddenly received a call, saying that it was the work of a discipline committee member.

"There is someone who entered Academy City illegally, and I have to help search for it."

To briefly explain, Uiharu Shiri packed up his things and left the school directly to the 177th branch.

She is not suitable for running around outside, it is better to go back to the branch and sit in front of the computer.

Shirai Heizi had to search and investigate outside.

There are photos of illegal intruders posted on the mobile phone, and I don’t know where they got them. Anyway, it can greatly reduce the difficulty of work.

The traits of the intruder are obvious.

Female, at least in her 20s, with blond, uncut hair, messy looking, brown skin, looks like one of those dark-skinned babes.

Wearing something like a gothic lolita, but it seems a bit worn out.

Blonde hair is very conspicuous, and Shirai Kuroko mainly searches based on this.

First look to see if there are any blondes in the crowd.

If not go elsewhere.

If so, compare it with the photos on your phone.

In the end, she was found.

And the girl didn't have any disguise, she was dressed exactly like in the photo.

Now that you have found it, there is no need to say more.

Shirai Heizi took out the flare gun and fired an evacuation signal with a "snap".

Seeing this, the surrounding students quickly ran away, leaving a slightly dazed Shirley Cromwell standing there facing Kuroko Shirai.

She probably didn't understand what was going on.

(End of this chapter)

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