boy of science

Chapter 225 Something is wrong, something is wrong

Chapter 225 Something is wrong, something is wrong
Shirai Kuroko didn't know that Shirley Cromwell was a magician, but just regarded her as an ordinary person with no ability, thinking that she was like dealing with bad people before, using space movement to put the opponent on the ground, and then using steel nails to put the opponent on the ground. Nailing it to the ground will do the trick.

The steel nails are not nailed to the opponent's body, but to the opponent's clothes.

When the discipline committee members fight, they always want to subdue the suspect, and they will not casually maim or even kill the suspect.

It's just an illegal intruder, just catch it and hand it over to the guards.

But things are not that simple.

Shirley Cromwell is a magician, and a very powerful magician, good at summoning stone giant puppet magic.

While impaled, she chalked the spell on the ground, summoning part of the Golem.

A huge arm made of pitch-black rock suddenly appeared, directly pinching the unsuspecting Kuroko Shirai in his hand.


Shirai Heizi was very surprised, because he didn't expect the person from outside to be a person with abilities.

Could it be a raw stone ability user that has not been discovered before?
Now is not the time to think about that.

Shirai Heizi concentrated on "calculating", preparing to use the ability to move in space to escape the control of the stone giant's arm.

But before she could use her abilities, a purple light flashed, cutting the stone giant's arm that imprisoned her into rubble.

It's the Spirit Sword Purple Electric.

Misaka Mikoto found that the spirit sword she conceived was really easy to use, and she could operate it as she wanted, and under normal circumstances, there would be no "shake before casting spells".

Her signature skill "Railgun" requires preparation. The previous record was eight rounds per minute.

But now using the Spirit Sword Zidian can completely cut the enemy into 8000 yuan in an instant.

Shirai Heizi activated his ability and appeared three meters away, looking at the fallen gravel and at the place where the illegal intruder was.

But no one was seen, only steel nails nailed to the ground, and some black rags.

Shirley Cromwell tore her clothes abruptly and ran away.

This girl has her own affairs, so there is no need to entangle Shirai Heizi too much here.

And Misaka Mikoto is also here.

"Heizi, are you alright?"


Of course Shirai Kuroko had no problem, Shirley Cromwell did not control the stone giant and directly crushed her to death.

That girl is not a bloodthirsty character.

Although I really want to kill people now, I want to provoke a war between science and magic.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with Shirai Kuroko, Misaka Mikoto looked at the steel nails and black rags on the ground.

Trespasser, magician.

What did she want to do in Academy City?

Shirley Cromwell didn't pay attention to the close encounter just now.

Staying away from the girl with twin tails, writing spells everywhere with chalk, is still her best puppet magic.

But this time instead of summoning the stone giant, he summoned the eyes.

Stone giants can only summon one, and if there are too many, it will be difficult to control.

But the eyes can conjure a lot.

Let those eyes spread around to search for the whereabouts of the target person's "Forbidden Book Catalogue".


After school, Kazezawa Binghua was invited by Index to play in the underground mall together.

Kamijou Touma naturally followed suit.

But Feng Zhan Binghua didn't say anything to him, and kept away from this hedgehog as much as possible, and put an end to all behaviors that might lead to giving benefits.

For example, changing cosplay clothes and taking pictures.

Index forcibly pulled her into the changing room, but she still clutched at her clothes and refused to change.

So he successfully avoided being taken advantage of by the hedgehog head.


In a building without doors and windows.

Aleister was thinking because something was wrong.

To be precise, it was Feng Zhan Binghua's behavior that was not right, as if he was guarding against Kamijou Touma.

Could it be that she sensed the threat of "Fantasy Killer" to her?
There is this possibility.

But something still felt wrong.

What the hell is going on?

Bai Ye is also in the underground street.

But he didn't come to hunt down "illegal trespassers", nor did he come to "change the plot", he just came to watch the fun.

By the way, I also called Hime Kami Akisa together.

This girl went to a strange environment today and saw a strange classmate, she didn't know what kind of mood change she would have, so Bai Ye called her out to relax.

Hime Kami Akisha knew about Kazun Binghua's existence when he was in school.

But if you really want to say it, it can actually be traced back to earlier times.

"I used to be a student of Wuqiu Women's College, do you remember?"

"Well, what happened?"

"The student 'Feng Zhan Binghua' is always ranked at the top of Wuqiu Women's College, but no one knows what her abilities are, no one has even seen her, no one knows how many years and classes she is in, Those teachers said she was 'unidentified'."

Such a student suddenly appeared in a certain high school, and now it seems that he is still going shopping with a certain hedgehog and a little nun.

Ji Kami Qiusha felt very strange, so he discussed it with Bai Ye for a while.

But Bai Ye didn't seem to care about this.

"What's there to care about? I heard that there is also a student in Changdian School of Computer Science who only has a name and does not attend classes. Academy City has a lot of secrets. You don't have the ability to protect yourself now. Curiosity should not be too strong Better."

Sometimes, the more you know, the faster you will die, but you can live well without knowing anything.

Of course this is only relative.

In the absence of ability, ignorance is bliss.

Ji Kami Qiusha thought about his "vampire killer" ability that could only be used to deal with vampires.

Then he turned to look at the young man beside him: "Since the 'Vampire Killer' is sealed, can I accept ability development to obtain other types of abilities?"

"You are just sealed, not disappeared. According to the current theory and technology of Academy City, there is no way to develop new abilities."

"...That's it."

Hime Kami Akisa was a little disappointed.

Now she feels that she needs to be capable, otherwise she will only get farther and farther away from Bai Ye.

Although she hadn't seen it before, she knew that the girls around Bai Ye were basically capable people.

Because Bai Ye would occasionally tell her about those young girls.

Even Level 5 has three.

"Why, do you want to be capable?"

Bai Ye asked suddenly.

Ji Kami Qiusha nodded lightly: "If I have the ability, I can help you do something."

"I don't need your help with anything."

The current manpower is enough, and there are even several redundant staff.

Mugino Shirley and the others just have nothing to do all day long.

But Himekami Akisa's mood became a little complicated after hearing this.

Before she could say anything, three people came up to them suddenly, and they even greeted the young man beside him.

"It's Bai Ye, I didn't expect to meet you here."

It was Little Sister Index who spoke.

Kamijou Touma is not familiar with Byakuya.

He didn't know before the amnesia, anyway, he hadn't seen it a few times after the amnesia.

It's just that I often hear Index mentioning Bai Ye, saying that this boy is a good person, and he often invites her to eat and so on.

Feng Zhan Binghua and Bai Ye met for the first time.

The teenagers and girls looked at each other.

The boy showed a bright smile, while the girl lowered her head slightly blushing.

Ji Kami Qiusha glanced across their faces.

So it was love at first sight?
(End of this chapter)

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