boy of science

Chapter 226 So Just Send Him A Beautiful Girl?

Chapter 226 So Just Send Him A Beautiful Girl?
Index is very enthusiastic about Bai Ye.

Kamijou Touma neither seemed enthusiastic nor distant, and seemed to belong to the category of "doesn't matter".

Feng Zhan Binghua would blush when talking to Bai Ye, and there was a sense of intimacy in the eyes of the boy.

Others might not have noticed it, but Himekami Akisa could see it clearly.

Kamijou Touma also found that Kazezhan Binghua's attitude towards Bai Ye was more enthusiastic than his attitude towards him.

Could this girl belong to the Appearance Association?

Bai Ye seemed to be very interested in Feng Zhan Binghua, he kept talking to the girl, asking this and that, and even stretched out his hand to pinch the girl's face and touch the girl's head.

Ji Kami Qiusha was a little bit jealous, because Bai Ye seldom acted so close to her.

The closest thing is to go shopping hand in hand.

But Bai Ye didn't care about holding hands or not at all, and completely regarded "holding hands" as a very common thing.

And now it's not tied anymore.

Seeing the young girl who seemed to be chatting with each other more and more, Ji Shen Qiusha quickly grabbed the boy's hand.

Did not speak, just looked at him quietly.

Feng Zhan Binghua and Index didn't know much about this, so they didn't care.

Kamijou Touma was curious: Will the Shura field explode?


Aleister frowned slightly.

Although all kinds of monitoring methods lost their effect on Bai Ye, he knew what happened: that boy met Feng Zhan Binghua.

With Bai Ye's ability, he might discover something.

Don't let them have too much contact!
But how to separate them at this time?
Aleister, who was thinking about this question, soon felt a little relieved.

Because something is going to happen.


Shirai Kuroko took Misaka Mikoto to track down the illegal intruder, and found that the other party seemed to have entered the underground shopping mall, so he notified his colleagues and security guards of the discovery.

Because the other party is a dangerous "capable user", a decision was made immediately: evacuate all the people in the underground mall.

Huang Quanchuan Aiho, who received the news, has rushed to the scene with his subordinates fully armed.

The evacuation operation is mainly in the charge of the Disciplinary Committee, while the security guards are preparing for battle.

The voice of the discipline committee member sounded in the minds of the students playing in the underground mall, and they all left the underground mall obediently.

Disciplinary committee members searched the underground streets to prevent any "fish that slipped through the net".

By the way, see if you can lock the location of the illegal intruder.

Bai Ye, Hime Kami Ayusa, Kazaki Hiroka, and Index all heard the voice telling them to leave the underground mall.

Kamijou Touma didn't seem to hear.

Bai Ye glanced at it, then snorted lightly.

Another fucking plot need.

It is also a person with psychic abilities. Shokuhou Misaki can hear him through a voice transmission, but the discipline committee can't hear him through a voice transmission, right?
When did his right hand grow in his head?

Or is it that he (beep~) licked not the lower head but the upper head?

But now I'm not doing it either.

While guessing wildly, the phone rang suddenly.

I took it out and saw a number that hadn't been recorded.

So he directly refused to answer.

"Let's go, Qiusha, and you too."

Acting is a full set.

Although he knew that the little nun and the others couldn't leave, and that Hedgehog was going to fight the magician next, he still asked them to leave together.

Index and Feng Zhan Binghua are very obedient.

Hedgehog's face was blank: "Where are you going? Do you want to go shopping together?"

"go to hell."

Bai Ye was too lazy to explain to him.

Holding Jigami Ayusha's hand, he led her towards the exit of the underground shopping mall.

Suddenly the phone rang again, it was the same strange number just now.

This time I didn't hang up, but got connected.


"I hope you don't make a move."

The other party didn't talk nonsense, and directly stated their purpose.


Bai Ye was not surprised that this old pervert called himself.

As for why Aleister had his phone number...

Need I say more?
Asking him not to make a move is also very understandable.

Aleister wants to temper Kamijou Touma (Fantasy Killer) through various incidents, so this hedgehog has to solve the incident.

In addition, this time is also to speed up the "growth" of Fengzhan Binghua by the way.

Bai Ye was not prepared to make a move.

But Aleister didn't know this.

Judging from the boy's usual style of doing things, it is possible that he would do something like "hero saves the beauty", because he has rescued many girls who were surrounded by bad guys.

This boy just likes beautiful girls.

With such an obvious weakness, Aleister really wanted to take advantage of it, but it was a pity that there were no girls under his command who could complete this task.

Sometimes he even wants to turn himself into a beautiful girl to get close to the boy to get information.

Too bad that doesn't work.

On the one hand, he can't go out yet.

On the other hand, even if he transforms into a beautiful girl, he can't hide it from that boy.

"No shot? What good can I do?"

"……what do you want?"

"Now you are begging me. You should not look at what I want, but at what you can afford."


Aleister really didn't know what to give.

Because apart from flirting with beautiful girls, the boy behaved as if he had no desires and desires in all aspects, and money, reputation and status didn't matter.

So just send him a beautiful girl?
If this is the case, it seems that someone can be arranged to monitor the boy by his side?
Maybe they can also get information about the boy's abilities.

But the problem remains the same: there are no girls who can perform such a task.

Even if there is, what if the teenager uses his abilities to brainwash him?
Although the young man has never shown such ability, he always suppressed those girls in Anbu with force.

Bai Ye seldom uses his abilities, obviously hiding his clumsiness.

And as long as the ability is not used, no one knows what he can do, and there is no way to find weaknesses through analysis.

Of course, I have used some of my abilities, but it's a pity that I can't analyze much information just by relying on those abilities.

Let's not talk about this first.

After much deliberation, Aleister still couldn't think of a condition that would impress Bai Ye more than "beautiful girl".

"... How about I send you a beautiful girl?"


Send a beautiful girl?
Simply inexplicable.

"Do you think you will take it if you give it to me?"

"...Then what exactly do you want?"

Aleister seemed very speechless: "Judging from your usual performance, I don't know what to give to satisfy you except for beautiful girls."


Bai Ye thought about his usual performance, and found that his performance was indeed a bit exaggerated.

There is no way, after all, he is not a professional actor and his acting skills are not good.

In this case……

"I heard you have a 'leader'?"

"That won't work. I still need her to work for me."

Guests have to rely on "coordinate movement" to enter and exit the building without doors and windows, so it is impossible to send her to Bai Ye.

There is no way to send it, because Jiebiao Danxi has only an employment relationship with him, and he will not do other things except leading the way.

"Then forget it."

Bai Ye, who lost interest, made another suggestion: "Otherwise, the child care facilities I have stayed in before, you can allocate more funds to them?"


So the deal is done.

In the end, Aleister still reminded: "Don't make a move even if you ask the third one."

"I need to add more money to pay for the living expenses of those younger sisters."


(End of this chapter)

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